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Canada government: We will legalize gay marriage.

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  • Originally posted by DinoDoc
    Not really. States are under no obligation to recognize such marriages made by American gays.
    I think that the gist of the article is that people will use marriages in Canada to bring pressure on the governments of American states.

    Originally posted by MrFun
    Two questions -- how does an American such as myself, become a Canadian citizen?

    If a country refuses to recognize legal unions between two people from another country, wouldn't this have any effect on foreign relations between them? Not in catastrophic ways, but to some extent?
    First question: it isn't too hard. Many Yanks come up for visits, and just stay. I'm not sure of the mechanics (taxes, healthcare and what-not) of that, but it is quite common. Citizenship is a little more complicated. You apply for Landed Immigrant Status, and then after a period of time living here you apply for citizenship. The Canadian government is usually eager to encourage immigration. Big country, not enough people.

    Second question: I don't think the government of Canada would care about the status of foreign nationals who got married in Canada. It's not our business. I don't think the government of Canada would even care that much about the status of Canadians who moved out of the country as far as marriage goes. If Canadians want to live elsewhere they better be prepared to observe and tolerate local laws and customs. The government of Canada would begin to pay attention if a Canadian citizen was physically mistreated by local authorities or groups.
    Last edited by notyoueither; June 19, 2003, 15:56.
    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


    • Originally posted by notyoueither

      I think that the gist of the article is that people will use marriages in Canada to bring pressure on the governments of American states.

      First question: it isn't too hard. Many Yanks come up for visits, and just stay. I'm not sure of the mechanics (taxes, healthcare and what-not) of that, but it is quite common. Citizenship is a little more complicated. You apply for Landed Immigrant Status, and then after a period of time living here you apply for citizenship. The Canadian government is usually eager to encourage immigration. Big country, not enough people.

      Second question: I don't think the government of Canada would care about the status of foreign nationals who got married in Canada. It's not our business. I don't think the government of Canada would even care that much about the status of Canadians who moved out of the country as far as marriage goes. If Canadians want to live elsewhere they better be prepared to observe and tolerate local laws and customs. The government of Canada would begin to pay attention if a Canadian citizen was physically mistreated by local authorities or groups.
      thanks for the answers
      A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


      • I'm just curious. French is the official language of part of Canada, Quebec. As you know, in the French language all objects have a gender, male or female. If the government of Canada forces Quebec to recognize gays, the third sex, will the French Canadians be forced to assign the homosexual gender to some objects? Which article will be used to signify the homosexual gender, and which objects will be assigned to the gender?
        "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


        • Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
          I'm just curious. French is the official language of part of Canada, Quebec. As you know, in the French language all objects have a gender, male or female. If the government of Canada forces Quebec to recognize gays, the third sex, will the French Canadians be forced to assign the homosexual gender to some objects? Which article will be used to signify the homosexual gender, and which objects will be assigned to the gender?
          Sexual orientation and gender are two different things smart ass.
          A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


          • Originally posted by Berzerker
            Offering an accurate definition of "marriage" in a debate about what the word means (and how others want it changed) is relevant.
            Government n. - the right of the King and the nobles and clergy appointed by the said King elected parliament to give orders and be obeyed by the serfs, burghers, and merchants pass just laws with the consent of the governed that is given by God and primogeniture the people
            Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


            • government: noun [C/U]
              the offices, departments, and groups of people that control a country, state, city, or other political unit


              • Asher:

                You asked me for a personal response, how I personally feel about the issue. I gave you the honest answer, how this ruling makes me feel. If you can't deal with the answer perhaps you should stop asking personal questions.

                Your religion is not the government. Get over it.
                No, but to myself and other religious people marriage and religion are intertwined.

                There is more to this world than your crutch of religion, and stop using it to oppress people.
                Again, where do I say that everyone else should feel what I do? You asked me personally, so I answered personally. For society, I agree with common-law status as the best route to go.

                As for the laughably stupid idea that it somehow devalues you guys think marriage licenses are run like a stock market, or what?
                We see marriage as a commitment, a promise between two people who love each other, and a promise to God to uphold the standard he has ordained.

                Deviations from the standard corrupt the meaning of marriage.

