I think that there are 3 or so religous sects that are exempted from paying SS tax because they prove that they take care of their elders.
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the cato institute explains why young people should be pissed off
Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
"Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat
I'll also end up paying in far more than I'll ever get back out, so the Cato institute can take their "entilement" talk and shove it up their ass.I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio
i got a better idea. kill people over the age of 70. logan's run style."I hope I get to punch you in the face one day" - MRT144, Imran Siddiqui
'I'm fairly certain that a ban on me punching you in the face is not a "right" worth respecting." - loinburger
Amish are not too different from Mennonites, in terms of their theology.
Can't seem to find the other groups.Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
"Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
Kenneth Yoder, a Mennonite furniture maker in Kensington in northeast Ohio, said if a Mennonite employee is injured on the job, that person pays for the expense himself or receives financial aid from his church. This is also a way of emphasizing personal responsibility. There are about 36,000 Mennonites in Ohio.
The last group is probably another type of Mennonite, or just the Mennonites in general.
Interesting thought....
I wonder how this works for converts, who do not come from a Mennonite family? I would suspect that they would have to pay because even if the children offer to support the parents, it is not clear that the parents would have to accept the money from the parents.Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
"Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
Interesting thought, that I might be exempt from Social Security if I were to move to Ohio.Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
"Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
Because it's inefficient. Most homes aren't that big and most people don't like living with their parents.
i don't enjoy living with my parents, but life sucks that way. get over it.
Because it's a public good. Unlike you, most people think it is positively awful that elderly people suffer. But if payment is not compulsory very few people would pay, because they would be hoping that others would (in which case they would get the benefit without paying). But this hardly ever works. It's a standard collective action problem, just as in the case of auto insurance and countless other problems people face. The short answer is that you have to pay, because if you didn't hardly anyone would.
yes, it sucks that elderly people suffer. they can go to a church. they can go to any numerous aid organizations, nothing's stopping them.
i object to the simple fact that i am being robbed of my rightful compensation, and by the time i'm eligible to receive the 'benefits', the system will be so broken that they won't bother robbing those younger than me to support my habit of dipping into the government's till.
But you still haven't provided a reasonable alternative. You say that you are not responsible. Well, you aren't responsible for other people driving badly, yet if you drive a car you are compelled to have insurance.
i'm not responsible for other people driving badly. and if they have an accident with me that's their fault, i'm not the one responsible for paying for the damages.
Rah is right - there's nothing wrong in principle with SS, but there are problems of implementation. That's where the real debate is.
tell me when you have an idea of social security that works. right now, it's broken. i haven't the foggiest how to fix it. does this mean i have no right to be pissed off?
Would you abolish all forms of taxes, because those are a form of social welfare, in a sense taking responsibility for those outside of our immediate family?
please. nowhere have i said that i oppose other forms of taxation. my only beef here is with the very nature of social security. it takes money from me on the promise that i will get something in return later. however, it's getting clearer and clearer that they are not planning on coming up with the second half of that deal. because of that, i resent having to pay taxes which i will not receive the benefit of.
yes, in a society, there are bounds. but to hold me responsible for someone else being an ass to their parents? how is that any different from holding me responsible for someone's grandparents having enslaved someone else's grandparents?B♭3
I will pay tens of thousands of dollars for many programs that I will not recieve directly-that is the nature of paying taxes.
of course. so will i. which is why i also absolutely abhor porkbarrel legislation. i don't mind taxing for the general coffers. it's the spending there that's the problem.B♭3
Originally posted by Q Cubed
Because it's inefficient. Most homes aren't that big and most people don't like living with their parents.
i don't enjoy living with my parents, but life sucks that way. get over it.
yes, it sucks that elderly people suffer. they can go to a church. they can go to any numerous aid organizations, nothing's stopping them.
i object to the simple fact that i am being robbed of my rightful compensation, and by the time i'm eligible to receive the 'benefits', the system will be so broken that they won't bother robbing those younger than me to support my habit of dipping into the government's till.
i'm not responsible for other people driving badly. and if they have an accident with me that's their fault, i'm not the one responsible for paying for the damages.
The point is not whose fault it is, but the consequences of having voluntary insurance schemes. Car insurance is compulsory for one reason, if it weren't, there would be masses of uninsured drivers. As Ben pointed out, if the state doesn't sometimes coerce people everyone ends up worse off. This is the rationale behind social security and all the other things I mentioned. You can't have one without the other.
You still haven't proposed an alternative scheme that would work better than social security. In the absence of that, all this is is you moaning about not wanting to pay tax.
tell me when you have an idea of social security that works. right now, it's broken. i haven't the foggiest how to fix it. does this mean i have no right to be pissed off?
please. nowhere have i said that i oppose other forms of taxation. my only beef here is with the very nature of social security. it takes money from me on the promise that i will get something in return later. however, it's getting clearer and clearer that they are not planning on coming up with the second half of that deal. because of that, i resent having to pay taxes which i will not receive the benefit of.
yes, in a society, there are bounds. but to hold me responsible for someone else being an ass to their parents? how is that any different from holding me responsible for someone's grandparents having enslaved someone else's grandparents?
Now let's say that tomorrow you are struck by a falling tree and paralyzed. Would you still then argue against social security measures being used to benefit you, even though the accident wasn't your fault, or anyone else's?Only feebs vote.
There's really no difference between Social Security and any other pyramid scheme except that SS is compulsory. The people who retired just as SS began got the best deal; it got steadily worse over time, and at some point the cost outweighed the benefit for any given individual (as several here have pointed out, anyone retiring today would be much better off if he could have kept his SS payments and invested them). As time goes on, the benefits will shrink and/or the taxes will grow; there's no way around it. Increasing the age at which benefits are paid just postpones the inevitable.
Even if you accept the idea that it's right to tax people to pay for the care of the elderly (I don't, but will concede it here for the sake of argument), Social Security is a horribly inefficient way of doing so. The tax is regressive (flat rate, but the upper limit means that high earners pay a lower total percentage) and the payouts are made without any regard to need."THE" plus "IRS" makes "THEIRS". Coincidence? I think not.
Well, you aren't responsible for other people driving badly, yet if you drive a car you are compelled to have insurance.