Re: Re: Secession: Has it become a reasonable idea?
Yeah, and yet 57 million people voted for Kerry... somehow the numbers don't add up.
How do you figure? Look at the GDP, most of the stuff is in the south, but who do you think paid for it all? The Mississippi Delta? No.... the North did. The South would have to give everything back proportionately, or else it would become an international pariah.
And as far as your comment about everyone in the army being from the South, you're completely wrong. While alot come from the south, to say they all do is simply falacious. The armed forces is pretty evenly split between all the regions of the United States, based on their respective populations.
Originally posted by Giancarlo
I just want to start laughing at you.. but why waste the effort of laughing. The United States is one nation. You commies make up .0000005% of the population so please spare us this nonsense. Go move to Cuba.

The relevant comment was that the Red states would have to give that back to the North to be fair. You see, none of that stuff is actually in the North. So either way, the Red States get most of it.
And as far as your comment about everyone in the army being from the South, you're completely wrong. While alot come from the south, to say they all do is simply falacious. The armed forces is pretty evenly split between all the regions of the United States, based on their respective populations.