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12 Italians Dead in Iraq!

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  • #91
    edited ....I don't want to be banned after all.

    In other news...the first person ever on my ignore list


    • #92
      Originally posted by Tripledoc

      So the Syrians would somehow magically have the ability to patrol their border with Iraq, better than, say, the U.S. is controlling their border with Mexico?
      Caravans of trucks rolling through the official border crossings along the road? Yea, I'd say they could do a much better job. Syria is a police state, run by the same party that controlled Iraq until recently. While I don't doubt that on such a long and empty border that some smuggling gets by them, I also have no doubts that they were actively aiding Saddam's regime.

      Originally posted by Tripledoc

      Have there been any proof that the Syrians have actively helped with any crossborder operations I would be interested to see them. I think we are long past the stage where anyone will take the simple word as proof of anything that is coming out of Washington these days.
      The monopolization of truth has been severely shaken, and that might in fact be a sad thing, but it is hardly the listerners who can be blamed for this tragic turn of events.
      Well Washington's line is close to what I have said, while Syria seems to be sweeping everything under the carpet. The border incident where we shot up a Baathist caravan and took several Syrian border guards prisoner seems to have brought the issue to a head. After Powell's visit Syria toned down the rhetoric and the border region has been much quieter as well.
      He's got the Midas touch.
      But he touched it too much!
      Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


      • #93
        In other news...the first person ever on my ignore list
        oooooh what a shame...

        Maybe he should use his "peace" toilet paper-flag and cover his eyes with that, at least it would have some kind of meaning after all
        I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.

        Asher on molly bloom


        • #94
          And maybe you should try to get some professional help
          Que l’Univers n’est qu’un défaut dans la pureté de Non-être.

          - Paul Valery


          • #95
            Get a life
            I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.

            Asher on molly bloom


            • #96
              Datajack, it's useless try to discuss with idiots like laurentius and paikitis who see this tragedy just as a way to attack Berlusconi (i suppose that in a couple of days Sloth will come up telling that Berlusconi planned the attack to gain popularity ) like someone once wrote:

              Fama di loro il mondo esser non lassa;
              misericordia e giustizia li sdegna:
              non ragioniam di lor, ma guarda e passa.
              So let laurentius live in his Finland, continuing to be proud of his ignorance (God, he tried to prove his knowledge of italian things citing Panorama and Monica Bellucci ) with his strange view of the world (He should explain why attack against italians used the same tactic previously used in attacks against Red Cross and ONU: maybe it's because terrorists are trying to avoid Iraqi normalization hitting forces there to help? nooooo, of course it must be because also Red Cross is there for oil!) and honor the sacrifice of our people.

              If some people out there still don't understand our pain, well, it's people unworthy of being considered.
              (Sorry for the rhetoric but it's exactly as i feel today )

              Drake: I've to add that i too think that comparing this tragedy with 9/11 is a bit extreme but certainly not for a numeric reason (it's a very silly reason when you're talking about victims) but simply because our troops knew that the mission was risky while people dead on 9/11 went to work that day as every other day in their offices.
              "If it works, it's obsolete."
              -- Marshall McLuhan


              • #97
                I thought that calling people "idiots" was not allowed here....
                if I'm supposed to begin a flame war tell me so.....


                • #98
                  Ok, if i must be banned then i'm ready to be banned but i won't change the word i used (moderator can and probably will change it if it's the rule).
                  You know, i've a life out of Poly so being banned won't be a great damage: differently from what you seems to think the tragedy here is another one
                  "If it works, it's obsolete."
                  -- Marshall McLuhan


                  • #99
                    I think one thing should NOT be done.
                    It's done anyway.
                    That cause a tragedy.
                    I say "it should NOT have been done".
                    then not only I'am an idiot (why?) but you seem to think that I'm glad that the tragedy happed...why?


                    • Originally posted by Sloth
                      I think one thing should NOT be done.
                      It's done anyway.
                      What exactly was not to be done? the war? sending our troops there?
                      I've an incredible news for you: Italy never sent troops during the war, we sent troops after the end of the war, to help stopping the anarchy that was coming out in Iraq, this explains why we sent mainly Carabinieri (trained more as police force than as invasion/assault troops, you're italian, you should know the difference)

                      Originally posted by Sloth
                      That cause a tragedy.
                      I say "it should NOT have been done".
                      then not only I'am an idiot (why?)
                      You seem to say: "i was against the war, USA & UK made the war anyway, so USA and UK must solve it without the help of anyone! and this explain why i was against sending our troops there."
                      But this argument is, IMHHHO, an idiotic (or really unintelligent if you prefer) one: you want to avoid sending help to USA and UK because you're upset with them, but in that way you're simply delaying Iraqi normalization, and who you think that will be harmed by a similar action? Just the Iraqi people.

                      Originally posted by Sloth
                      but you seem to think that I'm glad that the tragedy happed...why?
                      Because in the whole thread you didn't spend a single word on deaths.
                      You started ranting against Datajack because he insulted lefties, then you said that right was trying to use the tragedy to gain popular consensus...
                      And then you started asking for mod actions on me because, while trying to communicate my feelings, i used a word forbidden on the forum.

                      I'm sure that you're not glad for what happened (i hope for you at least), but from your posts someone could think that you simply didn't care for the victims but only for the political consequences.

                      Anyway, continue your political show, it doesn't interest me, not in these days.
                      "If it works, it's obsolete."
                      -- Marshall McLuhan


                      • We mourn our dead.
                        Deep run our wounds.


                        • I thought that calling people "idiots" was not allowed here....

                          Of course one has to have very good reasons to do that

                          Dr. Scotto (lol)

                          Well, well if it wasn't about time for new, fresh meat on the forums- yahoo

                          then not only I'am an idiot (why?) but you seem to think that I'm glad that the tragedy happed...why?
                          Because that's how lefties work- why is Berlusconi responsible for this? Did he start the war? Did he send invasion troops? Did he EVER mentioned Iraq's oil or any kind of italian petroleum company?

                          And for your information, that comic you posted before (taken from a communist journal, awesome) is definitely of bad taste; even using that ass-wipe peace flag instead of the national flag is another insult to the victims, who are used as propaganda- who cares about the reasons of war, if war was right or not? That day, that picture, this thread are supposed to be about the CASUALTIES- please rant somewhere else
                          I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.

                          Asher on molly bloom


                          • I thought that calling people "idiots" was not allowed here....
                            if I'm supposed to begin a flame war tell me so.....

                            Wow, you really are new...

                            In other news...the first person ever on my ignore list.

                            Congratulations, you're the second on mine. I want to cut you off while you're still young


                            • Congratulations, you're the second on mine. I want to cut you off while you're still young

                              I'm never bothered by other's opinions (no matter how plain stupid they prove to be) so I'm not putting people on the Ignore list, it's always worthy a laugh
                              I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.

                              Asher on molly bloom


                              • It's not his opinions that bother me; it the fact that he is so completely inane.

                                Kinda like MOBIUS, the other one on my ignore

