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  • Originally posted by Gamecube64
    Ok, but I am pretty sure my computer can't handle huge. Will pangea with only 60% water on large suffice?
    Sure it will. The question is, do we mod the game to allow more civs, to accomodate for the added land?

    Oh yeah! King Beta is awake. Good to see you.
    Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


    • Originally posted by McMeadows
      it's all good...

      bloody oath mate
      Gurka 17, People of the Valley
      I am of the Horde.


      • Actually I am pretty sure it won't, I only have 300-some ram and a 550mhz processor.
        I changed my signature


        • Originally posted by Paddy the Scot
          bloody oath mate
          I could allready see you typing it and just had to beat you to it..
          and don't reply with "it's all good"...!
          don't worry about things you have no influence on...


          • Originally posted by Gamecube64
            Actually I am pretty sure it won't, I only have 300-some ram and a 550mhz processor.
            Maybe you should try a game with those settings and let us know? Large pangea, 60% water. Don't bother with high difficulty. Turn off all but the most important animations and see how it does. The game should run a little better with less open water.
            Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


            • Originally posted by McMeadows

              I could allready see you typing it and just had to beat you to it..
              and don't reply with "it's all good"...!

              Gurka 17, People of the Valley
              I am of the Horde.


              • Originally posted by Paddy the Scot

                bloody oath mate
                And that my friends, is why I am here. Touche McM, and thank you.

                It's all good.

                Drinking wine and playing soon.
                Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                • Could you switch that up a little? You know, play first wine second.

                  2 good reasons.

                  And back on topic... King Beta, where are you?

                  With a cry of all hail Modo II, Beta II passes out in the main fountain of Carthage. That damned Roman wine. Does it every time.

                  Beta II was a most reluctant king. With the passing of teh highly successful, and aggressive, Modo II, Beta II, who had bben burying himslef in a life of luxury, booze, and women, decide to become austere and give up two of the the three. So to hell with the luxury and women, I will stick to the wine - in this case Italien red,

                  Wit than a less than auspicious start to his reign - Beta II put a hold on all futher military and official actions until he had recovered his wits and felt well enough to govern the nation.

                  ( you wil have no idea how many time I re-typed this post. ))

                  (and you will be very gald that I did not play my 20 turns this evening. )

                  I changed my signature


                  • Gotta leave you guys with a bit of a challenge.

                    Beta II, the Idiot King and the Slow Road to China

                    When Beta II finally got his act together, he decided that moderation was indeed the golden mean. He continued on a solid course of building, and many city improvements begun in Modo'd reign were completed. He also maintained a serious war footing, and with the military resources at hand he continued the war against China. It was reasonably succesful, but painfully slow compared to the lightning-quick successes of his predecessor, "Modo the Quick." His supporters argued that the terrain was more difficult, or that the moderate approach to both building and warfare was ill-advised.

                    Others argued that his tactics were not sound, and some that he fought an entire military campaign inebriated. Others figured he was simply still the idiot of his youth.

                    Nonetheless, he perservered in the slow war, and a population that became ever-increasingly weary with warfare. Several Chinese cities fell to the Carthaginian forces, including the new and brilliant Knight Army led by General Mago, a staunch supported of Beta's approach to the war.

                    The crowning glory in the campaign came with the fall of Beijing, the Chinese Capitol in 590ad. Soon after, Beta II died, quite prematurely, but most would say not unexpectedly. The control of the government was turned over earlier than expected to a young, but bright and eager Prince Merriweather McMeadows, next in succession, and currently serving in General Mago's army on the Chinese front.

                    So ends the controversial reign of Beta II. Often overlooked are the numerous city improvements, the continued progress on several wonder projects, including the much anticipated Leonardo's workshop, many new military units produced, tech research that included invention, gunpowder, and chemistry, an extensive campaign of terrain improvements, and of course, who can forget, the magnificent and adventurous voyage of CSS Intrepid as it sailed north and around the continent, mapping the Russian coast for further reference.

                    Perhaps Beta II's legacy is best summarized by his final words, spoken to General Mago on his deathbed, in a weak and scratchy voice...

                    "It's all good.........."

                    (Save to McMeadows - dated 600ad.)
                    Last edited by Beta; October 26, 2004, 00:11.
                    Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                    • Gooood job King Beta.

                      A screenie to top it would be much appreciated. One of the former Chinese holdings, perhaps?
                      Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                      • 600 AD - McMeadows II

                        Originally posted by Beta
                        Perhaps Beta II's legacy is best summarized by his final words, spoken to General Mago on his deathbed, in a weak and scratchy voice...

                        "It's all good.........."

                        After his coronation, eager king Merriweather McMeadows II travelled around the country. While he was at the front fighting the numerous wars at the side of the respected King Beta Max II, he'd told himself he'd do something against the self enrinching governours when he'd get the full power over Carthage. Therefore this was the time to sack them all and point out the new directions for the years to come.

                        His first diplomatic mission to Moscow didn't yield the dyes he was interested in as the Russians were making ridiculous demands for the luxery. Something to put on the "to do" list.

                        In conquered Chinese cities taxmen were appointed with the assignment to take all the gold they could find. This led to loss of population in the region and therefore space for Carthegenian colonists.

                        In the first year of its reign King Merriwater McMeadows II had allready shown his mark on the Carthegenian civilization.

                        At the moment the King is expecting the heirs of Beta Max II to publish the results of the reign of their beloved patriach...
                        don't worry about things you have no influence on...


                        • Originally posted by Beta
                          Gotta leave you guys with a bit of a challenge.

                          Beta II, the Idiot King and the Slow Road to China

                          When Beta II finally got his act together, he decided that moderation was indeed the golden mean....
                          /me pours another drink and ponders the fate of these people who sadly find moderation

                          Others argued that his tactics were not sound, and some that he fought an entire military campaign inebriated. Others figured he was simply still the idiot of his youth.
                          Sounds like a good idea... almost time to head out to the pub

                          Several Chinese cities fell to the Carthaginian forces, including the new and brilliant Knight Army led by General Mago, a staunch supported of Beta's approach to the war.
                          Now that is GRAND news

                          The crowning glory in the campaign came with the fall of Beijing, the Chinese Capitol in 590ad.
                          /me raises his glass in honour of these fine feats

                          Soon after, Beta II died, quite prematurely, but most would say not unexpectedly.
                          Cheers Lord Beta

                          You were a far wiser King than many seem to have understood

                          It is a shame that you took up the way of moderation

                          Have you not seen enough of the ways of the moderators to steer you away from this path

                          Well you led our nation to glory

                          Your memory will live on for many thousands of years amongst our peoples
                          Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                          I am of the Horde.


                          • The Beta II Society posts these screenies in the hope that history will be kind to the somewhat conflicted rule of who we have commonly come to know as the "Idiot King".

                            The Chinese front - including the recently captured Beijing. You will note Mago's army triumphantly holding down the fort in the former Chinese capitol. And if you look real close you can see future King Merriweather McMeadows. The good looking fellow in the black armour, with the dragon on his shield. Yes, that's him!
                            Attached Files
                            Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                            • The updated palace - which Beta failed to mention, underwent 3 differnt upgrades during his reign. The pool from previous reigns is now heated, and a games room has been installed in the back left. Diplomacy anyone?
                              Attached Files
                              Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                              • And finally - where Carthage stood in 600ad when Beta II succumbed to nature.
                                Attached Files
                                Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.

