I have a Jewish history course-my proffesor is Jewish but seems non-practicing, his area of expertise is Jewish history.
He said today in class, in response to a students question that Jews believe hell exists.....
.... yes, I was quite shocked by this claim.
I immediatly raised my hand and asked where in the Torah it even mentions hell, he said it dosent, "but it is mentioned later in other texts, like the Talmud".
I was so shocked, and so embarrased I let the topic drop and he moved on.
Now I WONT claim to be a great learned chasid, I'm not-I know Hebrew well enough to understand most of the prayers/a hebrew conversation, I've read the Torah dozens of times, I know all the laws I need to know to keep sin to a minimum.... though I admit I have read very little of the Talmud.
I've always thought that if Hell exists, the Christian/Muslim God is the biggest bastard in existance, as condeming anyone to such a place for any act seems beyond imagining in the scope of its cruelty.
Is hell even mentioned in the Talmud or elsewhere? Even if it is, my thought would be that the Talmud itself is not holy, it is merely the interpretation of some learned sages, but it in and of itself has no more divine influence in it then me writing a smiley face on a roll of toilet paper.
Anyone shed some light on this?
He said today in class, in response to a students question that Jews believe hell exists.....
.... yes, I was quite shocked by this claim.
I immediatly raised my hand and asked where in the Torah it even mentions hell, he said it dosent, "but it is mentioned later in other texts, like the Talmud".
I was so shocked, and so embarrased I let the topic drop and he moved on.
Now I WONT claim to be a great learned chasid, I'm not-I know Hebrew well enough to understand most of the prayers/a hebrew conversation, I've read the Torah dozens of times, I know all the laws I need to know to keep sin to a minimum.... though I admit I have read very little of the Talmud.
I've always thought that if Hell exists, the Christian/Muslim God is the biggest bastard in existance, as condeming anyone to such a place for any act seems beyond imagining in the scope of its cruelty.
Is hell even mentioned in the Talmud or elsewhere? Even if it is, my thought would be that the Talmud itself is not holy, it is merely the interpretation of some learned sages, but it in and of itself has no more divine influence in it then me writing a smiley face on a roll of toilet paper.
Anyone shed some light on this?