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Dirtbag Scumbags of the Right

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  • Well, Az, you could see it as the massive quantity of Tripledoc's stupidity is about equal to the combined intelligence of the rational posters here. Or at least, equal to our combined bemusement at his hysteria!

    Not the battle of good and evil, but the battle of good and stupid... hmmm, I think this makes sense.

    That's some good ol' fashioned conservative reason there, Boris.



    • Originally posted by Sprayber
      Remeber folks. The evil of stupidity starts out seemly small. It tests the limits and resolve of resonable men. Then when it has determined the boundries, it springs forth and attacks with all its forces together. What we could be seeing is the initial probing. The evil is seeing who its allies will be in the upcomming war.

      ok, as long as there are no conservatives on board. oh, wait you've said "reasonable".


      • Ok I admit that i went over the top. Interesting topic nonetheless.
        Here is some more hatespeech.

        "The Looming Specter of Homo-Fascism,"

        Message Given by Pastor Ralph Ovadal at Wisconsin Christians United's International Conference on Homo-Fascism, October 10, 2003.
        Fascism is a political system whereby all opposition to and dissent from the government is disallowed and crushed. Fascism is a philosophy which tolerates no deviation from an established norm, that being the dictates of a powerful elite. Fascism is opposed to the eternal, unchanging, objective law of God and is based on the subjective desires and goals of those who have the power to crush their opposition. In many Western nations, a form of fascism has taken root and presents a clear, present, and growing danger to Christian liberty and the Church of Jesus Christ. This force for evil may justly be referred to as "homo-fascism" due to the fact that those espousing and driving it have as their goal to demonize, marginalize, and silence any criticism of or opposition to homosexual acts and the sodomite agenda. Already Christians in many countries are being arrested for preaching what the Bible teaches concerning homosexual acts. In some cases, special tribunals have been set up to punish such individuals. In America, the machinery of tyranny is likewise being put into place.


        • Ok I admit that i went over the top. Interesting topic nonetheless.
          Here is some more hatespeech.

          You see, that wasn't so hard, was it?


          • Well maybe the people who called me a DL will apologize too?


            • Originally posted by Tripledoc
              You are quoting me out of context. A typical ploy by Republicans.

              Welcome to the crowd, Boris!


              • Originally posted by Tripledoc
                "The Looming Specter of Homo-Fascism,"

                Message Given by Pastor Ralph Ovadal at Wisconsin Christians United's International Conference on Homo-Fascism, October 10, 2003.

                So, to "prove" that the right wing is made up of closeted homosexuals, you cite an opinion given by a right wing pastor which is accusing leftist, open homosexuals of using fascistic tactics to silence their opposition.

                Have you no self-respect? You'd fall into bed with a homophobic religious right pastor who refers to homosexuals as "sodomites"? Really, this is just too shameless for words.

                I'd love to see what evidence this pastor has, and what your source for this is. Which countries now have such tribunals? And are these countries generally considered leftist or rightist?

                The mess gets stickier...
                Tutto nel mondo è burla


                • Well I am not agreeing with this Pastor.

                  I specifically call it hatespeech.


                  • Originally posted by Tripledoc
                    Oh please Tolkien was a reactionary racist.

                    I really don't know what you are talking about. However, if this is any representation of what Franken's book is about, he is going to offend not the Republicans he is attacking but the Liberals, whom he claims to be one of, who tend to think of themselves as thoughtful and reasonable and who do not like being associated with this kind of idiocy.


                    • An example of a push poll.

                      Caller: Hi. I'm calling from an independent polling company and i was wondering if i could have a minute of your time to conduct this survey.

                      Unsuspecting voter: Uh... sure.

                      Caller: Great! If you knew that Senator John McCain was a cheat and a liar and a fraud, and that he has fathered an illigitimate black child, would you be more likely to vote for him or less likely to vote for him?

                      Unsuspecting voter: Hmm. Probably less.
                      Al Franken, page 143


                      • Originally posted by Tripledoc
                        An example of a push poll.

