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The number of Jews in the world will fall by 33% by 2050

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Sirotnikov

    I again ask you to re-read why I compared him to haider.

    It was because he expressed happiness in reaction to hearing there would be less jews in the world.

    How would you judge his words?
    There is another interpretation. If it means a reduction in the numbers of any people (whatever the hell they class themselves as) who break the world down into "us" and "them", and try desperately to boost the "us" at the expense of the "them", then I would be less than unhappy too. It's a caveman mentality and the root of racism.
    The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


    • #92
      Originally posted by Bugs ****ing Bunny
      There is another interpretation. If it means a reduction in the numbers of any people (whatever the hell they class themselves as) who break the world down into "us" and "them", and try desperately to boost the "us" at the expense of the "them", then I would be less than unhappy too. It's a caveman mentality and the root of racism.
      A) He hasn't explained it so, even after I noted his remark, but rather tried to make me look racist.

      B) At exactly whose expense are jews trying to boost themselves?

      C) I disagree with you.

      I don't call it caveman mentality but rather human mentality.

      It's a fact - people are different and tend to devide into groups according to common grounds.

      Lately the groups got very large and we began calling them nations.

      Even if we would gather together as people, we'd still seperate ourselves from the rest.

      Because it's a fact that we're different. And we shouldn't be ashamed of it, nor should we try to erase it or ignore it.

      I prefer to be with people whom I see as my own kind.

      I don't happen to describe my own kind using color, but rather using values, intelligence, culture and so on.

      I imagine I would have a hard time leading daily life with people who have a very different culture than me.

      Infact, I have no need to. For 7 years I interacted only with people who were very different from me, in mentality, culture, intelligence and values.

      And I suffered alot.

      Now I have my own "people" with whom I hang out. And I would pick close friends or mates from that group, simply becase contacts with radically different cultures are very hard.

      Those who can do this - fine. Very well. I don't feel I'm capable.

      What you are all saying, is that dividing into groups is somehow morally wrong. I reject this idea. It's my right to do so.

      What is wrong is to exclude other people from something they deserve only because they are of another "group". That would be wrong.

      But my right to choose to contact with one groops over another stands.


      • #93
        It doesn't have to be like that. The fallback line "It's human nature" is lazy and the last refuge of all racists.

        I don't believe in Nationalism, or Patriotism. It's all rubbish. In fact, the only groups I do descriminate against are the bigots who propogate garbage like the aforemention to the extent that it becomes divisive. On another forum I got embroiled in an argument with someone who said that my taking a stance against bigotry made me a bigot myself- but bugger that.

        I am nominally British, and nominally Christian. If a story emerged that both groups were being bred out, I wouldn't bat an eyelid. In fact, I'd heartily participate in as much breeding out as I possibly could. I think the world will be a happier place when we're all brown- but that's my choice.

        To start threads, as Eli did, which sound panicked about the fact that his chosen social group are being more liberal with their seed than he'd like, is a joke.
        The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


        • #94
          Originally posted by Sirotnikov
          I agree to do that.
          And so does the Israeli govt. and 95% of Israelis.

          The discussion is over technicalities.
          Leave the Gaza Strip, then we'll talk.

          And how the people who have less skills are "less worthy" or "less human" than those who do have them?

          We don't pay attention to skills.

          Rather we give the opportunity to those of jewish heritage, or those who decided to seriously participate in it (convertees) to fit in as they wish.
          They're not less human, they ARE less worthy.
          They're less worthy because we don't need people without jobs to live off taxpayer's money to survive.
          This isn't an unfair approach, like restricting it to someone's religion, as people can get their job skills in their country, then apply again armed with actual real-world skills.

          We're not.
          That's the root of your misunderstanding.
          We're not fighting over it.
          We fully intend to give it away to palestinian self rule.

          However we object to their use of terror against Israelis. And as long as they employ such tactics, they will live under our security control.
          OH! Okay!
          I misunderstood everything. You WANT the Palestinians to have control over it, but they're being very bad people so you're going to punish them by fighting for control of it.

          Who do you think you're fooling?
          Or rather, who did your government fool?

          Instead, try reading about it more.
          I have read about it, it's just that you (and your government) try to put a spin on things to make it look like you're always the victim in here.

          But still will never be as protected as they are in thier own state.
          What can I say other than "bull****"?
          Jews get the same rights as EVERYONE else in these western nations, are you expecting to get superior treatment because you're the MasterRace or something?

