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Does Pi contain my phone number.

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Caesar the Great

    i guess we're just taken from one of those realities to another and that is consciousness... although wouldn't an exact copy of you be stuck somewhere (or more appropriately somewhen) at a point in time for eternity....
    Its a philisophical question to ask whether an exact permutational duplicate of me, in every regard including neural construction and content, with an identical universe to my perception except for one atomic difference (like a speck of space dust having one less proton) I'd say that that was a clone... yet I would be different if I ever perceived the differing space dust particle. Therefore there is a probability that I am the same.

    As to when... this exact state of the universe could have happened immediately after the inception of the universe, just like a pop-up book. So that me could exist any time.

    Since I cannot perceive another useful quantum field state... it will remain a philisophical question.


    • #92
      Originally posted by Anunikoba

      Sooo.. if a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it, then does it make a sound?

      Or, if a Quanta exists in a different reality, and we can't percieve that reality, does it exist at all?
      well the mind blowing thing is that we can perceive quantum effects... they are just difficult to measure. It looks like quantum states leave artifacts in our reality.

      If you place two uncharged utterly smooth plates 2 uf apart in a vacuum, they will move together. Why? because one half of a virtual particle appeared between them. They are using the property to work at sub nano scale, building new computers.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Ecthelion
        Does the "what do you look like" thread contain a picture of Caesar? No!

        I have a few good ones
        "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
        You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

        "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


        • #94
          Originally posted by orange

          I have a few good ones
          that depends on your definition "good" and my definition of "over my dead body"
          I'm 49% Apathetic, 23% Indifferent, 46% Redundant, 26% Repetative and 45% Mathetically Deficient.


          • #95
            Interestingly enough too.. QFT explains history... Your perception is the same going back on the state path that you travelled.

            I.E. in QF infinite states are many single states in reverse.


            • #96
              Incidentally, while pi's cool, e just sucks. I hate it. Stupid e.
              I agree. Stupid e

              Why has this thread taken 4 pages, when it needs a one word answer?
              Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
              "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


              • #97
                Originally posted by connorkimbro
                I'm gonna invent a new type of computer that uses every digit (0-9) instead of just 1's and 0's . . . and then try and open Pi in Notepad, to see what happens.
                They're already making great progress into multi-state computers that would ditch binary.
                "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                • #98
                  Originally posted by MrBaggins

                  well the mind blowing thing is that we can perceive quantum effects... they are just difficult to measure. It looks like quantum states leave artifacts in our reality.

                  If you place two uncharged utterly smooth plates 2 uf apart in a vacuum, they will move together. Why? because one half of a virtual particle appeared between them. They are using the property to work at sub nano scale, building new computers.
                  Thanx for your lessons in basic algebra and quantam mechanics- they are highly appreaciated. Hell! Even I read A Brief History of Time.

                  But my point is that when you speak of 'forwards-recursive infinite states', how relavant are all those other states of the quanta, if they are non-interacting with our percieved universe? (if, in fact, they exist at all)

                  Originally posted by connorkimbro
                  I'm gonna invent a new type of computer that uses every digit (0-9) instead of just 1's and 0's . . . and then try and open Pi in Notepad, to see what happens.
                  It will probably tell you the file is too large for notepad, and ask if you'd like to open it with Wordpad.

                  And its about damn time they abandoned binary!


                  • #99
                    Wombat: pi seems to be a subject that spawns discussion very quickly... And Squid hasn't yet even seen this thread...
                    This is Shireroth, and Giant Squid will brutally murder me if I ever remove this link from my signature | In the end it won't be love that saves us, it will be mathematics | So many people have this concept of God the Avenger. I see God as the ultimate sense of humor -- SlowwHand


                    • Originally posted by Anunikoba

                      Thanx for your lessons in basic algebra and quantam mechanics- they are highly appreaciated. Hell! Even I read A Brief History of Time.

                      But my point is that when you speak of 'forwards-recursive infinite states', how relavant are all those other states of the quanta, if they are non-interacting with our percieved universe? (if, in fact, they exist at all)
                      You can build a NMR component computer to perform quantum calculations, solve cryptographic problems and factors, and use other quantum behaviors such as teleportation (information teleportation) All QC concepts so far have either succeeded or are in the process being successfully developed. There is not yet one serious quantum computing concept that has failed. Solving decoherence is the issue; quata states have limited lifespans, so you have to create quantum error correction.

                      Just as modern planes prove the bernoulli principal, so do QC's prove quantum theory effects and lend serious weight to quantum theory.


                      • Just back a bit on pi, the question if pi does contain itself. Answer: Exactly once, beginning with the first digit.
                        (I understand "contains itelf" as "there is some n such that beginning with the n-th digit you have a full representation of pi").
                        The "once" is obvious, because starting with the first "3" you have a full representation of pi
                        Suppose there an n such that the n-th digit is 3, the n+1st is 1, n+2nd is 4 etc. (conveniently, let the first 3 be the digit number 0.) Then we know that the n+ith digit (i < n) equals the i-th digit. The 2n-th digit again is a 3. And so on. Which means in the end, pi is a periodic and thus a rational number, which it has been proved not to be. Therefore, there is no other digit than n=0 where you can find a copy of pi within pi.

                        A number that can be expressed as a fraction
                        MrBaggins, this post seems not to be complete, I guess you have forgotten to fit in some pictures. Anyway, I should explain what algebraic numbers age: They are those numbers that can be expressed as the zeros of polynomials with integer coefficients.

                        A good hint: Don't mess with infinity if you haven't understood why there are as many integers as rational numbers and why there are more real numbers than rational numbers.

                        Two problems for beginners: Imagine you have a hotel with an infinite number of beds such that each bed is labelled by an integer number. Each bed is occupied.
                        1) One bus full of n tired guests arrives. How do you fit them into the hotel?
                        2) An infinite number (also labelled with distinct integer numbers) each with n tired guests arrive. How do you fit them into the hotel?
                        Why doing it the easy way if it is possible to do it complicated?


                        • It's impossible to speculate on what Pi contains, since infinity is undefined.


                          • Originally posted by Adalbertus
                            corrected it missing two expressions at the bottom.


                            • Actually, we don't really know if Pi really is an irrational number, do we?

                              Since we've never seen the end to it, we can't be sure it doesn't eventually start repeating itself and become, albeit extremely complex, rational.


                              • Originally posted by MrBaggins

                                You can build a NMR component computer to perform quantum calculations, solve cryptographic problems and factors, and use other quantum behaviors such as teleportation (information teleportation) All QC concepts so far have either succeeded or are in the process being successfully developed. There is not yet one serious quantum computing concept that has failed. Solving decoherence is the issue; quata states have limited lifespans, so you have to create quantum error correction.

                                Just as modern planes prove the bernoulli principal, so do QC's prove quantum theory effects and lend serious weight to quantum theory.
                                Once again, I am not debunking quantum theory (as incomplete as it is) as yes, it does work. It is this statement:

                                "Everything happens, and keeps on recursively happening.

                                We only perceive one of those realities."

                                that fails the proof test.

