Originally posted by Pekka
No, the main support lines weren't cut. YOu know, that's where the support that came in, came. Had we cut it, they would have truly all starved.
No, the main support lines weren't cut. YOu know, that's where the support that came in, came. Had we cut it, they would have truly all starved.
The only suppply was over Lake Ladoga, by ship when there was no ice, and by truck when the ice was thick enough. But Leningrad starved, and Finalnd and Germany cut it off. Cut acting like I'm saying you're evil, evil people. It was a nasty war, and even the good guys (which you weren't) did evil, evil things.
Here's another clue. Stop attacking, and we don't have to defend ourselves in there. We didn't apologize for existing then, and we are not about to start now. So either accept the fact, or don't.
If telling the truth is attacking you, I guess you people feel really guilty about being Nazi allies. That's okay. I would too.