                Just because men and women can love someone of the same sex and marry them doesn't "devalue" marriage. People get married because they love eachother, period.
                I love my grandmother but that doesn't mean I want to marry her.

                A far more accurate analogy is you and other religious nutcases hold gays' heads underwater because you fear them devaluing your air...

                So you will die if you don't get married?
                Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


                • Berz:

                  Jesus never rebuked homosexuality,
                  Just because he does not single out homosexuals, does not mean that he says nothing. Jesus edifies marriage as a union between a man and a woman here:

                  Matthew 19:4-5

                  "Haven't you read, he replied, that at the beginning the Creator made them male and female, and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore, what God has joined together, let man not seperate."

                  but the others are being discriminated against too.
                  So you are in favour of changing the definition to allow incestuous relationships and for polygamy?

                  So if a law said only men can marry men and women can marry women, you'd say that law didn't discriminate against heterosexuals?
                  Yes, for the same reason.

                  There are other things wrong with that law, such as the basis for the restriction.

                  Asher, again

                  The better, and more relevant question, is why can't you just let homosexuals be and let them get married if they want to?
                  You can leave them alone in a relationship, as for common law, but you cannot leave them alone in a marriage. Marriage requires the recognition of the state.

                  How about you answer the question rather than your usual artful dodge?
                  Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                  "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


                  • obiwan, why should the religion of a few determine the law for many? There are sects and clergy who approve of gay marriage, are there not?

                    Why is an orthodox view of marriage the one and only true religious view on the issue? What about civil marriages? What place has the view of one or more churches in that?

                    Isn't it enough that religious organisations are going to be allowed to determine if they themselves will sanction such unions or not? No one is to be forced to go along. They are just not being allowed to get in the way.
                    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                    • No, but to myself and other religious people marriage and religion are intertwined.

                      At every point, the Liberals have indicated that the bill will not force the religions with odd beliefs to perform their kind of marriage ceremony on this kind of couple. The law will only apply to city hall marriages and those done by religious outfits that opt in on the idea.

                      You are perfectly free to go around with your hands over your ears chanting "la la la, I can hear, see, and say no evil".
                      Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                      • There's far too much twaddle to respond to in this thread, but this one stood out above the others:
                        The law does not treat homosexuals any different from heterosexuals, in marrying someone of the opposite sex.

                        The argument is no different from saying "The law does not treat Negroes any differently than Caucasians. If your skin is white you can vote. The same law applies equally to everyone.

                        Official Homepage of the HiRes Graphics Patch for Civ2


                        • Hell, you're already less religious than your parents, no?

                          Perhaps someday you'll evolve into something better.
                          I'm still waiting for you to evolve into a proper poet. Someone who can manage powerful analogies. You had such good material to work with.

                          What do you think about this?

                          Your reasons for opposing
                          our equality in store
                          are ridiculous to reason
                          and religious to the core,
                          Can't you see that's why your way of life
                          is going out the door?

                          Waking up to old religion,
                          Brittle pots of hollow brass
                          Exposing white sepulchres
                          Bewailing hearts of glass
                          How can you see the light that shines
                          When you show so little class?
                          Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                          "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
                          2015 APOLYTON FANTASY FOOTBALL CHAMPION!


                          • If your skin is white you can vote. The same law applies equally to everyone.

                            People can change skin colours can't they?

                            Seriously, you have no evidence in favour of a fixed sexual orientation determined at birth, the way that we know about skin colour.

                            Therefore, it makes sense to seperate the person from their actions.

                            At every point, the Liberals have indicated that the bill will not force the religions with odd beliefs to perform their kind of marriage ceremony on this kind of couple.
                            St. Leo:

                            Your argument makes no sense. Look at the Brockie case and the Marc Hall case. There is absolutely no reason to assume that churches will be protected if they disagree with marrying two people who are homosexual.

                            What will happen, is that they will file a suit against the church for discrimination on the basis of their section 15 rights. They'd win.

                            It's a problem with Canada, that we don't have equitable freedom of association. It's a problem stemming from the courts ruling that section 15 applies to sexual orientation.
                            Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                            "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
                            2015 APOLYTON FANTASY FOOTBALL CHAMPION!


                            • This is why the bible should not be taken literally. If it was, we'd all be talking aramaric, washing our hands heaven knows how many times a day, praying literally hundreds of times a day, suppressing women and keeping slaves.

                              It is clearly a human book written by human hands, and if there is the word of God in there, it has clearly been interpreted by contemporary human minds. It is far more powerful as a metaphor than a literal text, and the sooner this religious zealots realise that, the sooner they can stop justifying hatred and intolerance under the name of a perfectly respectable religion (a contradiction in terms that may be, but as far as they go, some people already tar all christians with the same brush).

                              In that sense the biblical justification for discrimination is wholly flawed. If two people love each other, then why the hell not?

                              Canada seems to be way ahead of the world on this one
                              "I work in IT so I'd be buggered without a computer" - Words of wisdom from Provost Harrison
                              "You can be wrong AND jewish" - Wiglaf :love:


                              • Originally posted by obiwan18
                                No, but to myself and other religious people marriage and religion are intertwined.
                                So tell the government to f*ck off WRT marriage altogether.

                                If the government is going to be involved with marriage, you cannot discriminate against gay couples. Deal with that.

                                You have two rational options before you: You can protest this ruling, and advocate the government get out of marriage altogether and grant only civil unions, or you can accept this ruling because it doesn't force any churches to provide gay marriages.

                                If you thought about it the least bit rationally, you'd realize how incredibly stupid it is to protest the rights for gays to marry. It infringes on zero of your rights, it helps a minority which is just now finally getting equal rights under the law.

                                Quite frankly, anyone who opposes equal rights for gays under the law is by far most worthy of hell, especially when compared to people who happen to love others of the same sex. Which is worse?

                                The religious nuts will insist same sex marriage is absolutely terrible (armageddon, etc.), while everyone else will insist the morons trying to keep gays as second-class citizens are the ones who would end up in hell (if it exists).

                                Again, where do I say that everyone else should feel what I do? You asked me personally
                                Where are you getting this from?

                                I asked what you had to lose by allowing gays to marriage, and you compare it to masturbating with a crucifix and now you're rationalizing by saying I asked for your personal opinion?

                                I don't give a f*ck for your religious opinion. I never asked for it.

                                What rights do you lose by allowing gay marriage? Why should the government deny gays the right to marriage? You do realize your opinion about masturbation and crucifixes is completely invalid as an answer to this question, unless you believe the government should only legalize the beliefs of your religion...

                                We see marriage as a commitment, a promise between two people who love each other, and a promise to God to uphold the standard he has ordained.
                                Gays are incapable of this, how?

                                I love my grandmother but that doesn't mean I want to marry her.
                                What does this have to do with anything?

                                You're comparing homosexuality to incestuous relationships with elderly relatives?

                                So you will die if you don't get married?
                                No, it's simply the fact that there's plenty of air for everyone. Allowing gays to breathe the same air doesn't devalue your air, and allowing gays to marry doesn't devalue your marriage certificate.

                                The most harmful thing to society right now, IMO, is religion. But you don't see me wanting to deny religious people's rights because I find their beliefs disturbing, hateful, and disgusting.

                                They're free to believe the aliens are coming to pick them up, they're free to drink their koolaid, they're free to think homosexual relationships are so inherently evil we need to pretend like they don't exist, they're free to believe sex in tires is the only way to produce a true child...whatever whacko ideas they have, it's their own.

                                You can leave them alone in a relationship, as for common law, but you cannot leave them alone in a marriage. Marriage requires the recognition of the state.
                                Simple logic, obiwan, try to bear with it.

                                First of all, common law relationships certainly do not entail the same rights as marriage right now. Have you tried to rent a car lately? An unmarried 21-year old male can't rent a car. If he's married, he can. Civil unions don't count. If he's unmarried and under 25, he's forced to pay insane insurance on it. Many insurance policies (like mine) explicitly have clauses in there discussing marriage as a condition for many things, including insurance rates.

                                Next, if marriage requires the recognition of the state, and the state is here telling us that gay marriage is fine, what are you trying to argue for?

                                If you're going to restrict marriage to religious grounds, and at the same time use it as a legal condition, it's simply wrong. Either rewrite all those laws and cut marriage from government completely, or allow gays to marry as well.

                                How about you answer the question rather than your usual artful dodge?
                                Your question has been answered a dozen times in this thread, but you're not listening very well.
                                "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                                Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "

