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Ahh, Women...

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  • #91
    The only problem is that you shouldn't expect a relationship between a man and a woman to be a trade, or a contract, or something like that. In a happy family both the man and the woman contributes and do their share, but that's not all. There are more to it that you don't know yet, and many of the other men who are complaining actually know about.
    Exactly what I would expect a woman to say.

    "I want you to do it, because you want to do it..." to a man that means "she wants me to do it for her", but to her doesn't when IT DOES.

    I agree that both sides need to pull their own weight, but a woman likes to make us think she does it out of the love for her man. Total lie, she does it to make us do something in return. Women play the whole "compromise and ***-for-tat" game, they just try to make us feel guilty at the same time while making it look like a "favor" instead of her task.

    Instead of doing that, I help. If she's cooking dinner I'm all "can I help", usually the answer is no because I am a better cook and will end up kicking her out of the kitchen, and I won't do dishes after her because she somehow manages to use three pans, eight spatulas, and 16 cups to fry an egg.

    We need to do the exchange system, else nothing will get done. Favors are what you do for some one beyond what "needs" to be done AND without being asked. Everything else is a chore, no matter how you try to mask with "If you love me you'd...."


    • #92
      yeah then they cry al the time and say it's because they're in touch with their emotions. Uhh... selfownage. They cry because they don't have penises of their own.
      In da butt.
      "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
      "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


      • #93

        Being in touch with their emotions is stupid, and I told my wife that. I told her that if she had such great "communication" with them she'd learn to control them by now, or to at least shut them up.

        There is a time and a place for everything, and if she is going to let emotions turn a debate into an argument than I'm out, and we can talk about it when SHE calms down.


        • #94
          Originally posted by Japher
          I won't do dishes after her because she somehow manages to use three pans, eight spatulas, and 16 cups to fry an egg.
          BRAVO, yes what is it with women and cooking. If I'm cooking I'll use A single measuring cup to measure the dry ingredients and then the wet ingredients and rinse or wipe between measures. My wife must use 4 or 5 measuring cups on the simplist of things. Granted, I usually do the dishes as part of our chores agreement, so I actually care about how much of mess is made while cooking. She probably does it to just irritate me, but I've notice a lot of women that do this. (Use multiple measuring cups or irritating their husbands, take your pick )
          It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
          RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • #95
            Really, if women are and act like men, would this thread be started? This thread was started as men complaining about how hard it is to understand and be understood by women.

            There are three kinds of men out there. One kind of men complains about his SO, but still loves the fact that he is involved with his SO, even the fact that he is complaining.

            Another kind of men is generally frustrated with women because he just couldn't get to know the one he is looking for. Is it because his own problems? Or the problems of the society? I'd say it's just he hasn't been lucky and he'll be in the first group given time.

            Yet there is still another kind of men, who have had bad experiences with women. Some of them had lost hope and become bitter forever.

            How much of these are related to problems of "Modern women"? I'd say very little. Women are women. No matter if we were in the cave time, or the 20s, 30s, or any other time. I never adovacate women should be treated like men. When everybody is the same, the world is going to be a very dull and boring place. Yes I work, and I don't wear much makeup, and I don't have many jewries. But I'm still very much a woman. I have my emotions, and my ways of looking at things that are different from men. And I'm proud of that. The relationship between men and women shouldn't be one of the oppressors and the slaves. It should be a relationship of respect and love. What's wrong with loving men and loving to do things for them, and loving to be loved by men and to be taken care by them?

            Don't hold the false belief that it is the world of "the leader of femme domination club". It is sooo 2000. We are in 2004. The new agenda is women are women and men are men. The hate and fighting are in the trash. The love and understanding is what is fresh. Wake up and smell your coffee. It is a new era.
            Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

            Grapefruit Garden


            • #96
              Hey just be happy that you don't have to have the rice heater full of hot rice 24/7, it scares me what must be breeding in there after a day or two with the heat continuosly on...
              Stop Quoting Ben


              • #97
                I'll use A single measuring cup to measure the dry ingredients and then the wet ingredients and rinse or wipe between measures

                I also find it rather interesting how she uses measuring spoons. Personally, I never use measuring spoons when not baking (as it is really needed than), but she'll use all them to some how measure out 1 Tbs, 1 tsp, and 1/2 Tbs... just eyeball it!

                Another reason I refuse to do some chores; it HAS to be done HER way. Laundry, my way; everything in, everything out. Her way; colors first (2 loads, no idea why), delicates, sheets and towels, and than whites. I'm all throw it all in and use a color safe bleach! She thinks that stuff doesn't work as well and you HAVE to do the whites last as the bleach will bleed into the next run. It amazes me that she still thinks that even though the last load we do is with bleach and the first load we do is without bleach and we have no running.

                I stick with floors (I mop, vacuum, etc...), cooking, yard work, and anything requiring heavy lifting or the use of power tools.

