Boo Hoo, he got some obscene calls at home. (we don't know how many) It is a shame that he wasn't the one answering the phone. So some morons call. I answer calls from morons all day. (regular telemarketers and my daughters boyfriend wannabes) boo hoo.
I don't see it as shooting the toe vs stepping on it.
You know they're exagerating to make it sound worse.
It's his own DAMN Fault for being an idiot. I may not totally agree with the retaliation since it's a bit childish, but I don't have a problem with it.
How many phone calls do you think his wife listened to before she just unplugged the phone. Or do you think she was quizzing the callers to see how bad they would get. Having to get a new phone number is probably the right payback.
I don't see it as shooting the toe vs stepping on it.
You know they're exagerating to make it sound worse.
It's his own DAMN Fault for being an idiot. I may not totally agree with the retaliation since it's a bit childish, but I don't have a problem with it.
How many phone calls do you think his wife listened to before she just unplugged the phone. Or do you think she was quizzing the callers to see how bad they would get. Having to get a new phone number is probably the right payback.