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  • A winters eve

    My darling Jennifer,

    I so so hope that this letter finds you well in this time of my passing. Yes my dear girl my days are finally coming to an end, each hour now I fight long and hard for my breathe.

    I am glad you are not here to punish yourself in these hours.

    My sweet girl, I want you to know you have been the true light of my life. It has been in you that I have found the true strength to rise up and be the King that I have.

    You have shown such strength and honour in raising our children. I know that you were mortally wounded when young Maxwell was slain in the battle off Lyon, and I know how much you reached out to his child bride and brought her so much closer to the bosum of your heart.

    Jennifer I so so remember the day we rode into Berlin. It was a glorious day, you and I upon those handsome steeds. Do you remember the way General Hamilcar put the mighty party together in your honour. Oh and the look of shock when you discovered that the Germanic Regent had been the one playing the harp all of the night. Who would have thought he was so talented.

    Some people have been singing songs of the once grand French nation.. I know people have been told to keep this from me, yet some evenings I have had Dennis walk me down into the Long Gardens, and here I sit in the late afternoon warmth and enjoy the peace and vitality of the youth of today

    Jennifer I do so rattle on, and yet I feel in my heart that I still have so so much to achieve, yet I know in my bones that my time is all but spent.

    Worry not my darling Bride. I pray you will live your days with our wonderful family securely around you.

    The nation is prosporous, with a steady income. The people walk and swim in peace. We know some great neighbours, as in tyhe Americans, and some not so trusty nations, as in the Russians.

    The throne will again pass into the faithful hands of the Modo family. They are true believers and will surely pick a mighty member of there family to lead our Glorious nation forward from this day.

    You are to know that our family estates are well seen to, that the chests have plenty of wealth to see all our childrens children well catered for.

    So rest your bones old lady, my beautiful Queen of my oh so long reign.

    Queen Jennifer, they will sing of your mighty feats in battle for many a generation...

    My love to you and ours

    May the days bring the sunshine of the heavans to your face

    May the nights cool breeze let you forever know I walk ever near

    You were always my true love

    Paddy II
    Attached Files
    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
    I am of the Horde.


    • King Modo II was crowned in 250AD. It was a modest and short ceremony, for he was a man of action.

      Later that day he gathered reports from the empire. Then his advisors had to flee the king's chambers in fear of his fury. A few brave servants stayed there and heard some of the repeated screams:

      - Why in the world did we go to war without proper training for our units?!
      - Who let those pesky Americans thread on our soil?!
      - ARRGGHH!!! Who allowed those towns to pay for so many entertainers?!

      Nobody dared enter his room until the next morning. When they did, the king was calm again and orders were issued. Train our existing troops on the Americans. Change tax policy, so people can go back to work. Build more troop training facilities. And do something with this enormous gold pile.

      Two days later some American settlers with defending units were dispatched near Russadir. Carthage was once again at war.

      Tachnical notes.
      We have a huge tech lead, a large military and weak infrastructure. The lead is so big, I decided to keep attacking, leaving the big building frenzy (and it will come, I hope) to somewbody else. I will, however, try to prepare some ground for it.
      To do:
      - cut the friggin' forest,
      - build some Barracks (not everywhere, just enough to have vet units at ease),
      - build some Libraries in big cities,
      - kill the Americans, getting Furs in the process,
      - grow more cities to size 12, for wonders and fast Knight building.
      FP finished as FP, to speed up building infrastructure in conquered lands.

      I'l keep you updated on the downfall of the American people.
      Last edited by Modo44; October 22, 2004, 02:00.
      Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


      • 280 AD. Hamilcar's army marches into Atlanta, capturing American settlers on it's way through the plains.

        Soon our Horsemen will be provided with better weapons, to become even deadlier in combat. (Chivalry in 1 turn.)
        Attached Files
        Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


        • 320 AD. New York falls. With a cunning tactical manoeuvre, King Modo II was able to outrun the American forces that tried to stop our invasion in the wetlands near the city. They were unable to make it back in time to defend.

          All our Horsemen are now trained with the use of new weapons and iron plates. From this day on the enemies of Carthage will live (and die) in mortal fear of The Knights.

          First attack on Washington commences. The battle begins with losses on both sides. We have the upper hand, but it isn't over yet. A minute of silence in memory of our fallen soldiers.
          Attached Files
          Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


          • 330 AD. Helmicar The Victor! His brave army has taken another American city - Washington.

            With the American capital in Carthaginian hands, the neck of the nation is broken. It is only a matter of time before they vanish into oblivion.

            The northern Knights will rally in Washington to get some rest, while the victors of New York will march toward Boston. King Modo assumes that the Americans will try to make a last stand in Philadelphia.
            Attached Files
            Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


            • My predecessors have been leading our beloved nation to grand victories. Carthage will soon enough be known as the continent nation..!

              A little tear of emotion rolls down my cheek to see Ferro Grainus is still there as it was founded long ago.

              I'll be in for a next game. This goes faster than playing a game all by myself and it's fun reading.
              don't worry about things you have no influence on...


              • 370 AD - Boston. 380 AD - Philadelphia. So much for the Americans. Bye George, we won't miss you.

