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Is profit different from unfair tax?

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  • Well, clearly Flubber, there's only one thing to be arms! To arms! Let us storm those wicked and vile bastions of movie rentals and lay claim to what is rightfully ours! We are entitled to a copy of every movie that those cursed dens of exploitation have in their stocks!

    [/braveheart mode off]

    The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


    • You all don't seem to understand. If the community needs a horse, they will appropriate/steal it from someone that already has a horse. It has more value being a community horse than a privately owned horse. Upkeep will work the same way. We may laugh, but this is the way it was actually done in the past. But don't worry, no one will be exploited.
      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • Another rambling discourse about stuff in general...

        Originally posted by Flubber
        Vel and JohnT

        I just find the whole idea that rent is explotive to be baffling. I rent things all the time when it does not make economic sense for me to acquire them, either because I have a limited or one-time need OR because renting makes better sense than buying . . . .

        OR KID is renting a car or rototiller ok
        Thank you for the props.

        Point well taken. Imagine having to buy movies because renting them is illegal. Imagine actually having to buy a reel of film and a projector and a projection room just to see a movie in an audience. Imagine having to ship your favorite band all the way to your house if you want to hear them play their music, ala the Kings of yesteryear who had no problem paying Mozarts father to waste years out of his families lives for a concert series.

        I was in a conversation with some Leftie a few months ago... Monkspider maybe? (I'll go look if it's that important to anybody) Anyway the topic was standards of livings and I made the comment that there is no way I would change my standard of living, even for that of Louis XIV. His life might be grand, but I bet he dealt with a lot of uncomfortableness that is rarely felt by Middle Class Man. Anyway, Monk rather emphatically disagreed, and among his list of why old Louis had a better standard of living than I, was the fact that him "having dozens of servants waiting on you hand and foot." (paraphrase)

        Servants. From a leftist who elsewhere proclaims their desire for the equality of mankind. I can't even imagine doing such a thing to another person, and I'm supposed to be the bad guy (and in terms of actual Capitalistic PigDoggedness* (as opposed to just yelling about it), I'm one of the major enemies of the Left on this board, far far more than Fez or Imran). I didn't say anything about it then; hell, I didn't have to.

        *I've torpedoed careers with well-timed revelations, fired people, used my financing to "force" my way to the head of another company, all my family crap, stuff like that.


        • And the winner of the "Responses you'd like to give your boss" award goes to...

          Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat

          According to many law firms and CPA firm's billing instructions to their lower echelon professionals, if you spend time on the toilet thinking about a client's matter, that is billable time.
          "Gawddammit, am I paying you to sit in the can?!?"

          "That's about it, sir."


          • Thank God for the inventor of toilet paper...

            Originally posted by JohnT
            Point well taken. Imagine having to buy movies because renting them is illegal.
            I think the theory is that intellectual property is a bourgeoise concept anyway, so movies will (a) all be freely provided by the state, and (b) shouldn't distract the masses with socially and politically inappropriate messages, as this is an avenue for subversive activity. Therefore, no movies shall be made that you'd actually want to watch, buy you'll be compelled to attend anyway, to show that you're dedicated to the cause.

            I was in a conversation with some Leftie a few months ago... Monkspider maybe? (I'll go look if it's that important to anybody) Anyway the topic was standards of livings and I made the comment that there is no way I would change my standard of living, even for that of Louis XIV. His life might be grand, but I bet he dealt with a lot of uncomfortableness that is rarely felt by Middle Class Man.
            Yes, the greatest inventions of mankind are soft toilet paper and working indoor plumbing. The rest is all anti-climax.

            Anyway, Monk rather emphatically disagreed, and among his list of why old Louis had a better standard of living than I, was the fact that him "having dozens of servants waiting on you hand and foot." (paraphrase)

            Servants. From a leftist who elsewhere proclaims their desire for the equality of mankind. I can't even imagine doing such a thing to another person,
            Servants are rather nice to have. You can always pay them decently and forgo the random rape, torture, and execution for amusement part of the deal, though.

            and I'm supposed to be the bad guy (and in terms of actual Capitalistic PigDoggedness* (as opposed to just yelling about it), I'm one of the major enemies of the Left on this board, far far more than Fez or Imran). I didn't say anything about it then; hell, I didn't have to.

            *I've torpedoed careers with well-timed revelations, fired people, used my financing to "force" my way to the head of another company, all my family crap, stuff like that.
            Ah, yes, but Lenin, Mao and Stalin didn't exactly get to the top of the heap by being nice guys, either, so it's all good.
            When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


            • True. Imagine, little ol me in such illustrious company!

              Michael, I believe that is the first time you parsed one of my posts. I am honored, and, it's about damned time!



              • "Servants are rather nice to have. You can always pay them decently and forgo the random rape, torture, and execution for amusement part of the deal, though."

                Yes, but I expect a true, honest replication of Louis' lifestyle from a man who admires it so much.


                • Servants? Bah! I want Minions. They shall do my evil bidding.

                  I could have one of them walk behind me with a boombox playing the Imperial March all the time.

                  grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                  The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                  • I think you guys on the right ought to understand that to a Marxist, equality is the only goal, and the end justifies the means. Anything that would lead to inequality is unjust, exploitive, or whatever. As they try to defend this "system," endless absurdities obtain. They deal with these by ignoring them, or, as I said, multiplying by zero and adding in the answer they like.

                    It is fruitless, if not stupid, to engage in serious arguments with a Marxist, except in front of a audience where the absurdities of Marxism can be demonstrated to the young or to those who may be considering throwing in with the left.

                    I think the Chinese have understood that Marxism does not work in practice. This is why they have now moved to fascism.


                    • how come kidiridiculous hasn' posed in his topic for a while?
                      eimi men anthropos pollon logon, mikras de sophias


                      • I liked the other thread better. It's really sad to see everyone gang up like that on kidicious. A new Com-Cap thread is due.


                        • Over 500.... case closed
                          Keep on Civin'
                          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

