Originally posted by Patroklos
So you deny that the Soviets killed 15 times more people?
So you deny that the Soviets killed 15 times more people?
Hell, they even managed to kill more innocent (non-combatant deaths) people from 1933-45 than the Nazis did.
You all were the the worse of two evils. The only reason you all can pretend you are imbued with some sort of virtue from WWII is because had to beat one of you at a time. Lucky for the world you ended up fighting each other for awhile (not for your people however). We got you too, though all of the perpetraters of your holocaust got away.
FY. When we were fighting vs. Nazism, you were seating on your well exersised as$es beyond the ocean, acting like cowards. We saved the world from Hitler's plague, now you blame us and start to shout that we were even worse then nazis. FY, once again, ungratefull ****.
The only revisionist is you, as Russians are the only people who think of themselves as angelic fascist bashers.
You were beyond the ocean, drinking whiskey and dancing with you chicks, despite the fact that you were in war with Germany.
You acting inoccent is no more dispicable than a modern German claiming the Jewish holocaust never occured, good thing very few are that stupid.
In my opinion, the stupid is the one, who believe that Soviet killed 15 times more people than nazi, and who believe that Soviets were worse evil than nazism.
Go ahead, pull some numbers out of your as$, to prove your claim.