          It's based upon values of jewish heritage.
          Religion is a major part of it.
          Yeah, so why do you need a country exclusive to your heritage?
          It's actually racist.
          "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
          Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


          • #95
            Originally posted by Asher

            Leave the Gaza Strip, then we'll talk.
            Then we'll talk about Jerusalem.
            Leave Jerusalem, then we'll talk.
            Then we'll talk about the Golan.
            Leave the Golan, then we'll talk.
            Then we'll talk about Ashkelon and Petah Tikva.
            Leave the Ashkelon and Petah Tikva, then we'll talk.
            Then we'll talk about the Galilee.
            Leave the Galilee, then we'll talk.
            Then we'll talk about Ashdod and Hadera.
            Leave Ashdod and Hadera, then we'll talk.
            Then we'll talk about Tel Aviv.
            Leave Tel Aviv, then we'll talk.
            Then we'll talk about the refugees.
            Accept the refugees, then we'll talk.
            Then we'll talk about Judenrein Palestine.
            Accept Judenrein Palestine, then we'll talk.
            Attached Files
            "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


            • #96
              hey it's just like the maps of FYROM showing Macedonia as part of their country And these nationalist guys are in FYROM government now Too bad it will be Albanian Fyrom in some decades, then the name will change without problems .

              Nah, they exagerate to get strength, don't pay attention Eli


              • #97
                Actually, in this case they don't. This is actually what they want, or else they wouldn't have fought Israel when what you call Palestinian territory was in Jordan.

                And why exactly does the PLO want the Negev?
                I refute it thus!
                "Destiny! Destiny! No escaping that for me!"


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Eli
                  Then we'll talk about Jerusalem.
                  Leave Jerusalem, then we'll talk.
                  Then we'll talk about the Golan.
                  Leave the Golan, then we'll talk.
                  Then we'll talk about Ashkelon and Petah Tikva.
                  Leave the Ashkelon and Petah Tikva, then we'll talk.
                  Then we'll talk about the Galilee.
                  Leave the Galilee, then we'll talk.
                  Then we'll talk about Ashdod and Hadera.
                  Leave Ashdod and Hadera, then we'll talk.
                  Then we'll talk about Tel Aviv.
                  Leave Tel Aviv, then we'll talk.
                  Then we'll talk about the refugees.
                  Accept the refugees, then we'll talk.
                  Then we'll talk about Judenrein Palestine.
                  Accept Judenrein Palestine, then we'll talk.
                  It takes two to tango, my dear Eli.
                  "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                  Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Bugs ****ing Bunny
                    It doesn't have to be like that. The fallback line "It's human nature" is lazy and the last refuge of all racists.
                    The fallback on "you're racist" is the last refuge of all neo-liberals.

                    Regardless of your views of what's right, people have always united in cumminities and always had "us" and "them". Sprayber mentioned it in a thread the other day titled "inflammatory question" or something.

                    Blaming all people who believe in nationalism and patriotism racists is a mighty "brave" step,

                    I don't believe in Nationalism, or Patriotism. It's all rubbish. In fact, the only groups I do descriminate against are the bigots who propogate garbage like the aforemention to the extent that it becomes divisive.

                    I do believe in Nationalism and Patriotism. I learned that there are several groups on which you can fall back to save you, in that order:

                    1. Your family
                    2. Your friends
                    3. Your acquaintances
                    4. Your class/school/work pals
                    5. Your townsmen
                    6. Your country men
                    7. Your country's allies
                    8. The rest of humanity.

                    There's a reason why the rest of humanity is last on that list, and why this list exists in the first place. The reason being - they just don't care. Each person cares for himself and then the groups I've described.

                    You believe that is illegetimate and wrong. I believe it is legitimate, and while somtimes might indeed be wrong, is the safe way to go.

                    On another forum I got embroiled in an argument with someone who said that my taking a stance against bigotry made me a bigot myself- but bugger that.

                    I don't know.
                    I can't say I respect people whom I consider bigots, but I certainly try not to descriminate against anyone.

                    I am nominally British, and nominally Christian. If a story emerged that both groups were being bred out, I wouldn't bat an eyelid. In fact, I'd heartily participate in as much breeding out as I possibly could. I think the world will be a happier place when we're all brown- but that's my choice.

                    I agree with that and accept that.

                    However some people would not like to breed out and that does not in any way makes them worse people.

                    To start threads, as Eli did, which sound panicked about the fact that his chosen social group are being more liberal with their seed than he'd like, is a joke.

                    So is ranting against people who aren't as liberal as you'd like.


                    • Originally posted by Asher
                      Leave the Gaza Strip, then we'll talk.
                      Stop terror, then we'll talk

                      They're not less human, they ARE less worthy.
                      They're less worthy because we don't need people without jobs to live off taxpayer's money to survive.
                      This isn't an unfair approach, like restricting it to someone's religion, as people can get their job skills in their country, then apply again armed with actual real-world skills.

                      Not true. Not everyone can get job skills since not everyone are rich or talented.

                      That's not more moralistic than ethnic type emigration laws, only different. It's not based on ethnicity but rather on socio-economical status.

                      Also, Israel is certainly not the only one. People who can prove russian heritage can get citizenship in Russia. At least, until recently the same was true for Germany.

                      OH! Okay!
                      I misunderstood everything. You WANT the Palestinians to have control over it, but they're being very bad people so you're going to punish them by fighting for control of it.

                      Who do you think you're fooling?
                      Or rather, who did your government fool?

                      Okay, let me explain again.

