But your ultimate obligation is to God, not to anyone on this earth.
If Jesus believed as you do, then instructing Peter to build His Church, in defiance of the Roman Empire, would have been, to paraphrase your last post "adding to the burdens" of believers.
But like I said, some things are more important than comfort and security, and Christians have a higher obligation to stand up for what is right, even if it will mean persecution, rather than stay quiet in the face of evil, even if that is safer.
If Jesus believed as you do, then instructing Peter to build His Church, in defiance of the Roman Empire, would have been, to paraphrase your last post "adding to the burdens" of believers.
But like I said, some things are more important than comfort and security, and Christians have a higher obligation to stand up for what is right, even if it will mean persecution, rather than stay quiet in the face of evil, even if that is safer.