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Character Creation Thread

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Solver
    Got it dejon, thanks, just thought that without Strength I may be unable to carry stuff or something. After another look at it, I came up with.

    Str: 8 (0) [-1]
    Dex: 16 (6) [+3]
    Con: 12 (6) [+1]
    Int: 18 (16) [+4]
    Wis: 12 (4) [+1]
    Cha: 8 (0) [-1]

    Question is, though, now if 8 Str is acceptable, or maybe 10 should do it, dunno. But this does somewhat sound better to me now.
    Maybe this will help:

    Carrying Capacities:

    STR Light Load-Medium Load-Heavy Load

    8 26-53-80
    9 30-60-90
    10 33-66-100
    11 38-76-115
    12 43-86-130
    13 50-100-150
    14 58-116-175
    15 66-133-200
    16 76-153-230
    17 86-173-260
    18 100-200-300

    If you look back at my Halfling Sorcerer, I was able to squeeze within my light load, although helped by the Halfling sizes of some equipment.

    In general, a spellcaster does not need to carry heavy weight. This is because they do not wear armor or use heavy weapons.

    If you can manage the weight loads, I think the re-configuration of your ability scores is good.

    What are you thinking for Skills?


    • #77
      Well, I am pretty satisfied by me attributes then, I think. I have no clue on how much equipement I will need nonetheless, though - I assume my spellbook, some outfit, and that? I don't really think I need to carry a big weapon, maybe just a dagger or a knife... and some potions.

      As for Skills, reading through descriptions now... I believe that skills governed by INT are my best, but I'm still a bit puzzled by the skill point system - how many do I get, and how exactly do I use them? However, Search and Sense Motive do appeal quite a lot to me at this moment.
      Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
      Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
      I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


      • #78
        Originally posted by FrustratedPoet
        OK I'm obviously going to need the 3rd Edition rulebooks to make any sense of this.

        Being a spellcaster or Rogue sounds terribly complicated, so I'll try and be some kind of melee character. Just bashing things with my sword sounds simple enough for me to handle.
        Spellcasters are more complicated, and not just to create. Also so play and maintain. Forget to memorize or pray for your spells one day and you could be toast!

        My first character was a female human barbarian that I named Pirl. After that, I dabbled with a Fighter in a short campaign, and then a Druid for a longer one. This will be my first go with a powerful spellcaster (Sorcerer or Wizard).

        Rogues may be a bit more complicated to create due to their plethora of skills, but they aren't as complicated to play and maintain as spellcasters. I wouldn't recommend a rogue to a casual newbie, but a newbie with a bit of get-up-and-go can handle it.


        • #79
          Thanks Solver - I received those files now.

          /me starts to read the character creation section
          If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


          • #80
            Spellcasters are more complicated, and not just to create. Also so play and maintain. Forget to memorize or pray for your spells one day and you could be toast!

            Aha. Well, I hope I can manage it, too . In CRPGS, casters have always been my favorite characters anyway.

            FP - .
            Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
            Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
            I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


            • #81
              OK, thanks to everyone, but seeing how it's very late and it's Monday, I'm off to bed now.

              I'll be sure to check whatever other characters arise in the meanwhile .
              Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
              Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
              I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


              • #82
                OK, how does this look?

                Race: Half-Elf
                Class: Paladin
                Alignment: Lawful good (obviously)

                Str: 12
                Dex: 14
                Con: 12
                Int: 12
                Wis: 16
                Cha: 12

                Init: +6
                Base Move: 30ft

                Fort: +3
                Reflex: +2
                Will: +3

                I might need some help working out what to do about feat, skills and equipment. I haven't looked too closely at those yet, though.
                If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Solver
                  Well, I am pretty satisfied by me attributes then, I think. I have no clue on how much equipement I will need nonetheless, though - I assume my spellbook, some outfit, and that? I don't really think I need to carry a big weapon, maybe just a dagger or a knife... and some potions.

                  As for Skills, reading through descriptions now... I believe that skills governed by INT are my best, but I'm still a bit puzzled by the skill point system - how many do I get, and how exactly do I use them? However, Search and Sense Motive do appeal quite a lot to me at this moment.
                  Your first outfit from this list is free:
                  Artisan's, Entertainer's, Explorer's, Monk's, Peasant's, Scholar's, Traveler's

                  I imagine a wizard in a scholar's outfit, normally.
                  Spellbook, certainly. Common items for wizards: spell component pouch, quarterstaff, dagger, maybe a ranged weapon (light crossbow or sling), writing stuff (ink, parchment) if you're going to craft scrolls.

