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Israel will react very very very very seriously

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Natan
    What weapons were sold to China? In case you stopped paying attention to the region years ago, the Phalcon deal was cancelled.
    Errr. I say we should skip this discussion.
    Remember the picture of the Chinese aircraft near that American spy plane? The missiles it was armed with were Israeli made.
    "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


    • #92
      Originally posted by GePap
      But they can be bridged if evryone follows international law. the rpoblem is that israel has dificulties with the notion of international laws....
      International law and self defense go hand in hand. I am only convinced that Israel needs to sell itself better to the 1st world, to avoid people like you and Comrade and Chegitz coming in and messing things up.

      And which side would you be talking about? remeber, the first people to die back in sept. 2000 were all palestinians. Did they have to just sit there and turn the other cheek?
      I wonder about the circumstances of their deaths.

      But you won't solve the violence with violence. It may seem like an endless circle, but that is only true if both sides remain gutless, unable to own up toi their mistakes, and take decisive actions. The current violence is driven by cowardice and stupidity by both sides.
      But, sorry to be cliche, force is the only language the terrorists understand. They aren't going to stop being anti-Semitic if Israel starts being nice. The only solution is to somehow find a moderate Palestinian faction and start negotiating with them.
      I refute it thus!
      "Destiny! Destiny! No escaping that for me!"


      • #93
        But first it might be necessary to take Sharon off the leadership.

        Now there's a leader I find more frightening than Bush.

        Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


        • #94
          Originally posted by GePap
          And I thought you knew your history. The PLO was formed in 1969, the Israeli occupation begun in 1967. Hmmm?
          And I tohugh you know history

          THe PLO was formed in 1964.

          And the Israeli-ARab conflict exists in it's violent phenomen since 1929.

          So, no Sirotnikov, the occupation predates any israeli conflict with paletinian extremists, unless you are a believer in the Golda Meir 'there are no palestinians' line and lump all Arabs together.

          You obviously haven't heard of anything previous of 1967 so I'm going to have a tough time talking to ya.

          But they can be bridged if evryone follows international law. the rpoblem is that israel has dificulties with the notion of international laws....

          No international laws solve nothing.
          An international body set that Israel should exist, and the arabs had a problem with it in 1947.

          Luckaly, we jews didn't rely on the international good will to save us.

          Are you a terrorist Sirotnikov? If not, how can you make such a claim? Your understanding of Human beings seems rather limited...

          No my understanding of human beings is great.
          A person who can target innocent children, can't really be considered a normal human being.

          And which side would you be talking about? remeber, the first people to die back in sept. 2000 were all palestinians. Did they have to just sit there and turn the other cheek?

          Let's review:

          Sept. 2000

          Mass violent riots break out across Israeli major towns, where the rioters target civilians and civil property.

          Did you expect Israeli police not to protect Israeli citizens by trying to remove the threat using fire?

          BUt you won't solve the violence with violence. It may seem like an endless circle, but that is only true if both sides remain gutless, unable to own up toi their mistakes, and take decisive actions. The current violence is driven by cowardice and stupidity by both sides.

          You can solve violence with violence, if you one side is defeated, and then re-educated.

          The Nazis were re-educated with success.

          cheap shot!



          • #95
            damn spelling

            I'm writing fast, this is the middle of a computers lesson


            • #96
              Re: Israel will react very very very very seriously

              Originally posted by Sirotnikov
              A group of terrorists opened fire on a restaurant in southern city of Be'er Sheva and injured several and killed two female soldiers.
              Why do you call them terrorists? I believe they are, but when I asked for the definition of a terrorist some time ago, you all claimed that soldiers were fair game for 'freedom fighters'. So killing two soldiers does not make tham terrorists.

              Just curious....


              • #97
                Originally posted by chegitz guevara

                You doubt their ability to keep me from Apolyton?!? Many is the time when Siro and Eli and Dalgetti have distracted on me in IQC or invited me to a game of Age of Empires (well, only once, because my PC kept crashing) and kept me from my beloved Apolyton. Not to say that I mind this, but they have the power!

                GePap : AFIAK , the PLO was formed in 64' in order to free the occupied palestinian territories , that are more known as the state of Israel, in its' internationally recognized borders. please check this one up. If I am wrong , a link please.

                Why do you call them terrorists? I believe they are, but when I asked for the definition of a terrorist some time ago, you all claimed that soldiers were fair game for 'freedom fighters'. So killing two soldiers does not make tham terrorists.

                Just curious....
                first of all , some of the wounded were civilians. but that's o.k. I guess. the interesting fact is that there is a school nearby . I guess noone cares about that.

                just curious....


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Natan

                  I call them a massacre by Christian phalangists allied with Israel.

                  He had them sweep the area for terrorists, but nothing more - IIRC a judge ruled to this effect in a libel suit against Time magazine in the US.
                  In 1982, Israeli Army was an occupying force in Beirut (Lebanon); according to the international laws they had the responsibility of protection of all civilians under their control. At that time the Israeli Army was under total control of Israeli Defence Ministry, and Ariel Sharon was the Defence Minister. He visited Beirut and pledged total support for the Israeli allied Lebanese Christian Militia. Ariel Sharon himself gave the green light to Lebanese Christian Militia to enter the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila in west Beirut, which consequently resulted in the massacre, torture and rape of hundreds of unarmed civilians, mainly women and children.

                  The Israeli Army was not only monitoring the camps and did nothing to stop the massacre, but as a matter of fact, they paved the path for Militias to enter the camps. They had their direct and clear orders from the Israeli Defence Ministry not to interfere and give free hands and assistance to the Lebanese Christian Militia.

