but seriously, wtf do you care if two gay dudes (or girls) want to get married... it's none of your business.
No announcement yet.
How would you vote on the Canadian Alliance motion?
I'm somewhat confused. If some churches want to marry gay couples, and some gay couples want to get married, where's the beef?
Is the fear that all churches will be forced to marry gay couples?
Since there are already civil unions, what is the difference? It is a religious one, right? So, isn't failing to recognise the religious union of a gay couple in some denomination or other a suppression of that religious sect, and not just discrimination against those who were married under that blessing?
btw, I have a very difficult time believing 74% of Canadians as a whole are against the Mangler on this.(\__/)
(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.
ABBOTT, James (Canadian Alliance)
ABLONCZY, Diane (Canadian Alliance)
ANDERS, Rob (Canadian Alliance)
ANDERSON, David L. (Canadian Alliance)
BAILEY, Roy H. (Canadian Alliance)
BENOIT, Leon Earl (Canadian Alliance)
BREITKREUZ, Garry (Canadian Alliance)
BURTON, Andy (Canadian Alliance)
CADMAN, Chuck (Canadian Alliance)
CASSON, Rick (Canadian Alliance)
CHATTERS, David Cameron (Canadian Alliance)
CUMMINS, John Martin (Canadian Alliance)
DAY, Stockwell (Canadian Alliance)
DUNCAN, John Morris (Canadian Alliance)
ELLEY, Reed (Canadian Alliance)
EPP, Ken (Canadian Alliance)
FITZPATRICK, Brian (Canadian Alliance)
FORSETH, Paul Eugene (Canadian Alliance)
GALLANT, Cheryl (Canadian Alliance)
GOLDRING, Peter (Canadian Alliance)
GOUK, Jim (Canadian Alliance)
GREWAL, Gurmant Singh (Canadian Alliance)
GREY, Deborah C. (Canadian Alliance)
HANGER, Art (Canadian Alliance)
HARPER, Stephen Joseph (Canadian Alliance)
HARRIS, **** (Canadian Alliance)
HERRON, John (Conservative)
HILL, Grant (Canadian Alliance)
HILL, Jay D. (Canadian Alliance)
HILSTROM, Howard E. (Canadian Alliance)
HINTON, Betty (Canadian Alliance)
JAFFER, Rahim (Canadian Alliance)
JOHNSTON, F. Dale (Canadian Alliance)
KENNEY, Jason (Canadian Alliance)
LUNN, Gary (Canadian Alliance)
LUNNEY, James D. (Canadian Alliance)
MARTIN, Keith P. (Canadian Alliance)
MAYFIELD, Philip William (Canadian Alliance)
MCNALLY, Grant (Canadian Alliance)
MEREDITH, Val (Canadian Alliance)
MERRIFIELD, Rob (Canadian Alliance)
MILLS, Bob (Canadian Alliance)
MOORE, James (Canadian Alliance)
OBHRAI, Deepak (Canadian Alliance)
PALLISTER, Brian William (Canadian Alliance)
PENSON, Charlie (Canadian Alliance)
RAJOTTE, James (Canadian Alliance)
REID, Scott (Canadian Alliance)
REYNOLDS, John Douglas (Canadian Alliance)
RITZ, Gerry (Canadian Alliance)
SCHMIDT, Werner (Canadian Alliance)
SKELTON, Carol (Canadian Alliance)
SOLBERG, Monte (Canadian Alliance)
SORENSON, Kevin (Canadian Alliance)
SPENCER, Larry (Canadian Alliance)
STINSON, Darrel (Canadian Alliance)
STRAHL, Chuck (Canadian Alliance)
THOMPSON, Myron (Canadian Alliance)
TOEWS, Vic (Canadian Alliance)
VELLACOTT, Maurice (Canadian Alliance)
WHITE, Randy A. (Canadian Alliance)
WHITE, Ted (Canadian Alliance)
WILLIAMS, John G. (Canadian Alliance)
YELICH, Lynne (Canadian Alliance)
ASSAD, Mark Joseph (Liberal)
ASSADOURIAN, Sarkis (Liberal)
BELLEMARE, Eugene (Liberal)
BERTRAND, Robert (Liberal)
BONIN, Raymond (Liberal)
BRYDEN, John H. (Liberal)
CALDER, Murray (Liberal)
CANNIS, John (Liberal)
CHAMBERLAIN, Brenda Kay (Liberal)
CHARBONNEAU, Yvon (Liberal)
EFFORD, R. John (Liberal)
EYKING, Mark (Liberal)
FONTANA, Joe (Liberal)
GUARNIERI, Albina (Liberal)
HUBBARD, Charles (Liberal)
JACKSON, Ovid (Liberal)
KARYGIANNIS, Jim (Liberal)
KILGER, Bob (Liberal)
LASTEWKA, Walt (Liberal)
LEE, Derek Vincent (Liberal)
LINCOLN, Clifford (Liberal)
LONGFIELD, Judi (Liberal)
MALHI, Gurbax Singh (Liberal)
MALONEY, John (Liberal)
MCCORMICK, Larry (Liberal)
MCGUIRE, Joe (Liberal)
MCKAY, John (Liberal)
MCTEAGUE, Dan (Liberal)
MURPHY, Shawn (Liberal)
NORMAND, Gilbert (Liberal)
O¡¦BRIEN, Pat (Liberal)
O¡¦REILLY, John Francis (Liberal)
PANKIW, Jim (Independent)
PERIC, Janko (Liberal)
PICKARD, Jerry (Liberal)
PILLITTERI, Gary Orazio Vincenzo (Liberal)
PRATT, David (Liberal)
PROVENZANO, Carmen (Liberal)
REED, Julian Alexander Arnott (Liberal)
SAVOY, Andy (Liberal)
SCHERRER, Helene C. (Liberal)
SERRE, Benoit (Liberal)
SGRO, Judy (Liberal)
SPELLER, Bob (Liberal)
STECKLE, Paul Daniel (Liberal)
ST-JULIEN, Guy (Liberal)
SZABO, Paul John Mark (Liberal)
TIRABASSI, Tony (Liberal)
TONKS, Alan (Liberal)
UR, Rose-Marie Margaret (Liberal)
VOLPE, Joseph (Liberal)
WAPPEL, Tom (Liberal)
WILFERT, Bryon (Liberal)
BARNES, Rex (Conservative)
CASEY, Bill (Conservative)
DOYLE, Norman E. (Conservative)
KEDDY, Gerald (Conservative)
MACKAY, Peter Gordon (Conservative)
MARK, Inky (Conservative)
SCHELLENBERGER, Gary (Conservative)
THOMPSON, Gregory Francis (Conservative)
WAYNE, Elsie Eleanore (Conservative)
ASSELIN, Gerard (Bloc Quebecois)
GAUDET, Roger (Bloc Quebecois)
LANCTOT, Robert (Bloc Quebecois)
VENNE, Pierrette (Independent Bloc Quebecois)
LEBEL, Ghislain (Independent)Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
"Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
but seriously, wtf do you care if two gay dudes (or girls) want to get married... it's none of your business.
This will produce big changes to Canadian society, that affect everybody. That's why I care.Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
"Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
This will produce big changes to Canadian society, that affect everybody. That's why I care.
Allowing gay marriage will prove too tempting for many of the people out there, and will contribute to a downfall in society when men realize they truly don't need women anymore. Not even to get married!