                  Wizards starting gold is 3d4x10=120 gold.

                  If you have extra, considering using small amounts to give your character some personality.

                  -A sorcerer with a mirror, because they're always checking themselves out. (High charisma characters are good looking.)

                  -A Rogue with Manacles, which they enjoy putting captive in, or even comrades for a joke. And oil, in case someone manages to get the manacles on them.

                  -A Ranger with fishhook and net, because he loves fish for dinner whenever he's near water.

                  Having something small to add to your roleplay can add alot of fun.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by FrustratedPoet
                    OK, how does this look?

                    Race: Half-Elf
                    Class: Paladin
                    Alignment: Lawful good (obviously)

                    Str: 12
                    Dex: 14
                    Con: 12
                    Int: 12
                    Wis: 16
                    Cha: 12

                    Init: +6
                    Base Move: 30ft

                    Fort: +3
                    Reflex: +2
                    Will: +3

                    I might need some help working out what to do about feat, skills and equipment. I haven't looked too closely at those yet, though.
                    I don't have alot of experience with Paladins, but at first glance - why the high Wisdom? If you're after the highest Paladin spells, you only need 14, and even then, a Paladin is not a spellcaster foremost. They are self-healing, slightly less powerful fighters.

                    Your current attribute distribution makes me think "jack-of-trades, expert of none", which is okay if that is what you're after, but most characters have at least one thing they do extremely well, and I don't see what that will be here. If you are after the totally balanced approach, a Ranger might be better, otherwise - boost your strength so that you don't become the righteous fool who was the first to die.


                    • #85
                      To FP and Solver, and all:

                      A warning - don't get stuck on your initial attributes. Once you have a set that appears reasonable, starting thinking about Feats and Skills.I guarantee that you'll look back at your attributes and consider making adjustments when you do.

                      Why? Some Feats will boost certain saves rolls, perhaps lessening the need for one attribute or another. Or if a certain skill really interests you, you may want to boost it further than the limit of 4 ranks you can put towards it at 1st level (you can never have more than 3+your character level ranks in a skill), and you can do it by raising your modifier for the skill's default attribute.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Felch
                        Are composite bows treated as different for proficientcy purposes as regular bows of the same size?
                        I'm going to say no. 3.5 treats them the same, I think 3rd treated the differently, but that makes no sense to me.

                        did we decide how we get starting equipment? do we just put what we think is good and leave it up to the DM's descretion to allow what you say you have?
                        Your starting gold should be somewhere under your class. It's a number that ranges from close to 0 to 240g. (4d6 * 10 I think) depending on class. This should allow most armors, and any weapon. If you have leftover money that you don't know what to spend on, you could also have potions of level 1 spells like Cure Light Wounds (heals d8+1) or Faith Healing: (insert your god here) (heals 9, but only works for followers of a specific god, this is spell unique to the campaign setting).

                        I also now need help to determine my HP and the rest.
                        For you they will be 4. d4+con modifier, with house rule that first level hitpoints will be your maximum possible.

                        And really the character creation process seems to work so much better in real time in person

                        Can I just say I want to be a Ranger?
                        And what to heavy up on in the way of skills or whatever?
                        Or is that skirting responsibilities?
                        You might need a little help, but that can be done. In 3rd edition, being a ranger gives you the ability to track things and wield two weapons pretty easily, on top of that what do you want to do? (Would you preffer to be good with a bow, good at tracking things, good at sneaking around?) Any racial prefference? (Elf, human, etc?) (Note: halfling rangers are the stuff of legends... as in they're that rare That being said, one of the NPCs in will probably be a halfling ranger.)

                        8 str is definitely enough for a wizard. Staves and light armors don't weigh anything, and unless you plan to be whacking people with your staff a lot...

                        Also, I won't enforce the carrying capacity too much, unless I see a wizard start carrying around 5 suits of full plate or something else that's a bit too much.
                        "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
                        -Joan Robinson


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by FrustratedPoet
                          OK, how does this look?

