No prob. Just trying to sift things out.
That's an interesting perspective. What qualifies something as true human life?
If the unborn child is not human life, than what is it?
Okay. So at what point does the unborn child become, as you put it, true human life?
We've had people up here in Canada argue that abortions could be done safely without a physician. Even if abortion were made illegal, they would be done safely with the equipment available today.
Even Mary Calderone said this back in the fifties, that abortions, even illegal ones were safely done by qualified physicians.
So there is no basis in history, nor in the present day for back-alley butchers.
Secondly, you have the dubious claim, that just because people hurt themselves trying to kill someone else, means we ought to make it safer for them to do so. Back-alleys are a side-issue that deflects things from the central issue, what is the unborn?
Why does she have this right? Has she always had this right?
Unborn children have not changed. If women were to gain this right, you are now arguing that something fundamental has changed in the status of the unborn child.
No prob. Just trying to sift things out.
While it may display may qualities of a human, it is not true human life.
If the unborn child is not human life, than what is it?
I personally only support abortion to the second trimester. Partial birth abortions are bull***. If you waited that long to have a baby, then just have it and put it up for adoption.
I am pro abortion, more b/c I don't like back alley with a hanger abortions, and I think that a woman has a right to her reproductive rights.
Even Mary Calderone said this back in the fifties, that abortions, even illegal ones were safely done by qualified physicians.
So there is no basis in history, nor in the present day for back-alley butchers.
Secondly, you have the dubious claim, that just because people hurt themselves trying to kill someone else, means we ought to make it safer for them to do so. Back-alleys are a side-issue that deflects things from the central issue, what is the unborn?
Basically that a woman has the right to abort a fetus should she so choose to.
Unborn children have not changed. If women were to gain this right, you are now arguing that something fundamental has changed in the status of the unborn child.