                  With the outbreak of news of massacre in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila, Israeli public was outraged and went on demonstration, and demanded the resignation of Ariel Sharon and an inquiry to the matter. Israeli Knesset took action and sat up a parliamentary committee to investigate Ariel Sharon’s involvement in this inhumane act of atrocity. As result of that inquiry, Ariel Sharon was found responsible for the actions of Lebanese Christian Militia, and consequently forced him to resign from his post as Defence Minister. But of course, as he is an Israeli and these crimes were not committed against Israeli nationals, he was never charged and never appeared in any court of justice in Israel.

                  There was a clear obligation on political and military leaders to take reasonable steps to protect civilians when they made their orders. In a situation where civilians' lives were clearly at risk, the person giving orders was even more responsible than the ones carrying them out
                  Judge Richard Goldstone.

                  Wow, a biased source which provides no actual facts!
                  There is very few un-biased sources (Amnesty is a possible exception), just more or less biased.
                  Last edited by Zoid; February 11, 2002, 11:45.
                  I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Dalgetti
                    first of all , some of the wounded were civilians. but that's o.k. I guess. the interesting fact is that there is a school nearby . I guess noone cares about that.

                    just curious....
                    Presumably the civilians injuries were 'accidental injuries' just like the injuries to civilians in Palestine caused by Israeli soldiers.

                    There was a school nearby which the freedom fighters were hiding in? I am suprised you haven't bulldozed it yet.....


                    • Originally posted by JohnT

                      Remember his ideological affiliation, Natan. It's a good thing that Israel isn't populated by Ukranian farmers or else they'd be really screwed.
                      It was Stalins mass-collectivization programs that killed the Ukrainian farmers. And I´m no fan of Stalin Or if you´re talking of the machnoist movement in the 20´s; they were nothing but thieves and bandits and they acted as counterrevolutionaries.

                      Originally posted by Sirotnikov

                      It wouldn't solve any problems.

                      What would is ethnically cleansing either the jews or palestinians form this area. I support neither, but I have an easy time guessing what you support.
                      Hey, I don´t support etnic cleansing, period! The simple solution to this is for Israel to give back the occupied territories to the palestinians so they can form an independent state. Then the violence will end!

                      Yet again so much rambling with so little brains.
                      See my answer to Eli

                      I remember perhaps 2 cases of crazed settlers actively attacking palestinians.But then again, if you consider shooting back at palestinian gunmen who shoot at you "attacking", you could be right.
                      Selective memory, Siro? No, sorry. I forgot you think it´s "impartial" to report settler violence...

                      Until it does so, I don't consider it an impartial source of information, though I do tend to think of it as a somewhat reliable source of information for somethings and it will most definitely get a place in my bookmarks.
                      As I said, there´s very few impartial sources in this apart from Amnesty. But they say basically the same things.

                      Originally posted by Sprayber
                      Kamrat X: Your just stupid. Just sit back and don't say anything. If you want to say something, ask che for permission. He will tell you what to say so that you won't look too racist.
                      Well, you´re entitled to an opinion, I suppose...

                      Originally posted by Rogan Josh

                      Why do you call them terrorists? I believe they are, but when I asked for the definition of a terrorist some time ago, you all claimed that soldiers were fair game for 'freedom fighters'. So killing two soldiers does not make tham terrorists.

                      Just curious....
                      One man´s freedom fighter is another man´s terrorist. It all depends on where you stand
                      Last edited by Zoid; February 11, 2002, 12:07.
                      I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                      • Regarding the use of the word genocide

                        Francis A Boyle, professor in International Law and Legal Adviser to the Palestinian Delegation to the Middle East peace Negotiations from 1991 to 1993. writes this on Media Monitors:

                        The precursor to genocide

                        In fairness, you will note that the U.N. Human Rights Commission did not go so far as to condemn Israel for committing genocide against the Palestinian People. But it has condemned Israel for committing crimes against humanity, which is the direct precursor to genocide. And I submit that if something is not done quite soon by the American People and the International Community to stop Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity against the Palestinian People, it could very well degenerate into genocide, if Israel is not there already. And in this regard, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is what international lawyers call a genocidaire--one who has already committed genocide in the past.

                        The whole article can be found at:
                        I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                        • Originally posted by CYBERAmazon
                          Fascinating. I've always associated genocide with Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, mass graves and Slobodan Milosevic.
                          Read the UN definition of genocide. Basically, it is trying to destroy a national culture. You could, theoretically, commit genocide without killing a single person.

                          Oh, and btw, Milosevic did treat Albanians not half as badly as Israel is treating Palestinians. And the US did kill more civilians in Afghanistan than Milosevic in his lifetime -if he did kill any, which is, in fact, doubtful. Most of the Milosevic stories were made up by US propaganda. You have yet to find those alleged mass graves.
                          Now, if I ask myself: Who profits from a War against Iraq?, the answer is: Israel. -Prof. Rudolf Burger, Austrian Academy of Arts

                          Free Slobo, lock up George, learn from Kim-Jong-Il.


                          • Guys if Israel was committing Genocide, you wouldnt see this.

                            how the **** do you consider bombing an empty HQ (thats been hit 3 times already ) as not being restraint and worthy of the charge of Genocide?

                            You all are a bunch of whiney bleedin hearts They arent committing Genocide, they are merely RESPONDING to palestinian attacks.

                            If arafat cared he would take the European Tax money the EU gives him every year and start doing something with it, (besides arms shipments and Kassam/Hamas funding). And then he complains to israel for the poverty of his people... Its not Israel's responsibility to give palestinians jobs and build there houses. Its his....

                            these genocide charges all bull****.


                            • I'm just wondering... did they remove the terrorist from the bomb suit before detonating it?
                              "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


                              • Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
                                I'm just wondering... did they remove the terrorist from the bomb suit before detonating it?

                                I would hope so! (but do you wanna get that close?)

