Oil Springs was attacked by a lone Iroquis Longbowman detachment and the Cavalry regiment Carthage had there was destroyed. The loss was soon to be avenged as a young, you won't believe it, construction engineer serving as a Cavalry officer led his boys to glory. After the quick and bloody battle Hasdrubal was taken to King Modo personally and great gifts were offered to him. However, the young man asked for a favor instead. Before leaving for war, he has heard of new technologies that made machines work for men and help produce many wondrous things. Now that he had the opportunity, he wanted to see those wonders for himself. Not thinking too much King Modo granted the young man his wish, as soon as it could be fulfilled. (1 turn to Industrialization and Salamanca at size 11, free from resistance )
In the western part of the Iroquis nation the last battle of the war took place. With the good will of the Maya (or we're they just afraid to say "no"? ), Carthaginian Cavalry could attack Cattaraugus both from the north and from the south. This made the battle short, as the defenses fell easily against numerous charges from different directions.
Having cleared the Iroquis main land, King Modo has sent a messenger to their remaining northern colony - Centralia. It was the only place any Iroquis organization had survived and therefore was considered "the people to talk to". A Cease Fire treaty was signed as soon as the messenger stated this wish to the Iroquis ambassador (a guy wearing furs and a skinning knife).
From "Pictures Of War", Issue IV, 1220AD:
Oil Springs was attacked by a lone Iroquis Longbowman detachment and the Cavalry regiment Carthage had there was destroyed. The loss was soon to be avenged as a young, you won't believe it, construction engineer serving as a Cavalry officer led his boys to glory. After the quick and bloody battle Hasdrubal was taken to King Modo personally and great gifts were offered to him. However, the young man asked for a favor instead. Before leaving for war, he has heard of new technologies that made machines work for men and help produce many wondrous things. Now that he had the opportunity, he wanted to see those wonders for himself. Not thinking too much King Modo granted the young man his wish, as soon as it could be fulfilled. (1 turn to Industrialization and Salamanca at size 11, free from resistance )
In the western part of the Iroquis nation the last battle of the war took place. With the good will of the Maya (or we're they just afraid to say "no"? ), Carthaginian Cavalry could attack Cattaraugus both from the north and from the south. This made the battle short, as the defenses fell easily against numerous charges from different directions.
Having cleared the Iroquis main land, King Modo has sent a messenger to their remaining northern colony - Centralia. It was the only place any Iroquis organization had survived and therefore was considered "the people to talk to". A Cease Fire treaty was signed as soon as the messenger stated this wish to the Iroquis ambassador (a guy wearing furs and a skinning knife).
From "Pictures Of War", Issue IV, 1220AD: