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Dirtbag Scumbags of the Right

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  • Come on, this has been an educational thread. I didn't know that homo-fascism existed.

    But given my egalitarian principles I'm committed to giving it equal status with plain old hetero-fascism.

    And what's wrong with calling people "sodomites"? I mean according to the figures there is a lot more hetero-sodomy that goes on. And taking the broadest definition of sodomy, I Agathon, have been the grateful recipient of it from several women. If all I have to do is stand being called a sodomite to get a bit of oral action, I think that's the best deal anyone could ever get.

    Shouldn't we be saying, "You're a sodomite. Not that there's anything wrong with that..."
    Only feebs vote.


    • The tone gets nasty.

      Bob Novak accused of being a traitor


      • That's disgraceful. I don't agree with Bob Novak's politics, but he is a good journalist and honest enough to admit when he doesn't agree with other conservatives.

        In short, he's one of the finest conservative reporters there is. And in this case he was doing his job.
        Only feebs vote.


        • Originally posted by Tripledoc
          Well maybe the people who called me a DL will apologize too?

          You haven't convinced anyone one jot of your non-DLness.

          And please stop laughing. Excessive laughing is a sign of lowered intelligence.


          • And please stop laughing. Excessive laughing is a sign of lowered intelligence.

            “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
            - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


            • Originally posted by Agathon
              Come on, this has been an educational thread.

              If you mean as in "what NOT to do when debating", then yes

              I didn't know that homo-fascism existed.

              I think it is something like anarcho-fascism


              • I never said that homosexuals can't treat woman correctly. Homosexual can treat woman very good.

                Republican supporters are homosexual.

                Thesis rest on. They don't know how to treat women correctly. Not even when it is startegic.


                • About Novak. What has he exactly done besides reporting what a Washington insider has already told him. It is the preorgative of any journalist to protect his sources. I think that this socalled Progressive Majority behind the website is misguided in making Novak the fall guy for the exposure of a CIA agent.

                  It is important not to whitchhunt journalists. The politicians must take responsibility. This is comparebale to how the Bush team made the Iraq WMD debacle stick on CIA director George Tenet (appointed by Clinton.)

                  I am simply amazed how the Bush administration is able to wring themselves out of every single scandal. If this had been Germany, the Bush administration would have fallen a thousand times already.


                  • That's a novel approach. Make yourself out to be a raving lunatic beyond hope of redemption as a way to stimuate debate.

                    Pretty funny for a while though.
                    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                    • The biggest lie of them all.

                      The Year Democracy Ended
                      By Bob Fitrakis
                      The Columbus Free Press
                      "Future historians will record that while the facts and documentation of the end of American republic mounted, many believed the babbling of a low-IQ'ed well-scripted son of the new aristocracy."

                      As the year ends, 2003 will be remembered by future historians as the year the pretense of democracy in the United States ended.

                      Since the 1940s, conservatives have accepted the assumption of economist Joseph Schumpeter that democracy in a mass society existed of little more than the following: the adult population could vote; the votes were fairly counted; and the masses could choose between elites from one of two parties.

                      With the most recent revelations about the 2000 Bush coup in Florida disclosed in the shocking stolen Diebold memos, the Bush family has signaled that an authoritarian right-wing dynasty is the future course for American politics.

                      The Sunday, November 12, 2000 Washington Post, buried on page A22, the smoking gun of the Bush family's CIA-style rigged "demonstration" election in Florida: "Something very strange happened on election night to Deborah Tannenbaum, a Democratic Party official of Volusia County. At 10 p.m., she called the county elections department and found that Al Gore was leading George W. Bush 83,000 votes to 62,000 votes. But when she checked the county's Web site for an update half an hour later, she found a startling development: Gore's count had dropped by 16,000 votes, while an obscure Socialist candidate had picked up 10,000 ... all because of a single precinct with only 600 voters."

                      So it should come as no surprise when the New York Times headline on July 24 of this year read "Computer voting is open to easy fraud." The work by Alastair Thompson at and Bev Harris in her essential new book Black Box Voting reveal not only that computer voting is open to fraud but that massive and widespread fraud occurred in the 2000 election.

