Originally posted by Saras
But you are a sneaky ***** in phrasing the question - no one argued that Germany as a state was NOT systematically eradicating entire groups of people.
I for example said that there were, in fact, chivalrous acts and acts of sheer bravery, born from love of "Vaterland" or other motivations that are not sinister in essence. You in turn painted the WHOLE german nation with one black brush, ridiculing a book you HAVEN'T read just because it was written by a Waffen SS soldier.
But you are a sneaky ***** in phrasing the question - no one argued that Germany as a state was NOT systematically eradicating entire groups of people.
I for example said that there were, in fact, chivalrous acts and acts of sheer bravery, born from love of "Vaterland" or other motivations that are not sinister in essence. You in turn painted the WHOLE german nation with one black brush, ridiculing a book you HAVEN'T read just because it was written by a Waffen SS soldier.
I have never said that all German people committed atrocities. The German jews obviously did not.
What I have said is that the German soldiers in the Waffen-SS and the German Army routinely committed atrocities and that these atrocities were endorsed and encouraged by the German government.
Meanwhile, you claim that the Waffen-SS were chivalrous. Okay, prove it.
As for all this "Oh they were just patriotic", that doesn't change the fact that the Germany Army and SS in Russia killed millions of civilians and POWs behind the battlelines.