                        Al Franken, page 143
                        Tripledoc, I have never received one of such polls. However, I would be greatly offended if I did and would have the head of any party functionary or other apparatnick that was responsible. I am sure that if such a poll were made and associated with a campaign, that campaign would be in a major world of hurt. The American people do not accept such bigotry.

                        If Franken's point is that racist bigots oppose McCain and therefor the Republican Party is bigoted, I think he is being much too "liberal" with his guilt by association conspriracy thinking. Most, if not all, Republicans would utterly and loudly condemn this kind of bigoted hate-mongering.


                        • Newsflash:

                          Franken is a humorist first. He is exaggerating to make a point. The "push polls" in 2000 weren't worded quite so obviously offensive. But they did happen, which shows the deviousness of the Bush campaign.

                          However, guess what? Liberal candidates do the exact same thing to their opponents. It's part of the ugliness that is modern American politics, and it's infected both sides.
                          Tutto nel mondo è burla


                          • Naw, you're not Sava's DL. Sava has more sense than to say that he didn't say something just 3 posts after he said it.

                            plus I don't make DL's
                            To us, it is the BEAST.


                            • Well...

                              Senator Fair: You haven't hit [McCain's] soft spots.

                              Bush: I know. I'm going to.

                              Senator Fair: Well they need to. Somebody does, anyway.

                              Bush: I agree. I'm not going to do it on TV.
                              Al Franken, page 145.

                              So the push polls was the means chosen, apparently.


                              • More lies.

                                DECEMBER 19, 2003
                                When Will Press Stop Circulating Dubious Iraq Claims?
                                Atta-Hussein Document Probably Bogus

                                By Greg Mitchell

                                When will the press stop circulating dubious or fabricated claims -- whether from Bush administration officials or intelligence abroad? The latest chapter unfolded this week with wide publicity -- capped by a favorable mention in a William Safire column in The New York Times on Monday and the usual hosannas on Fox News -- concerning a supposed document that linked 9/11 hijacker Mohammad Atta to Saddam Hussein.

                                This sort of "evidence," which surfaces periodically, is significant, as polls have always shown that one of the major reasons the public supported the invasion of Iraq was belief that Saddam helped plan the 9/11 attacks. Even after more than two years have passed -- and no hard evidence of that uncovered -- a poll earlier this week showed that slightly more than half of all Americans still believe that to be true, suggesting that perhaps the press has not really done its job in debunking this belief.

                                Now appears a document linking Atta to Hussein, which comes amid reports that the U.S. chief weapons inspector is about to call it quits, having failed to uncover any weapons of mass destruction.

                                There's only one problem: Just like every other bit of paper linking Saddam to 9/11 (some of them also touted by Safire), the latest document appears to be bogus. Yet many in the press keep taking them seriously.

                                According to U.S. law enforcement officials and FBI documents, the latest "smoking gun" linking Saddam to 9/11-- purporting to show that Atta visited Baghdad in the summer of 2001-- is probably a fabrication, Newsweek reported this week. In fact, the new document, supposedly written by the chief of the Iraqi intelligence service, is contradicted by U.S. law-enforcement records showing that Atta was staying at cheap motels and apartments in the United States when the trip would have taken place.

                                The document was hailed by the Sunday Telegraph of London earlier this week in a front-page story written by Con Coughlin, a Telegraph correspondent and the author of the book Saddam: The Secret Life.

                                But U.S. officials and a leading Iraqi document expert told Newsweek that the document is most likely a forgery -- "part of a thriving new trade in dubious Iraqi documents that has cropped up in the wake of the collapse of Saddam's regime."

                                Senior U.S. law-enforcement and intelligence officials said "the claims of an Atta trip to Iraq in the months before the Sept. 11 attacks were highly implausible -- and contradicted by a wealth of information that has been collected about Atta's movements during the period he was plotting the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon."

                                Contacted by Newsweek, the Sunday Telegraph's Coughlin acknowledged that "he could not prove the authenticity of the document. He said that while he got the memo about Mohammed Atta and Baghdad from a 'senior' member of the Iraqi Governing Council who insisted it was 'genuine,' he and his newspaper had 'no way of verifying it. It's our job as journalists to air these things and see what happens,' he said."
                                Source: Editor & Publisher Online

