Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
I see no need to address accusations and unjustified inquiries into my positions. I asked a question, and that was the straight answer you gave before you belaboured upon Boris' points.
Have you stopped beating your boyfriends?
I see no need to address accusations and unjustified inquiries into my positions. I asked a question, and that was the straight answer you gave before you belaboured upon Boris' points.
Have you stopped beating your boyfriends?
I don't have boyfriends.
You do however quote out of context, and partially.
I gave a full answer, you chose to quote part of it. Seems the Jesuitical part of Catholicism is appealing to you.
The reasons you have chosen your particular religion, and the particular sect of that religion, must surely be important- otherwise, why not Wicca, or Flying Roll Jezreelism, or the International Society for Krishna Consciousness?