Moore's asserting that the Lockheed weapons-making business in Littleton has fostered an atmosphere of condoned violence which made it more possible for those kids to do what they did. Sounds to me like the same line of thought that violent video games or music with violent lyrics influences such behavior. If you accept the latter as possible, then I don't see how you can reject the former as possible.
Regardless, the point is that Moore is making a conclusion based on the facts presented. You may disagree with the conclusion, but accusing him of "lying" in this case is preposterous and is, in itself, false. He hasn't presented false information, merely given his spin on what he sees. That's not remotely libel.
Regardless, the point is that Moore is making a conclusion based on the facts presented. You may disagree with the conclusion, but accusing him of "lying" in this case is preposterous and is, in itself, false. He hasn't presented false information, merely given his spin on what he sees. That's not remotely libel.