Mind Staple them. Sorry could not resist. It is common for the AI to slip in the wonder just a turn ahead of you, very nasty. The best way to stop it is to be a warmongering Military type and get lots of leaders to build them in one turn.
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Originally posted by vmxa1
Mind Staple them. Sorry could not resist. It is common for the AI to slip in the wonder just a turn ahead of you, very nasty. The best way to stop it is to be a warmongering Military type and get lots of leaders to build in hem in one turn."Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you." No they don't! They're just nerve stapled.
i like ibble blibble
I saw this mentioned earlier in this thread, but just to clarify so I understand:
The Renaming of a Great Leader option does not work, correct?
When prompted to give a name to your Great Leader, whatever name you choose gets assigned to the original unit and not the leader.
Is this right? Geez, if so, didn't the patch writers at least test the dang game?!
I named my great leader, Skeeve, of coursebut the name "Skeeve" got assigned to my Modern Armor instead.
Now I have a "Skeeve" unit running around masquerading as a Modern Armor!
Well, just wanted to check in and make sure this is the type of thing others are observing.
I still like the new patch - if only for the new "Wake/Fortify All" options. That was a great addition.
- Skeeve, the Tank.My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
You are correct you change the name of the unit. I do not know if that is what they wanted to do, but it makes sense to me and is useful. What is the value of changing the heros name as it will be used and disappear? The unit naming can be useful for lots of things. I use it to track the number of GL's I get and you can see what unit types are generating them.
Originally posted by vmxa1
You are correct you change the name of the unit. I do not know if that is what they wanted to do, but it makes sense to me and is useful. What is the value of changing the heros name as it will be used and disappear? The unit naming can be useful for lots of things. I use it to track the number of GL's I get and you can see what unit types are generating them.
I also note that the little '*' helps to identify those units that produced a Great Leader even if you don't rename them.
I'm wondering, though. Can a unit produce a Great Leader a second time?
(Can lightning strike the same place twice?)
- SkeeveMy Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
Originally posted by Skeeve
I'm wondering, though. Can a unit produce a Great Leader a second time?
I posted this before, but Yes and No.
No the same unit can not if it is say a Knight. If you upgrade it to a Calvary and it becomes elite, it can make another leader. In the game where I had 55 GL's that only happened once. A tank made a GL and became a MA and made another. I think I named it Tank20 then Tank20_MA31.
Thanks for the response.
I guess if you are going to make an Army, you might as well use some renamed units since these have no chance of creating another GL. (Unless, as you say, they still have potential for upgrades).
Say, by the way, 55 Great Leaders!!?? How the ... what the where....???
You must have been a war monger extreme! (Not to mention possessing the Heroic Epic).
- SkeeveMy Reach always exceeds my Grasp...
Ceasar had only 6000 yrs of continued war. All civs at all times (nearly), it got very tedious after awhile, but I stuck it out to see how any GL's. Last 30 years were sort of quite as my nearest made peace and I let them. They broke the peace with a few years left. Legions mase many GL's early so I cranked up an army to get the Epic. I was burning leaders as soon as they showed, just to make it possible to get another. I would use them for ships/building anything.
I haven't played the game from the time that the second patch cam out until after this patch came out (about 6 Months or so). I installed the new patch and started a monarch game. I'm i 580 AD and I've noticed a few things:
1) I have no trade between continents. I just added a harbor in the city that is on one of the other continents (the main country already had harbors). They aren't connecting. On the same continent, Three other Civs have Harbors too and I'm not connecting to them either. Nether I nor the other Civs have the Lighthouse Wonder. There are 2 Sea Squares between both continants (in at least two spots). Pathfind work and lays out a course for my Galleys. I don't use any methods to get there and back. This is a MAJOR problem to me, as I need the Lux that is in my colony to help the home country.
2) The other thing that I noticed I that I couldn't get a city to disband by building a settler or Worker (depending on current pop) and getting it to disband. I usually will sometimes like to capture a city and if I deem it, use the current pop to generate Settlers/workers so I can move it. This way, my main cities don't have to generate and move the settler for the new city that I build.
I quit playing because of playablity and started beck after I've heard what has been changed from back then. I'm just about to give it up for good if this isn't fixed!
E_TCome and see me at WePlayCiv
Worship the Comic here!
Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game
Re: Bugs/Problems.....
Originally posted by E_T
1) I have no trade between continents. I just added a harbor in the city that is on one of the other continents (the main country already had harbors). They aren't connecting. On the same continent, Three other Civs have Harbors too and I'm not connecting to them either. Nether I nor the other Civs have the Lighthouse Wonder. There are 2 Sea Squares between both continants (in at least two spots). Pathfind work and lays out a course for my Galleys. I don't use any methods to get there and back. This is a MAJOR problem to me, as I need the Lux that is in my colony to help the home country.
Originally posted by E_T
2) The other thing that I noticed I that I couldn't get a city to disband by building a settler or Worker (depending on current pop) and getting it to disband. I usually will sometimes like to capture a city and if I deem it, use the current pop to generate Settlers/workers so I can move it. This way, my main cities don't have to generate and move the settler for the new city that I build.
Re: Re: Bugs/Problems.....
Originally posted by vondrack
The sea squares are your problem. Even though your galleys are able to cross them, eventually reaching the other continent, a trade route cannot be established (until you get the Great Lighthouse or Astronomy, which will both allow Galleys safely enter sea squares).
Water routes: In order to use a water route, YOUR civilization must be able to SAFELY trasverse EVERY SQUARE of the route and this depends upon having Mapmaking, Navigation and/or Magnatism.
I wonder why Astronomy isn't listed, anyways, there is a viable water route, there wouldn't be if you couldn't use the route planner (i.e. goto)!
I'm attaching the save game file. I'm using the standard, default BIC.
The city will not disband, if it is generating food surplus - in such a case, it will automatically postpone completing the worker/settler. Rearrange the worked tiles so that there is no food surplus or even deficit and you will get the prompt whether to disband the city or postpone the worker/settler production.Come and see me at WePlayCiv
Worship the Comic here!
Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game