                      Moreover, the emboldened Bush administration appears to have continued its fraud in the 2002 and subsequent elections. Why not? The investigation by Senator Frank Church in the 1970s revealed that the U.S. CIA routinely rigged elections throughout the world and was involved in overthrowing democracies and installing dictatorships as needed during the Cold War. The list is familiar to human rights advocates: Iran and Guatemala in the 50s; Chile and Greece in the 70s.

                      Four computer scientists at Rice University and a separate study by the Security Institute at Johns Hopkins University document how easy it is to hack into the Diebold voting machines. Diebold's CEO Wally O'Dell is an ardent Bush supporter who recently hosted a $10,000-a-plate fundraiser for the President in his manor in the affluent Columbus suburb of Upper Arlington. He is "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the President next year" while, at the same time, attempting to contract with the state of Ohio for his fabulously flawed voting machines.

                      And it's not just Diebold. The largest seller of computerized voting systems in the U.S. is ES&S, whose former top exec is now Nebraska's Republican Senator Chuck Hagel, who won after ES&S machines reported an unusual and stunning black vote for him.

                      The Dallas News reported that early voting in the 2002 election created "... several dozen complaints ... from people who said that they selected a Democratic candidate but that their vote appeared beside the name of a Republican on the screen."

                      Recall the six major upsets of Democrats by Republicans in Georgia in the 2002 election. The state's votes were counted on the unreliable and easily hackable 22,000 Diebold machines. Also during the 2002 election, where over 1000 votes were cast in other races, no votes were registered for governor as Clinton administration Attorney General went down to a surprisingly 5000 vote loss.

                      As a result of these obvious voting irregularities, hackers went into the Diebold system and stole thousands of documents and internal memos which expose the 2000 Florida coup. In Harris' book based on these documents and interviews with Diebold officials, she outlines how Gore originally conceded the election after somebody used a "second [computer] card (card #3) that mysteriously appeared, subtracted 16,022 from Al Gore and still in some undefined way, added 4000 erroneous votes to George W. Bush ..."

                      A summary of the 2002 election by found that in 14 races, there was a 3-16 point swing to the Republican Party after the final poll was taken providing several stunning upsets. By contrast, in only two races was there a swing toward the Democratic Party, between 2-4 points. In three other races, the pollsters were within the margin of error.

                      The American people have been socialized into denial. First about the ruthless and imperialist nature of their 26 intelligence-gathering agencies including the CIA and NSA that have been involved in rigging elections worldwide and the ongoing involvement by these agencies in American politics. What is obviously evolved is a praetorian guard, loyal only to the Bush family, that some call the "shadow government."

                      Most Americans are intent to stick their heads in the sand on Bush's vote-rigging and our troops in the sands of Iraq. Future historians will record that while the facts and documentation of the end of American republic mounted, many believed the babbling of a low-IQ'ed well-scripted son of the new aristocracy.
                      - Dr. Bob Fitrakis is Senior Editor of The Free Press (, a political science professor, and author of numerous articles and books.

                      All content © 1970-2003 The Columbus Free Press


                      • Recall the six major upsets of Democrats by Republicans in Georgia in the 2002 election.

                        Anybody who actually knows Georgia and Georgians (I lived there for 30 years) would be hard-pressed to call the swing an "upset" and really, really reaching to append the word "major" to them. The only real surprise (and it wasn't, really) was Tom Murphy getting defeated - but since he was barely re-elected for the previous term it is obvious that the trend lines got him.


                        • So were you comfortable using a Diebold Machine?


                          • I currently live in Tennessee, so I don't know what they're about.


                            • However, I would be very wary about believing "stolen" documents from people with an agenda. Somebody capable of hacking into a machine is just as capable as forging supposed incriminating evidence.


                              • And please stop laughing. Excessive laughing is a sign of lowered intelligence.

                                funny, i thought laughing was good exercise. oh, shiznit, that makes me gay, doesn't it.

                                Oh please Tolkien was a reactionary racist.

                                i'll say. all the men of westernesse were white! not a single asian man ever! and the dragons are always evil! like totally 3v1l!!!!!!!!11111 tolkein obviously thinks all asians, represented by deragons, are teh 3v1l. and then the men of the south! obviously black! and fighting for the evil in mordor! that racist pig! and the elves! being white, tall, blond! they're aryans! my god! he's hitlerian! omg omg omg omg!

                                I didn't know that homo-fascism existed.

                                i demand fair play for bi-fascism! and trans-fascism! and cross-fascism! and hermaphracism!

