Feel free. Music to my ears.

It's quite common now but McQueen was the first to bring it to rugby.

I'll have a look for it. I'll need something to put me to sleep on the long flight to Italy.

It's the Australian way to be seen not to be giving a stuff.

He must now be losing hope that Wilkinson, whose leg injury seems to be real for once, will make the tour.
His feet don't always work as they should. We'll see.

and the second best will be qualified but Leicester seems out anyway

Did anyone see Stade Francais against Gloucester? It was sublime. I have never seen Glaws play so badly and to see them blanked at home did bring a smile to my face – not least when the shed’s traditional chant of “cheats” was utterly silenced by the Dominici try. Bye bye boys!
Game of the weekend was Biarritz via Wasps though. You have to hand it to Biarritz they did it the hard way. I would have loved another crack at them in the knockout rounds though (the same way Toulouse have drawn a team from their own pool that they have already stuffed at home!!!).
Laugh of the weekend was Harinordoquoy being yellow carded for swinging his elbow nicely into Dayglo’s chin.

One aspect of BO that seems out of control is the way they fall over at the drop of a hat and all manage to continue – even the ones who were nearly dying on the floor.

I’d also like to see how the French clubs would do if they were salary capped to the 3 Million Euros of English clubs.

So Leinster it is – not an easy play to go an win. But if anyone can do it then it will be us. And to win the trophy it has to be done the hard way now – but bet against us at your peril.
