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Vox Daily War Report

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  • Originally posted by Hot_Enamel
    The threat by GS to kill GoW horsemen if they landed in GS territory peeved a few GoW members, so we decided to land a peace keeping observer and an official GoW war reporter to see what would happen. We figured GS would not really want bring a third civ into the war against them...especially since we gave our word that we would not harm them.
    When your peace keeping observer and war reporter are dressed and armed as soldiers, what can you expect? You gave us a choice of either killing your units or leaving you in a position to walk into one of our towns uncontested the following turn; we simply didn't have the defensive units we would have needed to defend against your horsemen and the Voxians in the area both. Which choice would you have made in our position?


    • In your position........I would of contacted the GoW and asked us what the hell we are doing.

      "No Comment"


      • Originally posted by BigFree
        You didn't exactly ask them to leave did you? It sounds like you killed their Horsies and threw the dead bodies in the Sea. You guy's weren't afraid of a couple of Horsies, were you? You got all them Immortals making camps and such; but they live still? Why'd you kill the poor Horsies?
        Because we said we would, and we keep our word.


        • The threat by GS to kill GoW horsemen if they landed in GS territory peeved a few GoW members, so we decided to land a peace keeping observer and an official GoW war reporter to see what would happen.
          A message your 'war reporter' wished us to pass along for part of his update: "It seems GS researchers have discovered Glue Making."


          • Originally posted by Hot_Enamel
            I do recall the "hissy fit" we had involved a lot of communication with Vox...and even some fair negotiation.
            Did Vox have troops within striking distance of a GoW city that you had no viable way to defend?


            • Originally posted by Hot_Enamel
              In your position........I would of contacted the GoW and asked us what the hell we are doing.

              And trusted that they would tell you if they were planning to take a city if the city was left undefended? After what Vox did to us, we weren't in that trusting a mood.


              • There is no loved lost between us and Vox....
                Perhaps we might of wanted to take a few immortal heads for ourselves.
                Perhaps we just wanted to watch the action.
                Perhaps we were there to kill you.

                The thing is...GS never asked.
                Perhaps after some discussion, you might of still acted the same way. Perhaps you might of done something differently.

                Who knows...

                It doesnt matter now.
                You said you would kill them.
                We wanted to see if you really would do it.
                And you did.

                It now goes into the history books of the great one eye in the sky. Nothing any of us can do about it now.

                "No Comment"


                • Well, since you keep harping on it, we did ask if you had landed any troops after the 'so many undefended cities' post, and why you would do such a thing. I could elaborate on the response given to me if you wish...


                  • Hot_Enamel, please... cut it out. I think you've crossed the line there.

                    I was the temporary GS ambassador to GoW when GhengisFarb made his "so many undefended towns" post. Shortly thereafter, you invited me to #GoW, where you, GhengisFarb and Panzer32 made it very clear what your intentions were and ridiculed my response, that any horsies landing in GS territory will be killed on the spot. Or have you already forgotten that Hot_Enamel?
                    When the save reached us, it turned out that you did not really land any units in our territory, but had placed a galley in a very comfortable position for you to land next turn. You did make a landing the following turn, even though we made it very clear in the chat what our views of such an act were and had over 30 hours to think about it, and now you have the nerve to call us hypocrites?
                    "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                    And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                    Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                    - Phantom of the Opera


                    • Originally posted by Hot_Enamel
                      Perhaps we were there to kill you.
                      In which case you would almost certianly try to convince us that your reason was something else. Therefore, what good would it have done to ask what your purpose was? Simpler just to kill the horsemen and not have to pile harsh words on top of harsh actions.


                      • OK - No more posting...this was all done in good fun.
                        Just poking a few GS member with a long stick to see their reaction.
                        No harm intended...

                        Shiber - Was I in the chat ?
                        Better check my friend....
                        "No Comment"


                        • You weren't... I checked the logs. I confused you with MasterZen.
                          My sincere apologies.
                          "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                          And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                          Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                          - Phantom of the Opera


                          • No appoligy needed for honest mistakes.

                            I have to admit.....I recalled the chat being posted in our forum as soon as you mentioned it.
                            But god I hate reading chats....I think I just scanned it.
                            Perhaps I should go have another reread myself
                            "No Comment"


                            • Originally posted by Hot_Enamel
                              Perhaps I should go have another reread myself
                              That may be best before starting a public discussion about it, anyway. Start off by being informed as much as possible if you don't want to get pinned down in a few posts time.

                              I can appreciate you were just poking GS with a stick - in good fun even - but you do realize that with each poke, your stick gets shorter, right? We enjoy chewing on stick, certainly as our bananas aren't edible (as others have found out already). I don't understand why you are deliberately trying to provoke us, sure, we're currently in no position to put any resources in this 'fake' war you started, but things might change in the (far) future. It's not that all of GS has alzheimer, some of us have working memories, you know.

                              Reading all this, I'm getting ashamed that I even considered to first send you an envoy, instead of squarely killing your units like we did. Watching the action, my ass. You don't put 2 units on the same square, one of those an elite, if you simply want to watch... One would have given the exact same view, and by landing the second one somewhere else, you could have seen more of our territory. And the next time you want to bop some immortals' heads, try to land a bit closer to them instead of next to our undefended cities when you clearly weren't invited

                              BTW, Beta kudos on that last report Other then your Iraqi counterpart, you're actually packing facts in humour I hope your troops will survive the food poisoning long enough to return to medical facilities



                              • /me burps... mmmmm, chicken-fried horse steak is good.
                                The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                                Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.

