Originally posted by Osweld
There are fads created by people, and there are corporate fads. Britney spears, and pop culture in general, is a good example of corporate fads. Brintey spears was nothing before all the hype was created around her.
There are fads created by people, and there are corporate fads. Britney spears, and pop culture in general, is a good example of corporate fads. Brintey spears was nothing before all the hype was created around her.
Ah, so you are begining to admit it.

Advertising can't make you buy a "pile of crap"... you imply that it can. Advertising can show how a product can fullfull a need... but you are the one that determines if you have the need.
They would however buy a huge gas guzzling 4x4 to drive their kids to school in, despite not needing that.
A small economy car doesn't have the space you "need" to do so. Before the 4x4's... there were gas guzziling station wagons... and then vans. Both have their limitations. 4x4's sell well because people feel they need them... not because of advertising. Again... advertising works when there is already a need. Your comments make it sound like we could sell these people their own large school buses by simply advertising. It doesn't work that way.