Originally posted by Trip

Like I said earlier, maybe we should start up a list of people who we know to be 'real' civ players, and not just rush-players. We could put it in a thread and sticky it in the Civ 3 MP forum, and keep a tally of the number of complaints for each person on the list. With, say, 3 complaints of 'devious tactics' (
), then they get blacklisted and can go play the AI for a while. 
Whaddya guys think?
If the rush is as rampant as we fear it will be, certainly something like that will be necassary to keep the integrity of the game?

Like I said earlier, maybe we should start up a list of people who we know to be 'real' civ players, and not just rush-players. We could put it in a thread and sticky it in the Civ 3 MP forum, and keep a tally of the number of complaints for each person on the list. With, say, 3 complaints of 'devious tactics' (

Whaddya guys think?

If the rush is as rampant as we fear it will be, certainly something like that will be necassary to keep the integrity of the game?

I guess we'll see if the mods have considered this idea when the time comes. Learn from Locutus from the CtP forums and his MP signup Topped threads
