Originally posted by GePap
That is exactly the point: in the US everything is an issue of rights, rights this, rights that...no one cares to accept the soverignty of the government and its ability to make laws: everything has to be about the validation of some fundamental right...
There is no right to life, nor right to abortion. What there needs to be is sensible family planning legislation.
That is exactly the point: in the US everything is an issue of rights, rights this, rights that...no one cares to accept the soverignty of the government and its ability to make laws: everything has to be about the validation of some fundamental right...
There is no right to life, nor right to abortion. What there needs to be is sensible family planning legislation.
I can't see what's wrong with everything being a 'validation of a fundamental right' that's the way we Americans have always worked we only respect 'self evident truths' this we have promised from the start.
You want family planning? Try contraceptives because once that kid is conceived you should give him the life which you have promised him. You should at the very least put him up for adoption, at the very most you could always accept your own responsibility.
If there is no right to life, from which a mother to be derives the right to murder unborn humans who she deems inconvinient I claim the right to kill all who I find inconvinient.
But Society cannot function that way, Society requires absolutes in order to maintain a semblance of order. All governments require absolutes, whether they are the absolutes a despot maintains or the self evident absolutes which a people can see for themselves and upon which they found a government. I claim the right to live, I claim it and I dare you to try to deny me it.
If I were as helpless as that infant would it make it alright to relieve me of that right? Does might make right? If so I dare you to ever criticise Dubyas foreign policy again, because I'm taking names.
no one cares to accept the soverignty of the government and its ability to make laws: