The current government of India is controlled by a hardline hindu nationalist party which in the past had anti-muslim and anti-christian elements in its platform.
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No Jesus? No Tsunami aid for you!
I doubt anyone would claim these meat heads represent any meaningful number of Christians or Christian groups. Christian organizations have sent billion to assist in disaster relief and some of you ignore that and instead look at a few dozen meat heads.
oerdin, it's not just poly. go anywhere, post an article or talk about the latest outrages of some group... and people will naturally ignore all the good things they did and talk only of the bad.
want some examples? how 'bout mussolini? (made the trains run on time!) or stalin? (beat back those damn nazis!) or the FBI? (so waco was a mistake... they're out there, busting their asses to protect you every day!)B♭3
"Why else should they have left in a hurry as soon as the Reporterteam appeared and started to ask questions? "
They predicted (correctly) they would get bad press.
Um. That much is blatantly obvious if they only help those who will switch to Christianity."
Right, but you don't know they don't care about the "help" part as well as the "Switch to Christianity" part.
A Christian who murders a sinner in an attempt to save his soul is still a murderer..."
But they didn't murder or inflict any harm upon them, rather they chose to give their aid to other people.
"Oh, I love the laughable comparisons. If you believe these things are remotely simialr, then you are hopeless."
Except the comparison was on the mark: two groups only giving aid to those like them. And speaking of logical errors, what you have just replied with here is a pure ad hominem.
Its an act of Charity to refuse them aid because they won't convert? "
No, it is an act of Charity to attempt to get people to convert."I'm moving to the Left" - Lancer
"I imagine the neighbors on your right are estatic." - Slowwhand
They predicted (correctly) they would get bad press.
and running away in a hurry wouldn't make people suspicious and give them better press how?
No, it is an act of Charity to attempt to get people to convert.
yes, yes it is. but again, is it an act of charity and kindness to deny physical aid because they're not willing, at the time, to give in to certain conditions?B♭3
Originally posted by Oerdin
The current government of India is controlled by a hardline hindu nationalist party which in the past had anti-muslim and anti-christian elements in its platform.Exult in your existence, because that very process has blundered unwittingly on its own negation. Only a small, local negation, to be sure: only one species, and only a minority of that species; but there lies hope. [...] Stand tall, Bipedal Ape. The shark may outswim you, the cheetah outrun you, the swift outfly you, the capuchin outclimb you, the elephant outpower you, the redwood outlast you. But you have the biggest gifts of all: the gift of understanding the ruthlessly cruel process that gave us all existence [and the] gift of revulsion against its implications.
-Richard Dawkins
No, it is an act of Charity to attempt to get people to convert."On this ship you'll refer to me as idiot, not you captain!"
- Lone Star
Ok, I was mistaken. The Prime Minster who left office last summer, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, was the Hindu Nationalist.Try for discussion and debate.
I thought the way the whole missionary thing worked was that they went in and helped out however they could, to get people to realize how wonderful christianity must be. Convert thru leading by example. Not coercion.
Straybow's rebuttal is the only one that has any merit.I'm consitently stupid- Japher
I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned
Originally posted by Theben
I thought the way the whole missionary thing worked was that they went in and helped out however they could, to get people to realize how wonderful christianity must be. Convert thru leading by example. Not coercion.Try for discussion and debate.
Shi's argument can be extended to anyone attempting to judge others, for example SS officers at Auschwitz, suicide bombers or rampaging murderers in Rwanda a decade ago. If we are given an action and asked to give our opinions of it, then we are perfectly free, and in a good position to do.
And I say that their actions stink.
They predicted (correctly) they would get bad press.
This said, the Christian aid organisations that have given great sums of money are doing good work, just like all the other charities helping out.
"I work in IT so I'd be buggered without a computer" - Words of wisdom from Provost Harrison
"You can be wrong AND jewish" - Wiglaf :love:
Originally posted by Shi Huangdi
Donating money pales in comparison to the sacrifice of going all the way over there and leading an aid mission.
But let's get back on subject, eh? We aren't talking about anyone who was leading an aid mission. We're talking about missionaries who're using a disaster as an opportunity to convert people to their faith.Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse
Do It Ourselves
They'd appear to have a rather unusual concept of Christian compassion, wouldn't they?Why can't you be a non-conformist just like everybody else?
It's no good (from an evolutionary point of view) to have the physique of Tarzan if you have the sex drive of a philosopher. -- Michael Ruse
The Nedaverse I can accept, but not the Berzaverse. There can only be so many alternate realities. -- Elok
I'm actually going to agree with Ludd
The distance travelled and the effort they go to is irrelevant because the ends to which it is done are clearly appalling. I could run to St. Petersburg and back barefoot with nothing but a can of deodourant and an AK47 to cover my nakedness, but it would count for nothing if it was to no end and no-one knew about it."I work in IT so I'd be buggered without a computer" - Words of wisdom from Provost Harrison
"You can be wrong AND jewish" - Wiglaf :love: