And you rape whales. I was sort of expecting that to turn up on the top five, but it turns out you're an even more interesting person.
No announcement yet.
What are the 5 most interesting things about you?
Why can't you be a non-conformist just like everybody else?
It's no good (from an evolutionary point of view) to have the physique of Tarzan if you have the sex drive of a philosopher. -- Michael Ruse
The Nedaverse I can accept, but not the Berzaverse. There can only be so many alternate realities. -- Elok
Originally posted by Velociryx
4) have had the honor and pleasure of meeting the love of my life. Lost her, but it was enough for the rest of my life. *sad smile*I'm very sorry to hear that, mate, even more so if the lady in question is who I think it is. However, it's good to see you're dealing with it philosophically. Good luck. The new novel looks like it'll be even better than your first two, by the way.
If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.
Thank ya, Master Stoo! Making slow and steady progress on the latest book, and I'm happy with the way she's shaping up. More comfortable with the writing style that's becoming my "voice" now, and enjoying finding out what the characters will do next.
As to that other part....thank you again...
1. I am a profoundly hearing impaired person, who is also fiercely independent. I wear hearing aids, but I don't know a word of sign language, and I don't ever care to learn.
2. I study History at one of the best universities in Canada, after starting in Physics and Astronomy. As a result, I can write just about anything, from a physics paper, to a poem.
3. I'm a member of the Mennonite Brethren, yet I often enjoy attending a Catholic mass with my friends. My pastor is also a doctor, who conducts the service in Russian.
4. I grew up on a farm in Northern BC, with enough space to ride horses, which my mom keeps in her corrall. I spent plenty of hours out in the field, on a dark night stargazing, a pleasure that I miss living in the city.
5. Not married, but I'm in love with an amazing Catholic girl who doesn't see eye to eye on that. She has the biggest heart of anyone I've ever met.Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
"Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
1 Bunnygrrl
2 Bunnygrrl
3 Bunnygrrl
4 Bunnygrrl
5 BunnygrrlChristianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...
some of you have interesting definitions of the word interesting
Since we are playing loose with the word, I'll tell a little bit more about myself. Note: these probably aren't interesting, but I'll post them anyways. I consider myself a very boring person. I lead a fairly simple life. That's why above I said there are no interesting things about me. I don't normally bare my soul like this, so here it goes:
1) My torment. I mentioned this above. I desire women very strongly. They do not desire me. This makes me sad, depressed, and suicidal sometimes. I'm wondering if my desire is becoming obsessive and my desperation is showing through. Supposedly they can sense desperation.
2)I like to fix things. I like taking stuff apart, and putting it back together (successfully), but I get frustrated when I can't get something working. I get mad at myself. I'm not the best at this, but it makes me feel good when I successfully get something working again. But I'll never claim I'm the most mechanically inclined. But I do pretty good for a nerd
3)I'm an extremely hard worker. Almost compulsive. It is considered a personality disorder to want to be the best worker I read somewhere. When you go out of your way to work hard to show you are worthy. Perhaps I am afraid they will fire me if I don't work harder than all the other people. Note: I'm not an ass-kisser, I don't have the necessary social skills for this. Because of this, I work even harder, to try to please the bosses. Yet, when I get home, I'm a very lazy person. I hate working around the house.
4)I have seen many foreign countries. But I'm not a storyteller, and I tend to forget things. I enjoyed the experience, but I'm not good at telling stories. So I really don't have much to say about the countries I have been to. They were interesting, but I like the U.S. better.
5)I have social anxiety disorder- I think. I've never been "officially" diagnosed. I just watched those commercials for those drug peddler companies. It makes sense. It explains why #1 is such a problem for me. But even if I could talk with people normally (whatever that is), could I maintain a relationship? What is normal? That is what I am searching for. I just want to be accepted. I have no desire to be the life of the party, I just want to decrease my lonliness. And even if I could talk normally, would this give me the self-confidence necessary to pick up women? Along with not being able to talk to women, I have a huge lack of self confidence. I'll never understand how to get that. It remains a mystery to me.
Hell, Diss....let me know if you're in the can give me a hand with the Gypsy Harem....I'm gettin' old!
1 Bunnygrrl
2 Bunnygrrl
3 Bunnygrrl
4 Bunnygrrl
5 Bunnygrrl
sucks even more that you're right
Originally posted by DissAlong with not being able to talk to women, I have a huge lack of self confidence. I'll never understand how to get that. It remains a mystery to me.... or I will hunt you down like the dog you are
1) born with cleft palate that was corrected, went through speech therapy until sixth grade, and since then, have normal speech skills
2) starting from high school, school grades got higher the more advanced my education got (from below mediocore to excellent now) -- think it was due to low self esteem during high school
(below medicore in high school, average in community college, above average in undergrad, and now excellent in grad school)
3) used to write fictional novels several years ago, but have stopped (still keep my unfinished works in a file)
4) some people think that it's interesting that I'm gay and that I'm still a Christian -- to me, it's nothing to write about, but this thread is about what others find interesting
5) once I decide to do something, I can get bull-headed to the point that I'm determined to see it through and this can be a strength or a weaknessA lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.
In no particular order:
I have one eye which is blue and one which is half green/half brown
Deep down I believe I'm the smartest person on the planet. On bad days I don't even see that this is unlikely to be true. For the first 12 years of my life I didn't have any evidence to the contrary...
I solve problems in very novel (though usually very inefficient) ways.
I'm left-handed
I play the violin quite well
12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
Stadtluft Macht Frei
Killing it is the new killing it
Ultima Ratio Regum
Originally posted by KrazyHorse
In no particular order:
I have one eye which is blue and one which is half green/half brown
Deep down I believe I'm the smartest person on the planet. On bad days I don't even see that this is unlikely to be true. For the first 12 years of my life I didn't have any evidence to the contrary...
I solve problems in very novel (though usually very inefficient) ways.
I'm left-handed
I play the violin quite well
I thought these were supposed to be interesting things that you didn't know.
1. I learned to read spontaneously, which shocked my mother when I just started reading stuff.
2. I once sold menswear for a living.
3. I hate traditional holiday destinations and would rather spend my time trudging around old battlefields (last year I insisted my family drive me to Flodden field (1513), which is in the middle of nowhere. Then I made them take me to Otterburn (1388) which is also in the middle of nowhere.
4. When I go to a mall, there is almost nothing there I would wish to own.
5. I once lived at a place called "Nowhere in Particular".Only feebs vote.