Can you guys not see how this will torment the country? How dare two people marry eachother if they have the same genitals, God will throw lightning down on our entire country and rape our children."The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "
NAYS - 137 votes:
ADAMS, Peter (Liberal)
ALCOCK, Reg (Liberal)
ALLARD, Carole-Marie (Liberal)
ANDERSON, David (Liberal)
AUGUSTINE, Jean (Liberal)
BAGNELL, Larry (Liberal)
BARNES, Susan (Liberal)
BARRETTE, Gilbert (Liberal)
BEAUMIER, Colleen (Liberal)
BELANGER, Mauril (Liberal)
BENNETT, Carolyn (Liberal)
BEVILACQUA, Maurizio (Liberal)
BINET, Gerard (Liberal)
BLONDIN-ANDREW, Ethel (Liberal)
BONWICK, Paul (Liberal)
BOUDRIA, Don (Liberal)
BRADSHAW, Claudette (Liberal)
BROWN, Bonnie (Liberal)
BULTE, Sarmite (Liberal)
BYRNE, Gerry (Liberal)
CACCIA, Charles L. (Liberal)
CAPLAN, Elinor (Liberal)
CARIGNAN, Jean Guy (Independent Liberal)
CASTONGUAY, Jeannot (Liberal)
CATTERALL, Marlene (Liberal)
CAUCHON, Martin (Liberal)
CHRETIEN, Jean (Liberal)
CODERRE, Denis (Liberal)
COLLENETTE, David Michael (Liberal)
COPPS, Sheila Maureen (Liberal)
CULLEN, Roy (Liberal)
CUZNER, Rodger (Liberal)
DEVILLERS, Paul (Liberal)
DHALIWAL, Herb (Liberal)
DION, Stephane (Liberal)
DISCEPOLA, Nick (Liberal)
DROMISKY, Stan (Liberal)
DROUIN, Claude (Liberal)
DUPLAIN, Claude (Liberal)
EASTER, Arnold Wayne (Liberal)
EGGLETON, Arthur C. (Liberal)
FARRAH, Georges (Liberal)
FINLAY, John Baird (Liberal)
FOLCO, Raymonde (Liberal)
FRULLA, Liza (Liberal)
FRY, Hedy (Liberal)
GODFREY, John Ferguson (Liberal)
GOODALE, Ralph Edward (Liberal)
GRAHAM, Bill (Liberal)
GROSE, Ivan (Liberal)
HARVARD, John (Liberal)
HARVEY, Andre (Liberal)
IANNO, Tony (Liberal)
JENNINGS, Marlene (Liberal)
JOBIN, Christian (Liberal)
JORDAN, Joe Louis (Liberal)
KARETAK-LINDELL, Nancy (Liberal)
KEYES, Stan Kazmierczak (Liberal)
KNUTSON, Gar (Liberal)
KRAFT SLOAN, Karen (Liberal)
LEBLANC, Dominic (Liberal)
MACKLIN, Paul Harold (Liberal)
MAHONEY, Steve (Liberal)
MANLEY, John Paul (Liberal)
MARCIL, Serge (Liberal)
MARLEAU, Diane (Liberal)
MARTIN, Paul (Liberal)
MCCALLUM, John (Liberal)
MCLELLAN, A. Anne (Liberal)
MINNA, Maria (Liberal)
MITCHELL, Andy (Liberal)
NAULT, Robert Daniel (Liberal)
NEVILLE, Anita (Liberal)
PAGTAKHAN, Rey D. (Liberal)
PARADIS, Denis (Liberal)
PARRISH, Carolyn (Liberal)
PATRY, Bernard (Liberal)
PETERSON, Jim (Liberal)
PETTIGREW, Pierre (Liberal)
PHINNEY, Beth (Liberal)
PRICE, David (Liberal)
PROULX, Marcel (Liberal)
REDMAN, Karen (Liberal)
REGAN, Geoff (Liberal)
ROBILLARD, Lucienne (Liberal)
ROCK, Allan (Liberal)
SAADA, Jacques (Liberal)
SCOTT, Andy (Liberal)
SHEPHERD, Alexander James (Liberal)
SIMARD, Raymond (Liberal)
ST. DENIS, Brent (Liberal)
STEWART, Jane (Liberal)
ST-JACQUES, Diane (Liberal)
TELEGDI, Andrew (Liberal)
THIBAULT, Robert (Liberal)
THIBEAULT, Yolande (Liberal)
VANCLIEF, Lyle (Liberal)
WHELAN, Susan (Liberal)
BLOQ: 23
BACHAND, Claude (Bloc Quebecois)
BIGRAS, Bernard (Bloc Quebecois)
BOURGEOIS, Diane (Bloc Quebecois)
CRETE, Paul (Bloc Quebecois)
DALPHOND-GUIRAL, Madeleine (Bloc Quebecois)
DUCEPPE, Gilles (Bloc Quebecois)
GAGNON, Christiane (Bloc Quebecois)
GAGNON, Marcel (Bloc Quebecois)
GAGNON, Sebastien (Bloc Quebecois)
GAUTHIER, Michel (Bloc Quebecois)
GIRARD-BUJOLD, Jocelyne (Bloc Quebecois)
GUAY, Monique (Bloc Quebecois)
GUIMOND, Michel (Bloc Quebecois)
LALONDE, Francine (Bloc Quebecois)
LOUBIER, Yvan (Bloc Quebecois)
MARCEAU, Richard (Bloc Quebecois)
MENARD, Real (Bloc Quebecois)
PAQUETTE, Pierre (Bloc Quebecois)
