Originally posted by Ribannah
C'mon, play nice! Not everyone can grasp the subtleties and annoyances of a master strategist.
I think you're right about the random factor being too high for a sophisticated MP-er. For less experienced players, however, that is not necessarily the case. Let's hope Firaxis has planned an option to control the randomness of (especially) battle outcomes with a slider (from pre-determined to even a little beyond the present toss-up). That shouldn't be too hard to implement, and practice will show what feels comfortable and just.
C'mon, play nice! Not everyone can grasp the subtleties and annoyances of a master strategist.

I think you're right about the random factor being too high for a sophisticated MP-er. For less experienced players, however, that is not necessarily the case. Let's hope Firaxis has planned an option to control the randomness of (especially) battle outcomes with a slider (from pre-determined to even a little beyond the present toss-up). That shouldn't be too hard to implement, and practice will show what feels comfortable and just.
eg. if variance=0, then an attack 4 (knight) would always win against defence 3.85 (pikeman fortified in grassland town 3*(1.25+1.1)), but _never_ against the same pikeman in a city (extra 50% defence bonus)). ok, but this would be an extreme case.