Wouldn't you want to be treated well?
Seriously, if Paul endorses slavery, why the qualifier, 'earthly masters?' Why tell the slaves that if you can get free, to do so?
Is there another kind of taxation? A taxation that miraculously avoids redistributing wealth?
No, but he advocated that there are areas where there can be valid civil authority. Taxation is one.
It's a pretty clear-cut situation. If the government starts systematically slaughtering people, I would think that the government has undercut their own authority.
That hardly makes him the author!
One or the other Berzerker. Can't have it both ways.
That's an interesting euphemism. It hardly tells me anything. Is there another kind of embezzlement that does not mis-appropriate money?
Would he agree to the trade?
I'm happy in my own life. What about Mr. Reeves? Do you think he is happy? Do you think that anyone who is crippled can be content?
That's the point I attempted to convey. We all have our own strengths or weaknesses. We all are crippled in one way or another, from someone else more able, faster or stronger. Our happiness has nothing to do with our physical condition, or how smart we are.
Clever. Religion is indeed not inherited. However, Religion does not fall in Canada's section 15, for equality rights, where sexual orientation does. All the other basis for equality are inherited conditions, except for sexual orientation.
Religion falls in section 3, with freedom of speech and expression.
No. I don't see any evidence, unless we do what you do; presuppose that Paul lies. You put more faith in the mythmakers than you do in the bible.
Remember, the only record we have of Christ's words comes from the bible. If you tear at one part, you tear at the basis for believing in Christ. If Luke can lie in Acts, why not in the Gospels?
"Do unto others..." vs if you own slaves, treat them well.
Seriously, if Paul endorses slavery, why the qualifier, 'earthly masters?' Why tell the slaves that if you can get free, to do so?
Btw, liberatarians don't want to abolish taxation, just the use of taxes to "re-distribute" wealth.
Did Jesus advocate becoming like Caesar? Did he tell his followers they should "tax" others or do as the Romans do? Jesus was trying to avoid a potential conflict with the Romans when he gave his answer, not just for himself, but for his followers. He wasn't endorsing the state or Caesar as instruments of morality... much for respecting the "legal authorities".
That book is the first we hear of Paul and he quickly became the central player.
It's Paul's story, he could make anything up.
They believed he had converted, I never said he was faking. He may very well have gone to Damascus and become a Christian,
I already told you, "The Mythmaker". And I didn't say it was embezzlement, just a mis-appropriation of money.
Would you trade places with Christopher Reeves (Superman)? Chewed on an spit out.
I'm happy in my own life. What about Mr. Reeves? Do you think he is happy? Do you think that anyone who is crippled can be content?
That's the point I attempted to convey. We all have our own strengths or weaknesses. We all are crippled in one way or another, from someone else more able, faster or stronger. Our happiness has nothing to do with our physical condition, or how smart we are.
Religion isn't inherited, so I guess the government can outlaw Christianity and leave Muslims and Buddhists free to practice as they see fit, huh. That wouldn't be discrimination?
Religion falls in section 3, with freedom of speech and expression.
The question becomes: did his actions afterward contradict the teachings of Jesus?
Remember, the only record we have of Christ's words comes from the bible. If you tear at one part, you tear at the basis for believing in Christ. If Luke can lie in Acts, why not in the Gospels?