                A small force is being assembled nead the Russian border, for an attack on Rostov. But King Modo II won't do it, as it would draw Carthage into a long period of forced actions against Russia. Instead it was decided, that The Northern Knights follow their path of glory and attack China. Russia shall be left to whomever follows Modo as the leader of Carthage.

                With war progressing so good, the empire could focus on developing the land. Workers were sent to clear forests and bring fresh wood for construction of large projects. With the treasury full of gold, many Temples were rushed. The cleared lands prooved very fertile and cities grew in size. The Russian border was fortified with City Walls.

                During the American downfall, research on Engineering was conducted. After that the Carthainian scientists pursued the knowledge of Theology.

                420 AD Carthage declares war on China. Northern Knights attack. Chengdu and Tatung are taken in a swift attack. Again a cunning tactic, coming down from the muntains and driving the enemy out of the cities, before they could organize any defenses. Only minor losses on our side.

                430 AD. The army of Hamilcar The Victor and a company of The Northern Knights capture Nanking. No Carthaginian losses.

                450 AD. A sad year. Whatever his achievements, King Modo II forgot to prepare for his own demise. He didn't build his planned part of the palace - he only managed to add a second swimming pool. He didn't finish the war with China, though he left it going with a good momentum. King Modo II passed away without much directions left for his successor. The only note found was a crude map of the Carthaginian empire with red crosses at various points. Nobody knows what they meant. For half a year the empire was in a state near anarchy, luckily the local city governors managed to take care of most pressing matters with good results.

                Bottom line.
                Core is up and running, almost builder style - finally . America is no more, China is broken and ready for whatever you want to do to them. The small army on the Russian border could hurt'em a lot, as they don't have pikes yet. A couple suicide Galleys lost, one on her way to a presumably good starting point for going west. Red crosses are, of course, planned cities.

                Save sent to Beta. There's not much more to show, so I won't be including other screenies. We still lead the demographics and the F8 screen just lost another color - the American. Even the palace has only a swimming pool added, no big changes. Straight on to victory, gentlemen.
                Attached Files
                Last edited by Modo44; October 19, 2004, 13:09.
                Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                • Originally posted by McMeadows
                  A little tear of emotion rolls down my cheek to see Ferro Grainus is still there as it was founded long ago.
                  I never considered disbanding any of the cities that were there when my time to play came. I think it's in the best spirit of this game to learn to live with choices other rulers made.
                  Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                  • All hail Modo II, (the ungrateful)

                    you have led our people in a time of expansion and war.

                    we look forward to a time in years to come when your family again holds the keys to the throne room

                    The King is dead, Long Live the King !!

                    Originally posted by McMeadows
                    My predecessors have been leading our beloved nation to grand victories. Carthage will soon enough be known as the continent nation..!

                    A little tear of emotion rolls down my cheek to see Ferro Grainus is still there as it was founded long ago.

                    I'll be in for a next game. This goes faster than playing a game all by myself and it's fun reading.
                    This is indeed a great format for a game, and highly interactive.

                    I too would like to play again
                    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                    I am of the Horde.


                    • With a cry of all hail Modo II, Beta II passes out in the main fountain of Carthage. That damned Roman wine. Does it every time.

                      Beta II was a most reluctant king. With the passing of teh highly successful, and aggressive, Modo II, Beta II, who had bben burying himslef in a life of luxury, booze, and women, decide to become austere and give up two of the the three. So to hell with the luxury and women, I will stick to the wine - in this case Italien red,

                      Wit than a less than auspicious start to his reign - Beta II put a hold on all futher military and official actions until he had recovered his wits and felt well enough to govern the nation.

                      ( you wil have no idea how many time I re-typed this post. ))

                      (and you will be very gald that I did not play my 20 turns this evening. )
                      Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                      • Originally posted by Beta

                        (and you will be very gald that I did not play my 20 turns this evening. )
                        that be a shame

                        would have liked to have seen the outcome of that
                        Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                        I am of the Horde.


                        • Originally posted by Paddy the Scot
                          All hail Modo II, (the ungrateful)
                          I think you shouldn't call him that, it would be unjust. He might have been angry with some of the things he saw, but that was just his nature - to be angry with things (see Exhibit A: the Americans ). He would scream, as usual, but he could not deny that Carthage was very powerful and advanced, when he first saw it.
                          Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                          • Originally posted by Modo44

                            I think you shouldn't call him that, it would be unjust. He might have been angry with some of the things he saw, but that was just his nature - to be angry with things (see Exhibit A: the Americans ). He would scream, as usual, but he could not deny that Carthage was very powerful and advanced, when he first saw it.

                            thank you for the clarification

                            yes well my family is glad to see your great leader may have had something good to say of Paddy II

                            t'was felt your family were far from satisfied with the way our fair lands were passed to your family.
                            Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                            I am of the Horde.


                            • King Modo II was more than glad to have a good army. In fact, he didn't need to build any offensive units for the attack on America. All he used, were Warriors and Horsemen upgraded to Medieval Infantry and Knights. And Helmicar's army - those guys rocked.
                              Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                              • our family are glad your family enjoyed

                                Hamilcar is quite the fighting General

                                may his legend grow and our enemies tremble when they whisper his name

                                this is a great game concept

                                we feel that this will move quite quickly through the pbem gaming community
                                Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                                I am of the Horde.

