Any other institution that can actually invest the money to benefit the economy in a more efficient manner.
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the cato institute explains why young people should be pissed off
Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
"Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
Originally posted by Q Cubed
and what's wrong with foisting the care of their parents onto their children? or are we not so sure about personal responsibility here?
why i don't ***** about auto insurance: i don't drive a car. if i did, i would, but specifically in regards to the rates i would get being an unmarried male under the age of 25. i would not complain about everyone having to have it, because if some nutjob hits me, i'll at least be guaranteed that i won't have to pay for damage they caused.
Everyone is compelled to pay because people wouldn't pay enough if it were left to the market. Some because they couldn't afford it, others because they would be hoping that other people would.
Without social security many elderly people would end up being dependent on their families. Not only do many people find this degrading, but it isn't an option for people who choose not to have children or are otherwise estranged from their offspring.
All social security is, is insurance against dying young. People need it for the same reason they need other forms of insurance - risk sharing. If we left it up to the market, large numbers of people would be uninsured for various reasons. That's why it's a compulsory scheme - same as car insurance.
as for costs of having to house and care for elderly parents: you forget, i was raised in an environment where i internalized a lot of confucian mores. there is no option for me but to house and care for my elderly parents, whether i like living with them more not.
annoyance of elderly people in the streets? about as annoying as regular people in the streets. the elderly would just garner more pity. it's not my fault if some ungrateful fool of a child doesn't want to care for his or her parents, and because they shirk their responsibility, i should have to pay?
and yes, it is an argument against social security, those voting numbers. my responsibility to other peoples' parents stops where their responsibility begins. because they're going to bankrupt the system, it will be non-existent for me.
In short, your own personal responsibility is trumped when everyone is going to be worse off if we allow people to pick and choose. Same goes for funding the police or the army. In fact, same goes for a lot of things, if we weren't compelled by the state in certain spheres, we would regress to a state of nature.
Rah is right - there's nothing wrong in principle with SS, but there are problems of implementation. That's where the real debate is.Only feebs vote.
my responsibility to other peoples' parents stops where their responsibility begins.
As a society, there are certain things that can be done much more efficiently if everyone pools their money. I agree that people should have the option of caring for their parents, but that if they choose to do so, this does not exempt them from social security.
Would you abolish all forms of taxes, because those are a form of social welfare, in a sense taking responsibility for those outside of our immediate family?Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
"Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
As a society, there are certain things that can be done much more efficiently if everyone pools their money. I agree that people should have the option of caring for their parents, but that if they choose to do so, this does not exempt them from social security.
Would you abolish all forms of taxes, because those are a form of social welfare, in a sense taking responsibility for those outside of our immediate family?Only feebs vote.
Originally posted by chegitz guevara
Assuming the economy doesn't tank again. Assuming your stcoks don't take a dive just before you hit retirement age. Assuming that your brokers just don't flat out rip you off.A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.
I will pay tens of thousands of dollars for many programs that I will not recieve directly-that is the nature of paying taxes. That is also the nature of living in a modern industrialised, or post-industrialized state. There is NO modern state that has implemented any of the anti-government ideas of the repugs. NONE. So it falls on them to show proof, or any empirical evidence that thier schemes will work.
If you want to change Social security, make a few significant yet simple changes.
Up the retirement age between 67 and 70. A simple change that ups the viability by dozens of years. 2: implement income requirements- and finally, make it come out of the general treasury and not go into some trustfund-in essence, don;t make it an entitlement but a public support system for the elderly without the resources to live. Add a good public health system, and there you go.If you don't like reality, change it! me
"Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
"it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
"Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw
Originally posted by MrFun
Hmmm . . . why do I disagree with this to some extent?
Ben being at one end of the scale and Fez at the other.
Well, you asked.Only feebs vote.