You're on the right track when you speak of imbedding the "right mind-set" in the African populace if by that you mean educating them on the dangers of STDs and the proper methods of safe sex to avoid such them. But asking people to abstain from sex, however, is like asking them to cease all eating, breathing, and heart palpations.
AND OH!!! LOOK AT THE EVIL WORLD!!! Millions of people are having sex RIGHT NOW!!! Oh my god! Well I surely hope they all get AIDS and die. Oh, wait, not the white people of course...
Bill: Your first link clearly spells out that most people with AIDs "dont know they have it", which just cries out education. A broad program to tell these people what's up would go over a lot better and would help much more than some unstable vaccine that only encourages more and more screwing around among the mental. Besides, the rush to get the vaccine would cause wars and everything. Your second link, again doesn't work properly.
OK Wiggy,
The tomahawk is a bit cheaper than I thought ( $1.4M a piece on average. The total development costs were over $11 Billion.
A single B-2 Stealth Bomber cost $1.3 Billion (
On average to develop a new drug costs $500M (
For an overview of what the NIH is funding on HIV research see
In the federal budget of 2000 $666M was set aside for HIV research (
So two years of HIV research (potentially helping hundreds of millions of victims) costs the same as one B-2. And you're still saying the federal government spends too much on HIV research.
The tomahawk is a bit cheaper than I thought ( $1.4M a piece on average. The total development costs were over $11 Billion.
A single B-2 Stealth Bomber cost $1.3 Billion (
On average to develop a new drug costs $500M (
For an overview of what the NIH is funding on HIV research see
In the federal budget of 2000 $666M was set aside for HIV research (
So two years of HIV research (potentially helping hundreds of millions of victims) costs the same as one B-2. And you're still saying the federal government spends too much on HIV research.