Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
Hmm, when I first read this (Red this?
), I didn't think it was another Commie.
Hmm, when I first read this (Red this?

Besides, we commies have a long history of sectarianism, and hurling insults to the neighbour's group simply because the leader is not the same, because they don't agree with one word we hold for extremely important, or crap like that. The French far left has done a terrific job recently into rooting out this sectarianism, and they are know able to work together while acknowledging they aren't exactly the same

Besides, the Communist Party of Apolyton is very trailblazing in this regard, because we are all united under the same banner despite having revolutionaries, council commies, pure socialists, stalinists etc. If we were in real life, we'd be yelling at each other and hurling insults constantly
