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Palestinians destroy Israeli tank

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  • Siro, we all see what we want don´t we?
    I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


    • Tsomsky rules.

      Hispublisher in Turkey barely escpaed prison. the turks accused him of separationist propaganda

      and Tsomsky went to his trial in constantinople and the turks didn;t dare to imprison and torture his publisher.

      tsomsky is a a bit full of himself but he gets


      • Are you drunk, paiktis? Or just in a hurry? (Sorry, couldn´t resist that one... )
        I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


        • in a very intense hurry, i do 3 jobs at once (one of them apolyton )


          • OK!
            I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


            • Originally posted by Kamrat X
              Siro, we all see what we want don´t we?

              I want to see the whole truth and strive to reach it, regardless of whether i fail objectively or not.

              You want to see a certain truth, and strive to reach it, regardless of the wholer truth.


              • Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
                That's why no major bookstore chain would sell him?

                That is 25 titles written by Chomsky right there.

                I read in an english source that most major american book stores do not carry his books.

                Amazon could be different because it's aims are world wide, and not the american public.

                And I agree with Kamrat, in the sense that I infinetly respect Arafat more than Sharon.
                Sharon : indirectly responsible for sabra & shatilla, since the brigade performing the massacare act on it's own. while there was bad judgement, the comitte failed to find any proof of premeditated intention.

                Arafat : directly responsible for dozens of terracts, from highjacking, to kidnapping, to small scale sabra and shattilas in Israeli kibutzes. Declared numerously that his goal is to wipe out israel and jews.

                I just figured something.

                You're very very biased.

                Let's assume your position and claim that Sharon is a war criminal, since he is reponsible for the deeds of the christian phalanges, whom he ordered to control grounds.

                According to that logic, Arafat is in the same way directly responsible for the dosens of terracts since his becoming leader of the PA, given that he has failed/refused to arrest terrorists, and every couple of months released already jailed terrorists from their cells.

                Not only that, but even palestinian sources admit that they not only freed the terrorists, but also supplied them with arms.

                Further more, the encitement, on the government TV, for which he is responsible, is to blame for starting the violent conflict.

                Using your logic, Arafat is a war criminal, directly responsible of sabotaging Israeli security and the peace process.

                And you choose to ignore that and in a bigotted way blame sharon.


                • If we argue leaders, there is no contest. Sharon = mediocre, Arafat = terrorist.

                  And here is a site for all of you:

                  Article from that site:
                  I refute it thus!
                  "Destiny! Destiny! No escaping that for me!"


                  • I read in an english source that most major american book stores do not carry his books.

                    Amazon could be different because it's aims are world wide, and not the american public.

                    I can go to the library right now and get tons of Chomsky books. Please know what you are talking about before you talk.

                    And yes, I respect Arafat more. He's a freedom fighter. It is easy to just cast off those in positions of weakness to be terrorists. That is what the British did with the Founding Fathers of the US. Arafat has been fighting for the freedom of an oppressed people, which makes him much better in my book that a General that slaughtered people that were in no way as strong as the country the general comes from.
                    “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                    - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                    • Originally posted by Comrade Tribune

                      Be afraid; be very afraid.

                      Wow dude....That is a very weak conspiracy.

                      I give you no chance vs the ZOGS and American Occupation forces.


                      • Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
                        Arafat has been fighting for the freedom of an oppressed people, which makes him much better in my book that a General that slaughtered people that were in no way as strong as the country the general comes from.
                        I wonder if the innocents at Munich felt the sameway.
                        I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                        For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                        • Originally posted by Sirotnikov
                          Sharon : indirectly responsible for sabra & shatilla, [...] the comitte failed to find any proof of premeditated intention.

                          "failed" ?
                          Zobo Ze Warrior
                          Your brain is your worst enemy!


                          • Originally posted by Comrade Tribune

                            Perhaps because the US like to censor their critics?
                            Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Would you care to compare the level of censorship in Austria with the level of censorship in the U.S. during any period in the last 100 years?

                            Originally posted by Comrade Tribune
                            He´s a bestseller over here.
                            We can and do read Chomsky. He's a moronic leftist when it comes to politics, and only highly regarded by a small group of lefties in this country. I'm not surprised that you people think so highly of him, it fits in nicely with the ignorance you so regularly display here.

                            Originally posted by Comrade Tribune
                            You know your assertion might actually be true for the US.

                            After all, Mark Twain has been forbidden literature in the US for decades. Or is he still?
                            Mark Twain has never been banned in the U.S., though for a while Huckelberry Finn was removed from some grade schools because it uses the 'N' word. Ironically it was some of Chomsky's own brand of philosophy taken to it's illogical extreme (political correctness and the belief that propoganda is more important than truth) which caused this.
                            He's got the Midas touch.
                            But he touched it too much!
                            Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                            • Originally posted by jugurtti

                              Oh dear. Maybe you need other sources of information than helsinginsanomat or the pinkish news of yleisradio, which seems to have some sort of pervert view to these things, thanks to the history of reporadio. Hamas=terrorists. Even if seen from here near the arctic circle.
                              Oh dear, maybe you should stick with finnish since you dont know what ? means
                              What I was saying was that this hamasguy maybe wasn't terrorist for the palestinian people, but a resister of the occupation, like the french undergound army which was declared as terrorist organization by the nazis. So It indeed depends from ones point of view
                              Que l’Univers n’est qu’un défaut dans la pureté de Non-être.

                              - Paul Valery


                              • Originally posted by laurentius
                                Oh dear, maybe you should stick with finnish since you dont know what ? means
                                What I was saying was that this hamasguy maybe wasn't terrorist for the palestinian people, but a resister of the occupation, like the french undergound army which was declared as terrorist organization by the nazis. So It indeed depends from ones point of wiew
                                You know, you could ask, "does Hamas perform terrorist acts, that is, acts against civilian targets for political means?" The answer would be "yes". Therefore, Hamas is a terrorist organization.
                                I refute it thus!
                                "Destiny! Destiny! No escaping that for me!"

