Pretty contentious issue in Britain and Europe, dont know about America, but nonetheless, there is a backlash, certainly in Britain, among established populations against incoming peoples, refugees, asylum seekers. The common cries of "their stealing all our jobs", all the way to racist generalisations like "they stink", "theyre ugly", etc, are often heard when people talk about these people. The support for the far right in this nation is disturbingly high at the moment.
Political parties like the fascist British National Party, who have many neo-nazi members, have ridden on the back of this simplistic backlash among the population, and have reached a level of support that is worrying those in government, and frightening those in ethnic minorities.
My opinion is that these views are unfounded, conservative, ethnocentric, prejudiced, and often downright racist.
Britain needs incoming people. Less people are being born, while more and more are getting old. There are young people to support more old people, and this workforce situation could get out of hand. When one has young, often skilled, often educated people coming in to help, then this is surely greatly beneficial to the economy.
Lets not forget the value of cultural integration. Britain is a story of this, from the orginal Iberian settlers, to the Celts, the the Romans, to the Picts, the Welsh, the Irish, to the Angles, the Saxons, the Vikings and the French in 1066. Lately, there have been people coming in from the age of empire. Integration helps ones own culture.
Also consider that the people coming are human, and equally human as those already living here. Why treat them like animals, or prisoners, when they have committed no crime, and have the same capacity as others.
I cannot help but fear that peoples reactions are based on a form of inbuilt racism that starts an inherently hostile reaction to anyone with a different coloured skin. If the people coming in were Germans or Americans, then I doubt we would have this reaction (even though they have less reason to be here than people from poorer countries).
I want to see a big shift to accepting asylum seekers, relaxing the rules which are stupidly tough at the moment, as they are better for this nation, better for the economy, and better for the British people as a whole!
Political parties like the fascist British National Party, who have many neo-nazi members, have ridden on the back of this simplistic backlash among the population, and have reached a level of support that is worrying those in government, and frightening those in ethnic minorities.
My opinion is that these views are unfounded, conservative, ethnocentric, prejudiced, and often downright racist.
Britain needs incoming people. Less people are being born, while more and more are getting old. There are young people to support more old people, and this workforce situation could get out of hand. When one has young, often skilled, often educated people coming in to help, then this is surely greatly beneficial to the economy.
Lets not forget the value of cultural integration. Britain is a story of this, from the orginal Iberian settlers, to the Celts, the the Romans, to the Picts, the Welsh, the Irish, to the Angles, the Saxons, the Vikings and the French in 1066. Lately, there have been people coming in from the age of empire. Integration helps ones own culture.
Also consider that the people coming are human, and equally human as those already living here. Why treat them like animals, or prisoners, when they have committed no crime, and have the same capacity as others.
I cannot help but fear that peoples reactions are based on a form of inbuilt racism that starts an inherently hostile reaction to anyone with a different coloured skin. If the people coming in were Germans or Americans, then I doubt we would have this reaction (even though they have less reason to be here than people from poorer countries).
I want to see a big shift to accepting asylum seekers, relaxing the rules which are stupidly tough at the moment, as they are better for this nation, better for the economy, and better for the British people as a whole!