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Tech Discussion

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  • Hmm, I thought that uberfish calculated (a long time ago!) that a specialist in your academy+oxford city is generally better than a second academy?


    • Yeah, and that would still be probably true if we were 'Oggsford men'. Operation Bloodbath means it'll be a while before we have universities, so in our case I think a second academy would be a better move (as well as giving us the security of a second research engine).

      And why aren't we having this discussion in the Great Person thread? Ah well, thread purity has never been our strength...


      • I think we should start contacting any and everyone and trying to line up any trades we can, as soon as we can


        • We can still lightbulb to get Philosophy, right? As long as we skip Paper, that keeps Education and Printing Press both blocked, and Philo is still the scientist lightbulb target. That might be very useful, both to get it ourselves, and if Banana or Templars will take it as part of a trade.


          • That's an option, but getting it from PAL would let us build an Academy in Pink.


            • I think everyone would agree that if we can gget it from PAL that we should. But count me in the camp that sees that as increasingly unlikely. So we could do something like

              Sci T131: Philo
              Sci T146 (or so): GA for war preps
              Sci T165 (or so): Academy in pink


              • So where do we research after Engineering? The plan is for Banana to research Guilds for us, and in exchange we do Gunpowder for them.

                We do have some extra time before Gunpowder, though. At 0% science, we will accumulate more cash by the time Banana finishes Guilds than it will take for us to research Gunpowder at 100%. But we can't research our other real target of Nationalism yet, and we don't want to do Philosophy since there's a good chance to get that by trade or lightbulb.

                So I think we should go for Drama in the meantime (at binary science), as the other piece in the drafting puzzle. Any thoughts?


                • I'd trade for Philosophy and start on Nationalism right away. If PAL refuses to sell Philosophy, we can just run min science until we get a GS to bulb it.


                  • So, if we get Philo, I think we're all in agreement that we research Nationalism.

                    But if they don't, our options are:

                    Research a tech that someone else already has (Drama, Theo, Philo, Compass / Optics, Guilds)

                    Research one of the following:

                    Remember that we have 2 G. Library sci's still researching at 0%, so if we start researching something we'll eventually trade for, those beakers are wasted.


                    • I'd park the scientists on Drama. It's cheap enough that if we have to research it ourselves, it's not a big deal. And we want Drama sooner rather than later - the Globe Theater needs a long lead time to get running before Operation Bloodbath.


                      • I'd part on Paper instead, since chances are we'll have to research it ourselves eventually. Drama we should be able to get from Templars.


                        • Looking back:
                          Templars said to Banana on T122, that they would have Drama done in 5-6turns (ie. T127-128). Since they have grown twice and presumably have improved their lands. However, they have not learned it in 6 turns.

                          Now there is an option that they misjudged their ETA of Drama and will learn it next turn OR they are learning something else instead that costs more. Divine Right for example, for the last religion.

                          We need 2 turns to knock out Drama. I am in favor to do so.



                          • I would be in favor of running 0% science on Drama next turn


                            • We can get it done if we run this turn and next turn at the current setting (80% iirc).



                              • Well we currently have two parallel threads going; this one and the Templars thread.

                                If we go for Drama ourselves, then there is really no Tech deal we would want to swing with Templars to include a NAP. However if we can get that deal, I think many of us would feel more secure. I agree with Zeviz taht Paper is probably the target we should set right now.

                                BTW: I would suspect Templars of pursuing Music rather than DR. If so, the free Artist could be a thorn in our Twin Peaks plans....