                      We don't fight to control it forever.

                      But as long as we are under threat from them, we do have to fight to control the territory. Because if we don't, terrorists will have an easier life.

                      Please use your memory and recall the fact, that when there was much less terror (pre sept. 2000) Israel didn't use incursions and that much blockades.

                      If like you keep claiming we would only want to control the land, we'd never agree to any kind of peace talks what so ever.

                      It's you who the fool is. You've fallen for the Palestinian propoganda. You think that we're after territory, even though we for over 23 years have been agreeing to the "land for peace" formula.

                      And who gets the land and who gets the peace?

                      I have read about it, it's just that you (and your government) try to put a spin on things to make it look like you're always the victim in here.

                      No, it's the pals who put a spin on it, and news services around the world are carrying it since they are hungry for material.

                      What can I say other than "bull****"?
                      Jews get the same rights as EVERYONE else in these western nations, are you expecting to get superior treatment because you're the MasterRace or something?

                      It's you who bull****s.

                      You know perfectly well, that even if jews have the same rights, there are people who don't respect those rights.

                      Infact, anti-semitism is on the rise in france and germany iirc.

                      And don't forget that before Hitler, jews legally, and even in reality, had exactly the same rights and privilages in Germany. But that all changed very quickly.

                      We can't risk for it to change.

                      And in any case, arguing that point is moot, since just because you feel nationality is stupid, most of the world seems to disagree, since even the UN charters of all sorts acknowledge the right for every minority to define itself in the form of a country is a basic right.

                      [q]Yeah, so why do you need a country exclusive to your heritage?
                      It's actually racist. [/QUOTE]
                      Why do the Irish need a country exclusive for themselves?
                      Why do the Basquaes and Catalonians need one?
                      Why do the Kurds need one?
                      Why do the Taiwanese need one?
                      Why do the Palestinians need one?

                      There are two sad things.

                      A) That you are thinking in very different ways than most of the world and are apparently not aware of it.

                      B) That you (to my knwoledge) only project your dissatisfaction at the Israeli - Jewish will for self defenition and not the rest of the nationalities. Who's racist now?


                      • but siro you got to accept that israel is fundamentalistic.

                        i didn't know that to be accepted as a citizen of israel you HAVE to either believe in the jewish God or have marry a jewsih girl or have jewish family roots.

                        this simply is totalitarian.


                        • Originally posted by paiktis22
                          but siro you got to accept that israel is fundamentalistic.

                          i didn't know that to be accepted as a citizen of israel you HAVE to either believe in the jewish God or have marry a jewsih girl or have jewish family roots.

                          this simply is totalitarian.
                          You don't. There are Arab Israelis.
                          I refute it thus!
                          "Destiny! Destiny! No escaping that for me!"


                          • but siro you got to accept that israel is fundamentalistic.

                            i didn't know that to be accepted as a citizen of israel you HAVE to either believe in the jewish God or have marry a jewsih girl or have jewish family roots.

                            To be accepted as a new citizen you have to eiher have jewish roots or family ties, or be willing to accept jewish identity.

                            That's because we define Israel as a country mainly for those of jewish heritage.

                            The same way there are countries meant to serve as pure national democracies such as USA and Canada, and countries meant to serve as ethnical democracies such as Germany or Serbia or Russia, or countries meant to serve as religious countries like Iran, Saudia, Pakistan and so on.

                            It's very simple infact.

                            Israel is a democratic country who is set to operate according to the jewish values and heritage. Therefore it's only reasonable that we ask those who intend to be citizens, to know this way of life and accept it in advance.

                            Israel is not here to play a function of a "country of it's citizens". There are already america and canda to do that. They accept citizens from around the world since it's their choise. And mostly since they set their target as creating a new country of new values, not of heritage.

                            But most world countries do not operate like that.

                            And still, Israel is very democratic both for jews and non-jews, as it accepts those non-jews who already live here and gives them full rights, and even more. They are free from obligations which are "jewish" such as the laws requiring not working on Sabbath or laws Requiring food-places to have a rabbi approved label of whether they are kosher.

                            Also, with regards to families of non-jews, already several family re-unifications have been made and no doubt will be made in the future, of non-jews who live in non-hostile countries such as Palestine, Jordan and Egypt.

                            this simply is totalitarian

                            Totalitarian usually means you have to comply to a certain ruler and have nothing to say about it.

                            More so it regards to the completeness of control a state has over ones life.

                            One could call in a sense, a social democratic government -"totalitarian", since it puts forward more regulations and laws on bussiness and social activites and gives less freedom.


                            • Half the posts in this thread are Siro's. It's seems like he's the new secret Israeli project: The Propagandabot 2000.
                              12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
                              Stadtluft Macht Frei
                              Killing it is the new killing it
                              Ultima Ratio Regum


                              • Siro has pretty much the same opinions as me - and he hasn't got tired of arguing this issue yet.
                                I refute it thus!
                                "Destiny! Destiny! No escaping that for me!"