                She does the laundry since I've "messed-up" enough times to be too stupid to every figure out the intricacies of the wash, the bills since I hate writting checks, generally cleaning that I would never do any ways, gardening, and other stuff I never notice but seems to be a big deal for her.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Snowflake
                  One kind of men complains about his SO, but still loves the fact that he is involved with his SO, even the fact that he is complaining.
                  Complaining is an underated pleasure.
                  I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Japher
                    I agree that both sides need to pull their own weight, but a woman likes to make us think she does it out of the love for her man. Total lie, she does it to make us do something in return. Women play the whole "compromise and ***-for-tat" game, they just try to make us feel guilty at the same time while making it look like a "favor" instead of her task.
                    Dadada, we found another thing that men and women think differently. Do you want women to think the same as men do? If you do, ask pekka to give you a slap. If you don't, oh well, live with it.

                    Instead of doing that, I help. If she's cooking dinner I'm all "can I help", usually the answer is no because I am a better cook and will end up kicking her out of the kitchen, and I won't do dishes after her because she somehow manages to use three pans, eight spatulas, and 16 cups to fry an egg.
                    That's when you use the dish washer boy. How long will it take you to put all the stuff into the dish washer? If you want her to cook, then you have to accept the way she cooks. If you don't want the way she cooks, then you can cook yourself. Do you want her to cook the same way as you do? If yes, ask pekka to give you a slap. If you don't, oh well, live with it.

                    We need to do the exchange system, else nothing will get done. Favors are what you do for some one beyond what "needs" to be done AND without being asked. Everything else is a chore, no matter how you try to mask with "If you love me you'd...."
                    Sure it is a chore. This is life, buddy. If you don't want to do the chores for her, don't live with her and find the one that you would like to do chores for. If you just don't want to do any chores, oh well good luck maybe you can find somebody who would like to do all your chores for you. The worst case you can hire a housekeeper.
                    Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                    Grapefruit Garden


                    • That's when you use the dish washer boy. How long will it take you to put all the stuff into the dish washer?
                      Don't have a dishwasher at the moment.

                      you want her to cook, then you have to accept the way she cooks
                      that's the thing, I don't want her to cook. She wants to cook because she loves me, but than she wants me to do her dishes because I love her. If she really loved me SHE WOULDN'T COOK!@

                      If you don't want to do the chores for her, don't live with her and find the one that you would like to do chores for. If you just don't want to do any chores, oh well good luck maybe you can find somebody who would like to do all your chores for you.
                      You get home, it's 9pm and there she is sitting on the couch. You sit down and unwind and she wants you to vacuum!? There is a time and a place for everything, and weekends are to prepare the house for the week.


                      • Originally posted by Tiamat
                        All you big boys afraid of little ole' women You have nothing to fear from us
                        Unlikely as it sounds, it has been established to satisfaction that women are humans. It follows we should be afraid of you.
                        Why can't you be a non-conformist just like everybody else?

                        It's no good (from an evolutionary point of view) to have the physique of Tarzan if you have the sex drive of a philosopher. -- Michael Ruse
                        The Nedaverse I can accept, but not the Berzaverse. There can only be so many alternate realities. -- Elok


                        • Originally posted by Japher

                          Don't have a dishwasher at the moment.
                          That's a tough one. You have to do it, but don't blame her, blame the fact that you don't have a dishwasher. If this makes you feel better, I wash dishes with hands almost everyday. I actually enjoy doing it. A nice time to relax for me, actually.

                          that's the thing, I don't want her to cook. She wants to cook because she loves me, but than she wants me to do her dishes because I love her. If she really loved me SHE WOULDN'T COOK!@
                          You really should talk it out with her then. If you cook better and you love to cook, then you can cook and she can do the dishes. But if you come home at 9pm everyday, I bet you don't want to cook right away, but I also bet you couldn't wait to eat your dinner. Hmmm. What a dilemma.

                          You get home, it's 9pm and there she is sitting on the couch. You sit down and unwind and she wants you to vacuum!? There is a time and a place for everything, and weekends are to prepare the house for the week.
                          I agree. We do vacumming in the weekends. But I have to vacuum the area where KoKo eats his food everyday. That's a managable task though. You guys just moved into a new house and you have more chores to do and haven't set up your routin yet. Some friction is to be expected. Just talk it out, it'll be ok. And set a day free of chores, go out and do something both of you can relax.
                          Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                          Grapefruit Garden


                          • But if you come home at 9pm everyday
                            Not everyday, I'm not that bad. I switched jobs to spend more time at home.

                            Just talk it out, it'll be ok. And set a day free of chores, go out and do something both of you can relax.
                            It's all good...


                            • Originally posted by Tiamat
                              All you big boys afraid of little ole' women You have nothing to fear from us
                              I wouldn't be so sure of that. A friend of mine once got bitten by one. (without provocation)

                              But then again, the guy bit me too not that long ago.
                              DISCLAIMER: the author of the above written texts does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for any offence and insult; disrespect, arrogance and related forms of demeaning behaviour; discrimination based on race, gender, age, income class, body mass, living area, political voting-record, football fan-ship and musical preference; insensitivity towards material, emotional or spiritual distress; and attempted emotional or financial black-mailing, skirt-chasing or death-threats perceived by the reader of the said written texts.


                              • Well yea one and half year old always do that. This is normal.
                                Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                                Grapefruit Garden

