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  • #91
    Originally posted by Ming
    Whose to say whether it's necessary or not. Having a standing army available might be considered necessary by some people.

    Frankly... I think all young men and women should have a mandatory 1 or 2 year service to their country... whether it's in the military or communty service... It would teach them that freedom doesn't come for free, and that EVERYBODY needs to do their share. Many people have died so that we can enjoy the freedoms that we do have...
    I say the exact same thing to my friends... they call me a fascist zionist(?... i guess cause israel does somethn similar). Actually, my idea is a little different, but basically this. You should read Star Ship Troopers (the book is COMPLETELY different from the movie, much more political and philosophical), it goes into detail a government that works kinda like this.
    "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
    - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
    Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


    • #92
      If people aren't willing to defend the nation, why should the nation exist?

      Further, the two times the US has been invaded, there have been plenty of volunteers (Revolution, War of 1812).
      Yup, is a country really worth fighting for if people won't even volunteer? Nope. When we have been invaded, people did volunteer.

      I don't count the Civil War, which was really caused by the US anyway.
      Interesting how both sides used a draft to wage that war, huh?
      Kind of exposes the nature of drafts...


      • #93
        Whether you like it or not... the constitution does allow the government to pass laws. And while the government would never pass a law saying you have to wear a pink tutu... it can pass laws that say you must pay taxes or can be conscripted.
        Certainly the Constitution allows Congress to pass laws, but even Imran will agree that the Constitution doesn't allow the government to pass *any* law.

        Yes... and the current laws have been deemed ok according to the constitution... your point?
        Various laws throughout US history have been deemed OK by SCOTUS, when clearly they are wrong.

        And as far as moral goes... again, only YOUR opinion, so that doesn't make it a fact... just your opinion.
        Are you a moral relativist, or do you believe in certain absolutes? Serious question.
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        • #94
          Interesting how both sides used a draft to wage that war, huh?
          Kind of exposes the nature of drafts...
          Yes, and I'll also point out that just because I say the US was at fault in causing the Civil War doesn't mean I think the CSA was behaving very morally, either.
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          • #95
            Are you a moral relativist, or do you believe in certain absolutes? Serious question.
            If he is a moral relativist, hes not when it comes to the rules of this site (i would know).

            despite your culture, the rules are rules
            "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
            - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
            Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


            • #96
              Hes a moral relativist,
              I'll let Ming answer. I'm not going to debate Ming's position with anyone other than Ming
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              • #97
                Btw, I haven't seen anyone refute David's claim that the draft is immoral. People have only argued it is less immoral that the possible consequences...


                • #98
                  Originally posted by David Floyd

                  I'll let Ming answer. I'm not going to debate Ming's position with anyone other than Ming
                  yeah, i didnt mean to say that, i edited it and said what i meant to
                  "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
                  - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
                  Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


                  • #99
                    I believe in certain absolutes when it comes to morality... But conscription doesn't fall on my immoral list

                    And yes, I don't feel that ANY law can be passed (and that's why your red tutu law is still just a straw man)

                    But laws that have been passed and are considered constitutional at the time are the law, and must be followed, or you must except the results of ignorning them. Again... if you disagree with a law, fine... but you are expected to follow it... or choose other courses of action... like leaving the country or trying to fight them in legal fashions.
                    Keep on Civin'
                    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • Originally posted by Berzerker
                      Btw, I haven't seen anyone refute David's claim that the draft is immoral. People have only argued it is less immoral that the possible consequences...
                      Uhhh... you can't refute personal opinions. I feel it isn't immoral. I give my reasons... and he gave his. He thinks he's right... I think I'm right. again... just opinion, and not facts.
                      Keep on Civin'
                      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • Yes, and I'll also point out that just because I say the US was at fault in causing the Civil War doesn't mean I think the CSA was behaving very morally, either.
                        True, and there wouldn't have been a war without drafts. But some people think killing off 600,000 people to end slavery was justified. Just how their position would change if it was their family members being killed is another, interesting question.


                        • I believe in certain absolutes when it comes to morality...
                          Excellent, I agree. What absolutes do you believe in?

                          And yes, I don't feel that ANY law can be passed
                          Excellent. Presumably, you agree that Congress can't pass a law that is against the Constitution.

                          Let me ask you this, then. Can a law be unconstitutional, even if SCOTUS says it isn't? Take an extreme example - if Congress passes a law banning the Muslim religion, and SCOTUS allows it, is it really Constitutional?

                          But laws that have been passed and are considered constitutional at the time are the law, and must be followed,
                          What about laws that violate a moral absolute, which you have agreed exist?
                          Follow me on Twitter:
                          Read my seldom updated blog where I talk to myself:


                          • Uhhh... you can't refute personal opinions. I feel it isn't immoral. I give my reasons... and he gave his. He thinks he's right... I think I'm right. again... just opinion, and not facts.
                            And it'll remain as such until we find out what you believe are moral absolutes.
                            Follow me on Twitter:
                            Read my seldom updated blog where I talk to myself:


                            • First... this thread is about conscription...

                              And the Country has had it in the past... and it was deemed constitutional... and it doesn't violate any moral absolute that I have... So your questions are just not relevent to me on this topic.

                              But as far as absolutes... murder (and I don't consider self defense murder) rape... slavery (and I don't consider conscription slavery)... racism... just a few off the top of my head.
                              Keep on Civin'
                              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                              • Uhhh... you can't refute personal opinions. I feel it isn't immoral. I give my reasons... and he gave his. He thinks he's right... I think I'm right. again... just opinion, and not facts.
                                So, at the risk of being uninvited for future golf outings , do you believe it is moral to force others to die for your security?
                                If someone is trying to murder me, can I morally force you to leave your family and stand guard outside my home?

