Can I just say in all seriousness that the quality of this debate is quite astounding. With a few exceptions (*cough*m_m_x*cough*) this debate is really good, with both sides replying in detail to all points made. Although obviously I'm biased towards the side I myself support, I think both sides have shown intelligence and tolerance. Please keep it up.
No announcement yet.
Israel will react very very very very seriously
"Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman
Originally posted by Sirotnikov
And I can't understand how idiots, who can't spot a terrorist when he send planes on them, and live on the other side of the world in their liberalist pacifist haven, can claim the moral high ground over anyone else.
John T:
Remember his ideological affiliation, Natan. It's a good thing that Israel isn't populated by Ukranian farmers or else they'd be really screwed.But really, this guy is a Stalinist?
Why why why do I even look in these threads?
If Israel really wanted peace, there would be peace.
Originally posted by Kamrat X
Well, I am known for my awful sense of humor, but it would solve a lot of problems though
What would is ethnically cleansing either the jews or palestinians form this area. I support neither, but I have an easy time guessing what you support.
Sharon not a terrorist? And what do you call the attacks on the refugee camps Sabra and Shatila in 1982? He ordered them, and he has yet to pay for this...
Yet again so much rambling with so little brains.
Ariel Sharon ordered Eli Hubaika to enter Sabra and Shatilla and chase out PLO members.
What Eli Hubaika did, was his own "interpertation" of things, which Israel, unfortunately didn't stop in time.
Israel was neglagent, and following the incident, and the high court inquiry people paid the price for it. Ariel Sharon had no direct blame as he wasn't reported to properly, but being responsible due to him being minister of defense, he was forced to resign.
And the settlers are attacking palestinians,
I remember perhaps 2 cases of crazed settlers actively attacking palestinians.
But then again, if you consider shooting back at palestinian gunmen who shoot at you "attacking", you could be right.
[q]From the "Reports on settler violence" section of The alternative information center [/QUOTE]
From the about page:
The AIC is a Palestinian-Israeli organization which disseminates information, research and political analysis on Palestinian and Israeli societies as well as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, while promoting cooperation between Palestinians and Israelis based on the values of social justice, solidarity and community involvement.
Yet all the contact addresses are palestinian:
Mailing Address:
The Alternative Information Center
POBox 31417
Jerusalem 91313
Farid Jaber
Sergio Yahni
Office in Bethlehem
AL-Maraqa Bldg. Bab-el-zqaq (on the Hebron Road)
Tel/Fax: +972-2-277 7558/9
Office in Jerusalem
Ben Yehuda 34 (City Tower) suite 512
Tel: +972-2-6241159 or +972-2-6241424
Fax: +972-2-6253151
East Jerusalem and Bethlehem.
Interesting food for thought.
I wonder what happens to palestinians in PA who'd try to set up a company protesting Arafat's regime. Oh wait, I know, they get arrested and tortured.
As to the content itself, I read some of the examples in question, and while I do agree that those demonstrate agression and hostility, I would hardly classify most examples as "attacks" in the sense close to palestinian attacks, such as the brutal murder and mutilation of israeli children who went for a walk in the desert near their homes in the settlements.
Furthermore, I'd like to stress still, that I condem the hostilities which are mentioned there and wish Israel would do more to prevent such outbreaks.
However, I'd also be interested in the site itself mentioned the hundreds of similar scale hostilities by palestinians towards israelis and israeli settlers alike.
Until it does so, I don't consider it an impartial source of information, though I do tend to think of it as a somewhat reliable source of information for somethings and it will most definitely get a place in my bookmarks.
Originally posted by m_m_x
and u thought that shaved head of yours will scare me off??huh?
ill bite your black leather behinds...
Now, bugger off before I get real nastyI love being beaten by women - Lorizael
Originally posted by m_m_x
and u thought that shaved head of yours will scare me off??huh?
ill bite your black leather behinds...In een hoerekotje aan den overkant emmekik mijn bloem verloren,
In een hoerekotje aan den overkant bennekik mijn bloemeke kwijt
Originally posted by Osweld
I haven't tried to claim the moral high ground over anyone - I haven't even taken a side in the conflict.
In what ever conflict, america-afghanistan, israel-palestinians, you comment from the side about "american" or "israeli" lack of morals, while justifying militant muslim barbarism as "resistance to opression".
And each time you sing songs about human rights for beasts which target and slaughter innocent civilians by the dozens.
And each time you behave 'disgusted' when someone who has been shaken by his nation's tragedy only expresses a will to deal with the terrorists in an angry fashion. This contrary to justyfing or rationalising acts of horror made by fanatical brutes from the other side.
So you don't really get hurt, since you sit high up there in Canada and you think you can piss on everybody and that we can't spit back. So you call nations immoral and illegal and inhuman. But when time comes and terror gets to you - we'll see who cares.
You know, most people who I argue with I respect. I can understand their different point of view or different opinion. You and a limited number of others, are jerks who like to mentally masturbate by leading themselves to believe they are morally superior than anyone. And for that, I don't respect your opnions, and don't respect you very much too.
If Israel really wanted peace, there would be peace.
Reminds me of infat. in his better days
Originally posted by Kamrat X
Please, learn to type if you would like people to read what write, and the less said about your use of the english language the better... Now, bugger off you little runt
I especially like how you justified that whole "israel is racist" arguement.
PS. you have troubles with english too, no?
...if you would like people to read what write...
Re: Re: Well
Originally posted by Natan
Israel is a stable, reliable, and powerful ally - not a thing given up easily in that part of the world.
Israel is the most expensive ally in the history of the human race. Depending on whose numbers you use, American aid to Israel has totaled $81 billion to $90 billion. There are so many monetary favors tucked away in the Defense Department budget that an accurate number is hard to come by. The $81 billion figure is the U.S. government's.
I like the way the British express big numbers. Instead of saying 90 billion, they say 90 thousand millions. That gives you a better idea of how much is involved. Let's suppose we could build a new public school for $1 million. With the money that has gone to Israel, we could have built 90,000 brand-new public schools or restored 90,000 public waterworks or bridges or any number of other infrastructure needs.
There is nothing in the Constitution that authorizes Congress to tax the labor of the American people and hand over the proceeds to a foreign government any foreign government, much less one that has blown up our diplomatic facilities in Egypt and attacked one of our Navy ships in international waters. An ally like that ought to come a heck of a lot cheaper than Israel.
Now, if I ask myself: Who profits from a War against Iraq?, the answer is: Israel. -Prof. Rudolf Burger, Austrian Academy of Arts
Free Slobo, lock up George, learn from Kim-Jong-Il.
After reading this, I believe that many of you have finally gone insane.
Kamrat X: Your just stupid. Just sit back and don't say anything. If you want to say something, ask che for permission. He will tell you what to say so that you won't look too racist.
Is there anyone here that sees that the blame doesn't fall on any one party?
Kamrat X talks about the poor Pal then he recommoneds shooting Israelies in the head. che, is that what your communistic ideas are all about. I think Kamarat needs to go over there and fight for the Pal since he thinks their cause is so just. I can tell you I'm not going to fight for the Israelies cause it is their business and some of their tactics are moraly grey to say the very least.
bottom line. Both sides are being run by bastards that want to destroy the other, but just can't get the balls to do it. Instead, they are willing to let their people and others bleed. There will be no peace until both sides come to the conclusion that they no longer want to kill and die. Until then, Europe and the US needs to stay the hell out of it. Keep your moral holier than thou attitudes to yourself and let them kill each other. Only they can want peace.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh