Latest turn revealed Copper north of the Banana Capitol, I recomend that we DO include this in our Screen Trade.
Tech analysis shows its unlikly they have BW so revealing this to them constitures a significant gesture on are part.
As they dont have BW they would need to re-direct their tech efforts their and at their slower rate it would be near 10 turns before they finsished it and began accessing the Copper so we lose little in terms of miliary advantage, at best they can achive unit parity from this. Our Industrial Trait still gives us the long turm advantage in any drawn-out conflict and Spearmen largly nutralize WarChariots.
It redirects their City founding away from us.
This guesture would entail some reciprication on their part, likly we could get an agreement to exclusive acess to the Marble, or at the least make clear our claim to it.
Furthur more I belive we should come right out and ask them if they are persuing an Oracle Slingshot. We would state that were interested in doing it and want to avoid duplicated and wasted effort. It would be more efficient for one of us (them) to go Writing, Alpabet, Lituratue->GreatLibrary branch as the other developes Metals and other techs. We would give them Marble for the Library in exchange for their aquiesing the Oracle to us as and a free Tech of their choice upon Trading ability. They can achive tech trading soon atwhich point we can exchange techs liberaly including Masonry for them to get Pyrimids (hopefully still avalible) and look towards each grabing a religion.
If their open to further negotiations on these lines then more detailed plans could be layed with highly precise calculations of Tech rates and Buildrates that each side provides.
Tech analysis shows its unlikly they have BW so revealing this to them constitures a significant gesture on are part.
As they dont have BW they would need to re-direct their tech efforts their and at their slower rate it would be near 10 turns before they finsished it and began accessing the Copper so we lose little in terms of miliary advantage, at best they can achive unit parity from this. Our Industrial Trait still gives us the long turm advantage in any drawn-out conflict and Spearmen largly nutralize WarChariots.
It redirects their City founding away from us.
This guesture would entail some reciprication on their part, likly we could get an agreement to exclusive acess to the Marble, or at the least make clear our claim to it.
Furthur more I belive we should come right out and ask them if they are persuing an Oracle Slingshot. We would state that were interested in doing it and want to avoid duplicated and wasted effort. It would be more efficient for one of us (them) to go Writing, Alpabet, Lituratue->GreatLibrary branch as the other developes Metals and other techs. We would give them Marble for the Library in exchange for their aquiesing the Oracle to us as and a free Tech of their choice upon Trading ability. They can achive tech trading soon atwhich point we can exchange techs liberaly including Masonry for them to get Pyrimids (hopefully still avalible) and look towards each grabing a religion.
If their open to further negotiations on these lines then more detailed plans could be layed with highly precise calculations of Tech rates and Buildrates that each side provides.