If they don't care, why do you?
Maybe they think she's spot on
If they don't care, why do you?
Maybe they think she's spot on
as a response to this:
what's even more stunning is that she hasn't had to retract it, not for want of action on the part of concerned asian american groups, but because nobody who isn't asian american seems to give a damn.

so are you saying that the majority of non-asian americans think that it's perfectly ok to use racially charged remarks against asian americans?
it's ok to say jap, nip, gook, chink, slant, zipperhead, slope, but it's not ok to say n*, or sp* ?
why do i care? because i'm a slant-eyed mongoloid who mabey might become part of the yellow peril some day. maybe because i'm one of the people who could be painted with that same brush for no better reason than i have the similar facial features as mineta, or wen ho lee, who the knee-jerk rightist "patriots" have branded un-american without making any distinction between a person's politics and a person's ethnicity.
yes, ann coulter has a half-decent point, one that if the majority of a certain type of criminal is of a certain type of ethnicity, it makes sense to put in just a bit of extra scrutiny on those of that ethnicity.
did she need to couch it in racially inflammatory tones? **** no.
did she know it was racially charged, linking an american of asian decent to an atrocity committed by asians with no american linkage? most definitely. did she care? doesn't look like it.
and by and large, it seems as if those who are white, black, and latino don't give a **** either. but had it been powell or rice, jesse jackson, al sharpton, and hell, most everyone else in the government would have been all over her ass to get her to if not retract those beliefs, at least apologize for being so...