How exactly would it corrode any marriages?
This change now removes any concept of marriage with respect to gender roles. You are changing the very nature of the connection. I can see plenty of confusion, as to what would be expected, from the husband and the wife, and how they are to live with one another.
You also deny that there are differences between men and women, and that these differences not only should be respected, but embraced. Husbands will get frusterated with wives, and wives with husbands as to why they act differently, then the way in which they expect.
And why would other people embrace the philosophy, treating marriage as anything less than they do now?
You admit that it wouldn't change your opinions on it, why would it change others?
I can unequivocably tell you that whether or not I get married and how I treat a marriage has absolutely nothing to do with how the government views them from a legal perspective.
Well, I'm not arguing a libertarian position like LoA, but it's still a non-starter. Most of those benefits are built in to the government recognizing the contract and/or the contract itself. (survivorship, implied POA, visitation rights, etc).