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Planned Parenthood T-Shirts

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  • #76
    It seems that Q^3 and I are close in our positions.

    ***** and cripples get disability not Welfare

    Who do you think pays for this? The fairy godfather?

    Now I don't actually believe in this. And I don't call retarded people "'*****" either. And people with disabilities are often productive, and great members of society. I am just making a point in a rather harsh way.


    • #77
      Originally posted by OzzyKP
      to the culture of death.
      Go watch a movie, there you have your "culture of death".


      • #78
        Originally posted by OzzyKP

        Pro-choicers are always trying to say they are against abortions, but think they shouldn't be illegal. Well I've seen plenty of things like this where people praise abortions. I once was at a pro-choice rally where a woman was giving some spoken word poem where she described in graphic detail an abortion, as if it was a sexually gratifying experience. It was revolting.

        to the culture of death.
        Thanks for presenting an example of extremism that does not represent the majority of pro-choice people.
        A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


        • #79
          Where can I buy one of those T-shirts?
          The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


          • #80
            so does that mean that for every two people, the loss of a sperm + an egg (because together they make babies) is murder?

            why is it that people want to take these positions to illogical extremes? sure, if you want to, complain about the fact that i don't find masturbation and mensturation to be the same as abortion.
            why? the second is a natural process which can't really be changed without a hysterectomy (birth control just allows for more control over it), and the first, well, who gives a flying flip?

            Or how about an embryo that is just fertilized... compared to a split-second before fertilization, it's not that different. Is that where you draw the arbitrary line of personhood? Death is not necessarily a bad thing. Murder now, well that's different. The loss of a person isn't just about the death of the body. It's about the social connections we have to other people in life. Certainly the loss of say, your mother, would be more painful than the loss of an embryo that's ten seconds old?

            an embryo has the potential to be a viable human life within a year. therefore, it is human. murder of a human life is wrong. therefore, murder of an embryo, i.e., abortion, is wrong. this is my belief.
            i understand there are those who do not agree with this, this is why i do not support the outright banning of abortions.

            My point being that there's no difference between the time after you die versus the time before you were born. The end result is the same. You are non-existent. What makes the death of a person painful is the loss that affects others, like friends and relatives. How is the death of an unwanted, fetus bad? I know I'd rather never be born than be an unwanted child. It's like euthenasia in that regard.

            i say it's bad because it's still a human life. i say it's bad because there are thousands of couples who are desperate to have a child. i say it's bad because at the core of my religious beliefs is the sense that all life (not spermatozoa) is sacred, and therefore, abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment are all immoral and wrong.
            does this mean i think that everybody should follow my beliefs? no. i understand that there are different ideas, which is why i don't support banning abortion; which is why, in regards to euthanasia, it's a case of out of sight, out of mind.

            Part of my ranting is frustration. I am frustrated because I don't understand why people value some stranger's fetus. Judging from the pro-life/anti-choice people's political leanings, love for fellow humans isn't tops on their list. Or else they'd believe in things like welfare, social safety nets... i.e. liberal causes. That's why I conclude that opposition to abortion isn't based on love of a living human being, but rather, a desire to execute control over women.

            that's where you're wrong. just because someone is pro-life doesn't mean he/she is anti-choice. just because someone finds abortion morally irreconcilable with his/her fundamental beliefs does not mean that he/she wants to exert control over someone else's body.

            Is abortion "distasteful" as Imran puts it? Yes. As I've said, in a perfect world, we don't have abortion. But let's not delude ourselves into thinking a fetus is worth anything, m'kay?

            let's not delude ourselves into thinking a fetus is worth nothing, m'kay?


            Also, there is something called an "umbilical cord" that -- though not nervous -- is connected to my body. It has no right to steal my nutrients and oxygen without my consent.

            are you a woman? if not, you never need worry about a parasite sucking your life force through an umbilical cord. i personally don't myself.

            Welfare actually benefits people. I pay for other people's welfare so that other people may pay for my welfare when the need arises. Not having an abortion doesn't benefit anyone whatsoever.

            not having an abortion benefits the child and its future relations.
            welfare is stuck in the here and now, as well as the past, which is something the conservative mindset excels at.
            thinking about the future, and its possibilities, is something the liberal mindset excels at.


            The shirt is in very poor taste. Nonetheless, abortion is a decision that is an intensely personal one and, therefore, should remain in that realm.



            • #81
              It seems that Q^3 and I are close in our positions.

              i didn't notice the second page, but yes, it does seem that you and i are near each other, az.


              • #82
                Where can I buy one of those T-shirts?
                I bought mine from your mom


                • #83
                  I like this stance emerging- that while one supposes others should continue to get that foetus flushed if they must, they should not promote the fact and hopefully feel ashamed of the fact. It's a bit like the Victorian attitude to masturbation, isn't it?
                  The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                  • #84
                    I never masturbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaste.... damn the key got stuck


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Japher

                      I bought mine from your mom
                      I think you'll find hers read "I wish I had an abortion".
                      The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                      • #86
                        "The wad that should of been swallowed"


                        • #87
                          The whole abortion thing is too much of a sacred cow on both sides of the debate, and badly needs demystifying. The T-shirt is a nice start, but I think I'd go a step further and serve up foetuses as a party dip. Like a sort of slightly crunchy taramasalata.
                          The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                          • #88
                            All dead baby jokes should be aborted foetus' jokes.


                            • #89
                              Well what else can you do with an aborted foetus? A viking funeral that small would look stupid.
                              The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                              • #90
                                You know Japher, that comment of yours just reminded of many, many jokes with a general theme of raping / eating / killing a baby which I heard about in jr. high (and which I spent three entire months trying to forgot)... thanks a lot.
                                Last edited by RGBVideo; July 27, 2004, 15:26.

