From the Voxian Ministry of Information.
Vox Controli advises that we will be reporting daily on the events and course of the war in South Estonia.
Vox troops are advancing along the planned routes. Everything is on schedule.
There is however, one disturbing event to report on. A GS observer warrior who was cornered by two Immortals (Harry and his trusty sidekick Mo) committed suicide rather than attempting to fight. This would at first glance appear to be consistent with the earlier report that Grog fought like a girl.
However, on closer examination, Vox security forces found a book lying next to the body. It was titled "Luxian Mythology - How to meet Trip in the After-Life".
Vox Controli advises that we will be reporting daily on the events and course of the war in South Estonia.
Vox troops are advancing along the planned routes. Everything is on schedule.
There is however, one disturbing event to report on. A GS observer warrior who was cornered by two Immortals (Harry and his trusty sidekick Mo) committed suicide rather than attempting to fight. This would at first glance appear to be consistent with the earlier report that Grog fought like a girl.
However, on closer examination, Vox security forces found a book lying next to the body. It was titled "Luxian Mythology - How to meet Trip in the After-Life".