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  • 1220AD

    Oil Springs was attacked by a lone Iroquis Longbowman detachment and the Cavalry regiment Carthage had there was destroyed. The loss was soon to be avenged as a young, you won't believe it, construction engineer serving as a Cavalry officer led his boys to glory. After the quick and bloody battle Hasdrubal was taken to King Modo personally and great gifts were offered to him. However, the young man asked for a favor instead. Before leaving for war, he has heard of new technologies that made machines work for men and help produce many wondrous things. Now that he had the opportunity, he wanted to see those wonders for himself. Not thinking too much King Modo granted the young man his wish, as soon as it could be fulfilled. (1 turn to Industrialization and Salamanca at size 11, free from resistance )

    In the western part of the Iroquis nation the last battle of the war took place. With the good will of the Maya (or we're they just afraid to say "no"? ), Carthaginian Cavalry could attack Cattaraugus both from the north and from the south. This made the battle short, as the defenses fell easily against numerous charges from different directions.

    Having cleared the Iroquis main land, King Modo has sent a messenger to their remaining northern colony - Centralia. It was the only place any Iroquis organization had survived and therefore was considered "the people to talk to". A Cease Fire treaty was signed as soon as the messenger stated this wish to the Iroquis ambassador (a guy wearing furs and a skinning knife).

    From "Pictures Of War", Issue IV, 1220AD:
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Modo44; November 12, 2004, 04:14.
    Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


    • While the war with the Iroquis progressed at a devastating pace, the empire itself was largely a peaceful place. Realizing that he could not lead the armies and take care of domestic issues, King Modo gave much freedom to local Governors. Some of their actions might be called wasteful, but one thing could not be underestimated. While the empire was heavily at war, no riots ever happened in any of the homeland cities.

      Before leaving for his war, the King ordered that the economy be put back to infrastructure building. Thus, Economy, Steam Power and Industrialization were researched. Other research was kept to a minimum because of constant need of more gold. A considerable part of the income was used to buy private Galleons for miliary use. After that most of the gold bought new Courthouses around the empire, for corruption was crippling many cities. Shortly before retiring, King Modo III ordered the construction of the National Railroad System to connect all important cities on the Carthaginian continent.

      Soon after King Modo was crowned, the city of Leipzig was given funds for an elite University to teach the future leading scientists of Carthage. Shortly before he retired, Modo III let an organization of bankers and investors start setting up something called a Trading Centre. Suposedly, it was to be a great addition to the Carthaginian economy, making the running of commercial enterprises much cheaper. (In the year 1250AD it's 8 turns to Newton't Uniersity in Leipzig and 20 turns to Smith's, I think in Germanicum)

      I guess that's it for Modo III. The save is attached below. I'll post maps of the empire and other stuff only if requested. Only minor changes can be seen from afar - the rails almost completely blend in due to their color.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Modo44; November 11, 2004, 17:19.
      Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


      • Bravo old chap Bravo

        Long Live Modo III
        Gurka 17, People of the Valley
        I am of the Horde.


        • Believe it or not, I made a mess out of the invasion, especially in the first two turns. Were here not the massive overkill I used, who knows what might have happened. And still, stupid mistkes hurt.

          Bad timing of ships made me loose the city spot in the north - the friggin Byzantine border moved exactly on the turn I wanted to hit "b", because the Settler was walked to the spot, not shipped in. I lost an army because I was too dumb to keep the friggin Muskets moving and forted all of them in Salamanca. They came a single tile short of Allegheny when the Cavalry army needed cover. Really dumb mistakes. Oh yeah, don't forget the Settler that moved 7 on one turn and then back 3 on the next turn, before finally building a city (forcing Helmicar's army to defend it instead of other units)...

          But hey, we won, we can write new history.
          Lemme just edit those posts.
          Last edited by Modo44; November 11, 2004, 17:52.
          Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


          • Pictures...
            See it as part of our tradition
            don't worry about things you have no influence on...


            • Originally posted by McMeadows
              See it as part of our tradition
              Gurka 17, People of the Valley
              I am of the Horde.


              • As you wish, but they are boring. Oh well, here's a part of the main land *yawn*. The railroad connects most cities from Canton down to New York.
                Attached Files
                Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                • And this is the other one.
                  Attached Files
                  Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                  • Domestic affairs.
                    Attached Files
                    Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                    • Some demographics for ya. Pretty much unchanged. Oh wait, I forgot. No Salamanca on this screen.
                      Attached Files
                      Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                      • We have the greatest culture around.
                        Attached Files
                        Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                        • And our science is still light years ahead of all others.
                          Attached Files
                          Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                          • Sanitation needs priority...The extra growth will catapult our economy even more and faster than anything else.
                            don't worry about things you have no influence on...


                            • I know that, but many cities are size 12 and won't have room to grow, ever. And starting ToE fast is a priority to me, if you get the drift.

                              But it's out of my hands now anyway. Beta's decisions.
                              Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                              • Ok, up to beta, but I think you underestimate the power of groth. Taxmen do great jobs as well.
                                don't worry about things you have no influence on...