                          Race: Half-Elf
                          Class: Paladin
                          Alignment: Lawful good (obviously)

                          Str: 12
                          Dex: 14
                          Con: 12
                          Int: 12
                          Wis: 16
                          Cha: 12

                          Init: +6
                          Base Move: 30ft

                          Fort: +3
                          Reflex: +2
                          Will: +3

                          I might need some help working out what to do about feat, skills and equipment. I haven't looked too closely at those yet, though.
                          Your Init: should be +2, because it's just your Dex bonus. Also, I'd switch your wisdom and charisma. Paladins get several nice abilities based on charisma:

                          Divine Favor - Charisma bonus as a bonus to all saves
                          Lay on Hands - Can heal someone Cha bonus * level hit points (or any portion thereof)

                          With a 16 cha, you'd get +3 (+15% chance of success) to all saves, and be able to heal 3 hitpoints per day. The really nice thing about that is that as a paladin, you can partition your healing exactly.
                          "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
                          -Joan Robinson


                          • #88
                            In what appears to be standard format

                            If you notice anything glaring let me know. I've still got quite a bit of money left over.

                            NAME: Ostler of the Rushmores
                            RACE: Human
                            GENDER: Male
                            CLASS: Bard
                            ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good
                            LVL: 1

                            REGION: ?

                            SPEED: 20 ft


                            Attribute: Stat (point cost) [modifier]

                            STR: 12 (4) [+1]
                            DEX: 14 (6) [+2]
                            CON: 12 (4) [+1]
                            INT: 14 (6) [+2]
                            WIS: 10 (2) [ 0]
                            CHA: 16 (10) [+3]

                            HP: 7 (d6 + 1 Con)
                            AC: 14 (10 base + 2 Dex + 2 Armour)
                            INIT: +2 (DEX)

                            FORT: +1 (0 base, +1 con)
                            REF: +4 (2 base, +2 dex)
                            WILL: +2 (2 base, 0 wis)

                            FEATS: Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot

                            BONUS PROFICIENCY: Longbow


                            Bluff - 4 (4 ranks)
                            Decipher Script - 4 (4 ranks)
                            Diplomacy - 4 (4 ranks)
                            Gather Information - 4 (4 ranks)
                            Perform - 4 (4 ranks)
                            Knowledge (Waterdeep) - 4 (4 ranks)
                            Sense Motive - 4 (4 ranks)

                            These skill scores do not include the ability modifiers. (e.g. Bluff is 7 after CHA bonus)

                            Racial: Common
                            Regional: ?
                            Bonus: Elven, Gnomish

                            ATTACKS: Melee +1 (+0 base, +1 Str) Ranged +2/3 (+0 base, +2 Dex, +1 PBS)
                            WEAPONS: Dagger (1d4, 19-20/x2, 10 ft., piercing) Longbow (1d8, x3, 100 ft. piercing)

                            Cantrips - Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigation, Read Magic

                            PER DAY:
                            0 - 2

                            Entertainer's Outfit (free) (4 lbs)
                            Longbow (75 gp) (3 lbs)
                            40 Arrows (2 gp) (6 lbs)
                            Leather Armor (10 gp) (15 lbs)
                            Dagger (2 gp) (1 lb)
                            Flint and Steel (1 gp)
                            Hooded Lantern (7 gp) (2 lbs)
                            3 Oil Pints (3 sp) (3 lbs)
                            50 ft. Silk Rope (10 gp) (5 lbs)
                            Signal Wistle (8 sp)
                            Backpack (2 gp) (2 lbs)
                            Bedroll (1 sp) (5 lbs)
                            Caltrops (1 gp) (2 lbs)
                            Waterskin (1 gp) (4 lbs)
                            2 days Trail Rations (1 gp) (2 lbs)
                            Common Recorder-flute (5 gp) (3 lbs)

                            41 gp, 8 sp

                            Total cost/weight: 118 gp, 2 sp / 57 lbs

                            Carrying Capacities:
                            Normal - 43 lbs
                            Medium - 86 lbs
                            Heavy - 130 lbs
                            Last edited by Felch; July 14, 2003, 06:42.
                            John Brown did nothing wrong.


                            • #89
                              Looks good.
                              "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
                              -Joan Robinson


                              • #90
                                Two slight errors, Felch

                                FORT: +4 (2 base, +1 con)
                                REF: +2 (0 base, +2 dex)
                                WILL: 0 (0 base, 0 wis)
                                Bards have good Reflex and Will saves, not good Fortitude, so your saves should look like this:

                                Fort: +1 (+1 con)
                                Ref: +4 (2 base +2 dex)
                                Will: +2 (+2 base)

                                2nd Humans get an extra four skill points at first level, and an additional point at each level thereafter, so you can choose another skill.

                                Aside from those your character looks fine.

                                Edit: Oh, and you only get to cast 2 Cantrips a day, not three.
                                Last edited by Bookwyrm; July 13, 2003, 23:49.