PICARD, Pauline (Bloc Quebecois)
PLAMONDON, Louis (Bloc Quebecois)
ROY, Jean-Yves(Bloc Quebecois)
SAUVAGEAU, Benoit (Bloc Quebecois)
ST-HILAIRE, Caroline (Bloc Quebecois)
LILL, Wendy (NDP)
MASSE, Brian (NDP)
NYSTROM, Lorne Edmund (NDP)
ROBINSON, Svend Johannes (NDP)
BACHAND, Andre (Conservative)
BOROTSIK, Rick (Conservative)
BRISON, Scott (Conservative)
CLARK, Joe (Conservative)Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
"Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
Go Joe Clark.
Though I shouldn't be surprised, his riding is basically the gay community of Calgary."The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "
What changes and why would they be bad?
Secondly, Not helpful to the churches who oppose gay marriage. They will likely have tax exemptions cut off if they refuse to marry a couple. We see this in the Marc Hall case, and I see further precedents down the line.
Thirdly, we have a low birthrate. This will drop the birthrate further.
Fourth, immigration from other countries of people who cannot get married in their home countries, coming to Canada just to get married.
Fifth, what's going to happen with families? An affirmation of marriage between a man and a woman would finally show that a traditional family is something to be valued.Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
"Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
Couple of names stick out.
MACKAY, Peter Gordon (Conservative)
ASSELIN, Gerard (Bloc Quebecois)
GAUDET, Roger (Bloc Quebecois)
LANCTOT, Robert (Bloc Quebecois)
VENNE, Pierrette (Independent Bloc Quebecois)
Who are these BQ? Never heard of them.Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
"Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
First, Why 'to the exclusion of all others?' If we approve of homosexual marriages, why not polygamy?That is a good question.
I've no problem with polygamy so long as they all consent. Ain't my place to tell them they can't.
Secondly, Not helpful to the churches who oppose gay marriage. They will likely have tax exemptions cut off if they refuse to marry a couple. We see this in the Marc Hall case, and I see further precedents down the line.
Thirdly, we have a low birthrate. This will drop the birthrate further.
Fourth, immigration from other countries of people who cannot get married in their home countries, coming to Canada just to get married.
An increase in tourism is a negative?
Fifth, what's going to happen with families?"The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "
Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
First, Why 'to the exclusion of all others?' If we approve of homosexual marriages, why not polygamy?
Why do you link polygamy and gay marriage?
Secondly, Not helpful to the churches who oppose gay marriage. They will likely have tax exemptions cut off if they refuse to marry a couple. We see this in the Marc Hall case, and I see further precedents down the line.
However, the fact that something bad might happen, is no reason to continue to deny rights to others.
Thirdly, we have a low birthrate. This will drop the birthrate further.
Fourth, immigration from other countries of people who cannot get married in their home countries, coming to Canada just to get married.
Fifth, what's going to happen with families? An affirmation of marriage between a man and a woman would finally show that a traditional family is something to be valued.(\__/)
(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.