Hell, boys, in some districts in Teksus, we all still shoot the little mavericks in the ass with a shotgun load of rock salt when they act up.
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In which all but the most conservative polypeople have a stroke...
Gaius Mucius Scaevola Sinistra
Japher: "crap, did I just post in this thread?"
"Bloody hell, Lefty.....number one in my list of persons I have no intention of annoying, ever." Bugs ****ing Bunny
From a 6th grader who readily adpated to internet culture: "Pay attention now, because your opinions suck"
Originally posted by Azazel
not for a couple of hours. send him to his room, until he promisses not to do it again, and if he does, THEN send him for a lot of time. Then, he'll understand.
Young kids are unable of moral reflexion- they only understand punishment and reward. You must punish them in a way. So, why is physical pain an inappropriate way to go?In Soviet Russia, Fake borises YOU.
Re: In which all but the most conservative polypeople have a stroke...
Originally posted by Elok
Paddling as a form of punishment in school is still allowed in 22 of the United States.
You've not answered the real question. We live in a society that defines physical pain as the worse bad. Why?
Young kids are unable of moral reflexion- they only understand punishment and reward. You must punish them in a way. So, why is physical pain an inappropriate way to go?
I don't know, I did have moral reflexion. I hated to hurt my parents, and they looked like they took offence at my bad behavior, so I stopped.
Originally posted by Azazel
I don't know, I did have moral reflexion. I hated to hurt my parents, and they looked like they took offence at my bad behavior, so I stopped.
-reward and punishment
-good boy
-social order
-social contract
-universal principles
It seems like what you describe is stage 3- morality is about getting your peers' approval. Depending on education and innate intelligence, this is usually the level of kids aged 7-12.
The only moral level that doesn't need a punishment to function is level 6. All others require some form of enforcement. The decision that pain would not be an enforcement tool is purely arbitrary.
From my personal memory, I remember that I rarely truly regretted what I did for the sake of it, but rather for seeing my parents (who held the monopoly of the 'good boy' statement) disappointed.
True, at this point, physical pain is rarely required, but that's because the individual has mastered more complex forms of moral behavior, which is just another form of inflicting 'pain'.In Soviet Russia, Fake borises YOU.
Originally posted by Deity Dude
I went to private schools in Michigan and was paddled quite often. Actually, the teacher usually used a yardstick or pointer. I'm not sure whether or not I support it, but I will say one thing, there were alot less problems and the faculty had alot more control of the schools then they do now.
Originally posted by Odd
I support beating children as long as a doctor is present to make sure that the kid will survive and to also guarantee that the injuries will be easily concealed. A good method is using a baseball bat to hit him in his feet's sole.In Soviet Russia, Fake borises YOU.
I support paddling
I think coporeal punishment is sometimes a necessity as a parent. Because kids (especially young kids) are sometimes completely unwilling to have a moral reflection.
But I don't think it is the teacher's role to beat a kid. A teacher is here to transfer knowledge. He's not here to replace the parents at teaching discipline.
On these grounds, I am actually not in complete disagreement with recess' watchers physically punishing bullies for having hurt their classmates. Of course, such a thing would need clearance from the parents and an accountable process."I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
"I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
"I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis
Originally posted by Gibsie
You can't suggest that using the paddle helped keep control when you say you had to be subjected to it quite often... if it was successful you wouldn't have received it more than once, surely...